Cipolwg - Nano News
Dyma ddiweddariadau ar ein gweithgareddau a'n cyfleoedd diweddaraf! Here are updates on our latest activities and opportunities!
16.8.23 - Coedwig yn Dod i Pontio: Forest Comes to Pontio - the zoom version!
Join our August Collaboratory on 16th August (11 - 1pm) for a zoom version of Coedwig yn Dod i Pontio: Forest Comes to Pontio exhibition and performance.
Forest Comes to Pontio marked the end of our 3 month ‘Ysgol Arbrofol Dod At Ein Coed Tree Sense Experimental School’ residency at Pontio. The exhibition and performance ‘took over Pontio’ by bringing together people, trees, mycelium, learning and ‘results’ of the 6 Cylchoedd of the Experimental School. Originally we planned a ‘hybrid’ event, to include a link via zoom, but this wasn’t possible.
So we promised a zoom version, and here it is!
Whether or not you were part of the Ysgol Arbrofol Experimental School, you are invited to join us to enjoy some of the highlights, to share your work and experiences, to review what we’ve learned and share anything that has been rustling or rooting since the Tree School!
Please bring anything you’d like to share, including wearing costumes, showing images, videos, sound etc.
Llyfr Artist gan Sarah Holyfield, Ysgol Arbrofol Dod At Ein Coed 2023
11.8.23 Dach chi’n mynd i’r ‘Steddfod?
Sgwrs Panel 'At Ein Coed' Y Lle Celf, Eisteddfod Genedlaethol
Ymuno â ni ar Dydd Gwener 11.8.23, 3-4yh am sgwrs celf gyda artistiaid comisiynwyd ar gyfer prosiect creadigol amgylcheddol 'At Ein Coed' Pontio. Gyda Joe Roberts, Lindsey Colbourne (Utopias Bach) a Anthony Ynohtna.
Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Llÿn ac Eifionydd, Boduan, 5 - 12 August 2023
Call out for Postcards!
Perhaps a few postcards will bring back the summer?
Earlier this month, at the invitation of Chris Bird-Jones, members of Utopias Bach met with Agor, a collaboration between German and Welsh artists. And continuing the connection to Germany, Sarah Pogoda shared this call out for postcards (click on the image for the link)
The Utopias Bach Collaboratory also operates a Postcard Exchange. If you’d like to be part of it please email us: