Ymuno â ni! Join us!
Mae Utopias Bach yn brosiect celf gan y rhai sy'n cymryd rhan, ac sy'n agored i bawb. Rydym yn eich gwahodd i ailfeddwl Utopia fel un sydd wedi'i wreiddio yn ei le, wrth dyfu cysylltiadau ledled y byd. Rydym yn eich gwahodd i ddychmygu a rhoi cynnig ar bethau bach a allai mewn rhyw ffordd helpu i greu lle gwell i bobl o bob math (dynol a mwy na dynol), yn enwedig y rhai sy'n cael eu heffeithio fwyaf gan gyflwr y byd.
Utopias Bach is an art project created by those taking part, and open to all. We invite you to rethink Utopia as rooted in place, while growing connections across the world. We invite you to imagine and try out little things that might in some way help create a better place for people of all kinds (human and more-than-human), especially those who are most badly affected by the state of the world.
Ways to get involved
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We’d love to send you our occasional newsletter of little ideas and opportunities and updates. See the form at the bottom of the page
Make your own Utopias Bach
“if you want to see the future,
play with it first”
Why not have a go at making, or noticing your own Utopias Bach?
Find out about opportunities to show your work - online / in the real world
Gwahoddiadau - Invitations
See the latest opportunities to take part
We have monthly gatherings of people who are interested in Utopias Bach - no commitment needed.
On zoom and face to face.
Community Utopias Bach Experiments
Have a look to see if you’d like to join any of our community-based experiments or create with your own community
Join us at one of our events. Croeso cynnes i bawb