Digwyddiadau - Events

Gofod Glas “pop up” Llanrwst
Gofod Glas yn Llanrwst
Mae Gofod Glas wedi bod yn archwilio perthynas bobol gyda dŵr croyw yn greadigol yn Nyffryn Conwy ers haf 2024.
Mis Mawrth, mae croeso i bawb gymeryd rhan:
- adeiladu cwragl Conwy
- holi cwestiwn i'r afon
- gwrando ar leisiau bobol wedi eu enwi ar ôl afonydd lleol
- dychmygu sut mae moleciwl dwr yn dysgu yn ystod ei fywyd
Oriau agor
Oherwydd amgylchiadau tu hwnt i’n rheolaeth, ni fyddwn yn agor Gofod Glas yn Llanrwst ar ddydd Gwener 7fed a dydd Sadwrn 8fed Mawrth fel yr hysbysebwyd.
Byddwn yn gwneud cyhoeddiad yn fuan am ddyddiau ac amseroedd agor yn y dyfodol. Ymddiheuriadau am unrhyw anghyfleustra.
Gofod Glas in Llanrwst
Gofod Glas has been creatively exploring human relationships with freshwater in the Conwy Valley since summer 2024.
During March, we welcome everyone to take part:
- build a Conwy coracle
- ask the river a question
- listen to the voices of people named after local rivers
- imagine how a water molecule learns on its life’s journey.
Opening Times and location
Due to circumstances beyond our control, we won’t be opening Gofod Glas in Llanrwst on Friday 7th and Saturday 8th March as advertised.
We’ll announce future opening days and times in due course. Apologies for any inconvenience.

“Experimental Theotre” Reflection Zoom
Reflection session for the group exploring theory and post-dramatic theatre
Heiner Müller:
"Theater, denen es nicht mehr gelingt, die Frage WAS SOLL DAS zu provozieren, werden mit Recht geschlossen.“
(Rather frrely translated into English:
"Theatres that no longer succeed in provoking the question WHAT THE FUCK WHY AND WHAT IS THIS are rightly closed."
This group is exploring how can theoretical texts act as epiphytes for dramatic texts, how can we graft theoretical textbites and stage, what does theatricality (theatre = θέατρον (théatron = place for viewing) help us to see in a dramatic vs a theoretical text?
If you’d like to join in this exploration, send Sarah Pogoda an email.
Zoom link will be the same as always: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85409719450?pwd=d1VaRktoY1QveTZWSDdaUDVKQWRkQT09
Meeting ID: 854 0971 9450
Passcode: 398362
Images from our first meeting (Pontio/zoom 1.2.25)

Utopias Bach @ Gofod Glas, Llanrwst
Utopias Bach @ Gofod Glas - 18.3.25
28 Denbigh Street, Llanrwst LL26 0AB
Bydd Lindsey yn cynnal cyfarfod bach o Utopias Bach yn Gofod Glas, Llanrwst ar ddydd Mawrth 18fed Mawrth 11 - 12.30 Rydym eisiau archwilio barn Utopias Bach ar ein perthynas â dŵr croyw ac ar brosiect Gofod Glas. Os hoffech ymuno â ni, anfonwch e-bost at Lindsey
Lindsey will be hosting a little Utopias Bach gathering at Gofod Glas, Llanrwst on Tuesday 18th March 11 - 12.30. We want to explore a Utopias Bach take on our relationship with freshwater and on the Gofod Glas project.
If you’d like to join us, please send Lindsey an email
Datganiad Mynediad | Access information
We are really sorry but this space is not going to be suitable for all.
There is parking directly outside the space BUT
Nid oes toiled ar y safle. Y cyfleusterau cyhoeddus agosaf yw Llyfrgell Llanrwst/ yr Eglwys
Nid oes gwres yn y gofod, felly gwisgwch ddillad cynnes
We do not have a toilet on site. The nearest public facilities are Llanrwst Library/the Church
The space does not have heating, so please wear warm clothes
Please email Lindsey for more information about access.

March Collaboratory Mis Mawrth: Questioning by Quilting? (zoom)
English below
Cwestiynu trwy Gwiltio?
Daeth y syniad o Cwilt Utopias Bach Quilt o’n Cydweithredfa ym mis Medi 2023, lle’r oeddem, mewn partneriaeth â Rewilding the Artist, yn trafod sut y gallem ymgorffori ein Utopias Bach yn esblygu ‘teimlad, profiad, gwahoddiad, system, polisïau, moesau, diwylliannau’ yn hytrach na chael set sych o bolisïau a disgrifiadau papur ‘sefydlog’.
Ers hynny rydym wedi bod yn gweithio ar y Cwilt mewn gwahanol ffyrdd (ee mewn sain a gweithiau 3-D yn ogystal â phwytho), gan archwilio sut gallwn ni greu polisi sy'n broses fyw, anadlu, atblygol?
Bydd y Collaboratory hon yn gyfle i ailymweld â’r cwilt, i fyfyrio ar ble’r ydym, ac i ofyn rhai cwestiynau ynglŷn â sut yr ydym yn symud ymlaen o’r fan hon.
Yn benodol, byddwn yn ystyried sut y gallai ‘sgoriau’ neu awgrymiadau ein helpu i symud y cwilt i fod yn bolisi effeithiol, gan ddefnyddio ‘sgôr cynhwysiant’ Lisa fel enghraifft.
Questioning by Quilting?
The idea of Cwilt Utopias Bach Quilt came from our Collaboratory in September 2023, where, in partnership with Rewilding the Artist, we were discussing how we might embody our Utopias Bach evolving ‘feel, experience, invitation, system, policies, etiquette, cultures’ rather than having a dry set of ‘fixed’ paper-based policies and descriptions.
Since then we have been working on the Quilt in various ways (eg in sound and 3-D works as well as with stitching), exploring how can we create a policy that is a living, breathing, reflexive process?
This Collaboratory will be a chance to revisit the quilt, to reflect on where we are, and to ask some questions about how we move on from here.
In particular will consider how ’scores’ or prompts could help us move the quilt into becoming effective policy, using Lisa’s ‘inclusion score’ as an example.
Warm welcome to all, whether or not you have been contributing to the quilt. This will be an interesting opportunity to explore different approaches to ‘policy’.
Zoom link will be the same as always: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85409719450?pwd=d1VaRktoY1QveTZWSDdaUDVKQWRkQT09
Meeting ID: 854 0971 9450
Passcode: 398362
If this is your first Collaboratory meeting, we invite you to join at 10.30am to find out more about how our meetings work and to ask any questions/tell us of any access (or other) needs.

Stitch a Sgwrs, Caban, Brynrefail
Gwahoddiad i sesiwn 'Stitch a Sgwrs' Utopias Bach.
Cyfle i ddod ynghyd i bwytho, neu wneud, neu dim ond bod, wrth rannu cwmni da a sgwrs dda, croeso i bob iaith.
Y sesiwn nesaf: 4.3.25: 1-4pm yn ystafell gymunedol Angharad, Caban, Brynrefail LL55 3NR
Mae gan Caban le parcio hygyrch a toiled. Efallai y bydd un cam bach i mewn i'r ystafell ei hun. Mae yna gaffi gyda choffi a chacennau neis, yn ogystal â thegell yn yr ystafell.
Dewch â'ch hun a rhywbeth i weithio arno.
You are invited to a Utopias Bach 'Stitch a Sgwrs' session.
A chance to get together to stitch, or make, or just be, while sharing good company and good conversation, all languages welcome.
Next session 1.4.25: 1-4pm in Angharad's community room at Caban, Brynrefail LL55 3NR
Caban has accessible parking and toilet. There one small step into the room itself, or access round the back step free. There is a cafe with nice coffee and cakes, as well as a kettle in the room.
Just bring yourselves and something to work on.
This month’s session is being coordinated by Wanda Zyborska (any questions please email Wanda)
If you would like to try a quilt score, see Lisa’s invitation in the image!

“Experimental Theotre” -Bangor / Zoom
Exploring theory and post-dramatic theatre
PL2 in Pontio Bangor (2nd floor) / Zoom
Heiner Müller:
"Theater, denen es nicht mehr gelingt, die Frage WAS SOLL DAS zu provozieren, werden mit Recht geschlossen.“
(Rather frrely translated into English:
"Theatres that no longer succeed in provoking the question WHAT THE FUCK WHY AND WHAT IS THIS are rightly closed."
This group is exploring how can theoretical texts act as epiphytes for dramatic texts, how can we graft theoretical textbites and stage, what does theatricality (theatre = θέατρον (théatron = place for viewing) help us to see in a dramatic vs a theoretical text?
If you’d like to join in this exploration, send Sarah Pogoda an email and let her know if you’d like to join ‘in the room’ in Bangor or on Zoom
Zoom link will be the same as always: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85409719450?pwd=d1VaRktoY1QveTZWSDdaUDVKQWRkQT09
Meeting ID: 854 0971 9450
Passcode: 398362
For Pontio: Link to Accessibility at Pontio:
If this is not sufficient, and you need guidance including pictures please let me know and I will prepare some by Thursday the latest.
Your needs: I am lucky a person that all my needs are met generally, either for in-person meetings or for Zoom-meetings. Not everyone is that lucky. I would be grateful if you would share your needs with me so that I can ensure you feel save joining us online or in-person on Saturday.
I have planned a short activity to start with on Saturday which might involve some in-person movement, and some sound/noise (incl. if technology glitches happen, feedback). If that risks upsetting you, please let me know and I will re-design the activity.
All the best

Stitch a Siarad, Caban, Brynrefail - Yr Olaf! Last One!
Gwahoddiad i sesiynau 'Pwyth a Sgwrs' Gaeaf Utopias Bach.
Cyfle i ddod ynghyd dros fisoedd y gaeaf i bwytho, neu wneud, neu dim ond bod, wrth rannu cwmni da a sgwrs dda, croeso i bob iaith.
Y sesiwn olaf: 4.3.25: 1-4pm yn ystafell gymunedol Angharad, Caban, Brynrefail LL55 3NR
Mae gan Caban le parcio hygyrch a toiled. Efallai y bydd un cam bach i mewn i'r ystafell ei hun. Mae yna gaffi gyda choffi a chacennau neis, yn ogystal â thegell yn yr ystafell.
Dewch â'ch hun a rhywbeth i weithio arno.
You are invited to Utopias Bach Winter 'Stitch a Sgwrs' sessions.
A chance to get together over the winter months to stitch, or make, or just be, while sharing good company and good conversation, all languages welcome.
Last session 4.3.25: 1-4pm in Angharad's community room at Caban, Brynrefail LL55 3NR
Caban has accessible parking and toilet. There may be one small step into the room itself. There is a cafe with nice coffee and cakes, as well as a kettle in the room.
Just bring yourselves and something to work on.

“Experimental Theotre” -Bangor / Zoom
Exploring theory and post-dramatic theatre
PL2 in Pontio Bangor (2nd floor) / Zoom
Heiner Müller:
"Theater, denen es nicht mehr gelingt, die Frage WAS SOLL DAS zu provozieren, werden mit Recht geschlossen.“
(Rather frrely translated into English:
"Theatres that no longer succeed in provoking the question WHAT THE FUCK WHY AND WHAT IS THIS are rightly closed."
This group is exploring how can theoretical texts act as epiphytes for dramatic texts, how can we graft theoretical textbites and stage, what does theatricality (theatre = θέατρον (théatron = place for viewing) help us to see in a dramatic vs a theoretical text?
If you’d like to join in this exploration, send Sarah Pogoda an email and let her know if you’d like to join ‘in the room’ in Bangor or on Zoom
Zoom link will be the same as always: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85409719450?pwd=d1VaRktoY1QveTZWSDdaUDVKQWRkQT09
Meeting ID: 854 0971 9450
Passcode: 398362
For Pontio: Link to Accessibility at Pontio:
If this is not sufficient, and you need guidance including pictures please let me know and I will prepare some by Thursday the latest.
Your needs: I am lucky a person that all my needs are met generally, either for in-person meetings or for Zoom-meetings. Not everyone is that lucky. I would be grateful if you would share your needs with me so that I can ensure you feel save joining us online or in-person on Saturday.
I have planned a short activity to start with on Saturday which might involve some in-person movement, and some sound/noise (incl. if technology glitches happen, feedback). If that risks upsetting you, please let me know and I will re-design the activity.
All the best

Grwp Barddoniaeth Utopias Bach Poetry Group (zoom)
An online reading group (at 4pm on the last friday of each month) that focuses on poems we feel relate to Utopias Bach's concerns in some way. We will take it in turn to circulate a poem (nothing too long!) and then meet online to discuss it.
This month, you are invited to share poems relating to old women and mythology - Not just the "grand" stuff - classical myths and Jungian archetypes, etc. - but also all the old women of folk stories and fairy tales.
Please send your poems for this month to Iain: iain19biggs@gmail.com
The group will meet over zoom. The zoom link is the same as always: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85409719450?pwd=d1VaRktoY1QveTZWSDdaUDVKQWRkQT09
Meeting ID: 854 0971 9450
Passcode: 398362

“Experimental Theotre” Zoom Reflection
Reflection session for the group exploring theory and post-dramatic theatre
Heiner Müller:
"Theater, denen es nicht mehr gelingt, die Frage WAS SOLL DAS zu provozieren, werden mit Recht geschlossen.“
(Rather frrely translated into English:
"Theatres that no longer succeed in provoking the question WHAT THE FUCK WHY AND WHAT IS THIS are rightly closed."
This group is exploring how can theoretical texts act as epiphytes for dramatic texts, how can we graft theoretical textbites and stage, what does theatricality (theatre = θέατρον (théatron = place for viewing) help us to see in a dramatic vs a theoretical text?
If you’d like to join in this exploration, send Sarah Pogoda an email.
Zoom link will be the same as always: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85409719450?pwd=d1VaRktoY1QveTZWSDdaUDVKQWRkQT09
Meeting ID: 854 0971 9450
Passcode: 398362
Images from our first meeting (Pontio/zoom 1.2.25)

February Collaboratory Mis Chwefror: Learning and starting again
Yn y Collaboratory hwn, rydym yn eich gwahodd i ymuno â ni am drafodaeth am wahanol ddulliau o ddysgu, a sut y gallem ddefnyddio’r rhain mewn rhaglenni cyd-ddysgu o fewn Utopias Bach yn y dyfodol (e.e. Ysgol Chwyn - Weeds School, Cwrs Bach Utopias Bach yn y dyfodol). Gallai hyn hefyd gynnwys siarad am ‘ddechrau eto’ fel syniad. Beth sy'n dechrau eto? Sut gall y syniad hwn gefnogi dulliau dysgu
In this Collaboratory, we invite you to join us for a discussion about different approaches to learning (eg ‘discovery learning’, child centred learning'), and how we might use these in future co-learning programmes within Utopias Bach (eg the Ysgol Chwyn - Weeds School, future Cwrs Utopias Bach Course). This might also include talking about ‘starting again’ as an idea. What is starting again? How can this idea support learning approaches
Zoom link will be the same as always: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85409719450?pwd=d1VaRktoY1QveTZWSDdaUDVKQWRkQT09
Meeting ID: 854 0971 9450
Passcode: 398362
If this is your first Collaboratory meeting, we invite you to join at 10.30am to find out more about how our meetings work and to ask any questions/tell us of any access (or other) needs.
Video recommended by Sarah Holyfield

Stitch a Siarad, Caban, Brynrefail
Gwahoddiad i sesiynau 'Pwyth a Sgwrs' Gaeaf Utopias Bach.
Cyfle i ddod ynghyd dros fisoedd y gaeaf i bwytho, neu wneud, neu dim ond bod, wrth rannu cwmni da a sgwrs dda, croeso i bob iaith.
Bob pythefnos nes ei bod hi'n gynhesach, bydd y sesiwn gyntaf ar ddydd Mawrth 10 Rhagfyr 2024. 1-4pm yn ystafell gymunedol Angharad, Caban, Brynrefail LL55 3NR
Mae gan Caban le parcio hygyrch a toiled. Efallai y bydd un cam bach i mewn i'r ystafell ei hun. Mae yna gaffi gyda choffi a chacennau neis, yn ogystal â thegell yn yr ystafell.
Dewch â'ch hun a rhywbeth i weithio arno.
You are invited to Utopias Bach Winter 'Stitch a Sgwrs' sessions.
A chance to get together over the winter months to stitch, or make, or just be, while sharing good company and good conversation, all languages welcome.
Every 2 weeks until the days get longer, the first session will be on Tuesday 10th December 2024. 1-4pm in Angharad's community room at Caban, Brynrefail LL55 3NR
Caban has accessible parking and toilet. There may be one small step into the room itself. There is a cafe with nice coffee and cakes, as well as a kettle in the room.
Just bring yourselves and something to work on.

“Experimental Theotre” - first meeting, Bangor / Zoom
First meeting of a new group exploring theory and post-dramatic theatre
PL2 in Pontio Bangor (2nd floor) / Zoom
How can theoretical texts act as epiphytes for dramatic texts, how can we graft theoretical textbites and stage, what does theatricality (theatre = θέατρον (théatron = place for viewing) help us to see in a dramatic vs a theoretical text?
If you’d like to join in this exploration, send Sarah Pogoda an email and let her know if you’d like to join ‘in the room’ in Bangor or on Zoom
Zoom link will be the same as always: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85409719450?pwd=d1VaRktoY1QveTZWSDdaUDVKQWRkQT09
Meeting ID: 854 0971 9450
Passcode: 398362
For Pontio: Link to Accessibility at Pontio:
If this is not sufficient, and you need guidance including pictures please let me know and I will prepare some by Thursday the latest.
Your needs: I am lucky a person that all my needs are met generally, either for in-person meetings or for Zoom-meetings. Not everyone is that lucky. I would be grateful if you would share your needs with me so that I can ensure you feel save joining us online or in-person on Saturday.
I have planned a short activity to start with on Saturday which might involve some in-person movement, and some sound/noise (incl. if technology glitches happen, feedback). If that risks upsetting you, please let me know and I will re-design the activity.
All the best

Grwp Barddoniaeth Utopias Bach Poetry Group (zoom)
An online reading group (at 4pm on the last friday of each month) that focuses on poems we feel relate to Utopias Bach's concerns in some way. We will take it in turn to circulate a poem (nothing too long!) and then meet online to discuss it.
This month, you are invited to share poems relating to old women and mythology - Not just the "grand" stuff - classical myths and Jungian archetypes, etc. - but also all the old women of folk stories and fairy tales.
Please send your poems for this month to Iain: iain19biggs@gmail.com
The group will meet over zoom. The zoom link is the same as always: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85409719450?pwd=d1VaRktoY1QveTZWSDdaUDVKQWRkQT09
Meeting ID: 854 0971 9450
Passcode: 398362

Mapio gyda barcud - Mapping with kites, Brynrefail (pobl ifanc/ young people)
Gweithdy creadigol am ddim i pobl ifanc gyda'r artist Catrin Menai.
Free creative workshop for young people with artist, Catrin Menai.

Mapio gyda barcud - Mapping with kites, Brynrefail (oedolion/ adults)
Gweithdy creadigol am ddim i oedolion gyda'r artist Catrin Menai.
Free creative workshop for adults with artist, Catrin Menai.
Book your free place on eventbrite

Stitch a Siarad, Caban, Brynrefail
Gwahoddiad i sesiynau 'Pwyth a Sgwrs' Gaeaf Utopias Bach.
Cyfle i ddod ynghyd dros fisoedd y gaeaf i bwytho, neu wneud, neu dim ond bod, wrth rannu cwmni da a sgwrs dda, croeso i bob iaith.
Bob pythefnos nes ei bod hi'n gynhesach, bydd y sesiwn gyntaf ar ddydd Mawrth 10 Rhagfyr 2024. 1-4pm yn ystafell gymunedol Angharad, Caban, Brynrefail LL55 3NR
Mae gan Caban le parcio hygyrch a toiled. Efallai y bydd un cam bach i mewn i'r ystafell ei hun. Mae yna gaffi gyda choffi a chacennau neis, yn ogystal â thegell yn yr ystafell.
Dewch â'ch hun a rhywbeth i weithio arno.
You are invited to Utopias Bach Winter 'Stitch a Sgwrs' sessions.
A chance to get together over the winter months to stitch, or make, or just be, while sharing good company and good conversation, all languages welcome.
Every 2 weeks until the days get longer, the first session will be on Tuesday 10th December 2024. 1-4pm in Angharad's community room at Caban, Brynrefail LL55 3NR
Caban has accessible parking and toilet. There may be one small step into the room itself. There is a cafe with nice coffee and cakes, as well as a kettle in the room.
Just bring yourselves and something to work on.

Syndikat Gefährliche Liebschaften
Gwahoddiad - invitation
With many thanks to Ffiwsar, Utopias Bach has been invited to meet with Syndikat Gefährliche Liebschaften at Caban, Brynrefail over lunch on 14th January 2025.
If you would like to take part please let us know
Here is more about the Syndikat:
Syndikat Gefährliche Liebschaften was founded in 2013 and is now based in Quakenbrück, a small town in Lower Saxony, Germany. From there, the artist group connects with rural communities throughout Germany through socially engaged performing arts.
The Syndikat is looking for stories of rural spaces that invite a change of perspective and show our interconnectedness. Sometimes theater is created, sometimes an exhibition or a radio play. Our expertise lies in artistic (field) research, site-specific intervention and in bringing together temporary communities.
SYNDIKAT refers to a long-term or temporary association of people who pursue a common goal. GEFÄHRLICH stands for risk-taking. Behind the word LIEBSCHAFTEN is the fact that we look for allies in every place we are invited to, with whom we enter into relationships, negotiate issues and realize projects.
https://gefaehrliche-liebschaften.de/ (sorry, only in German)

Stitch a Siarad, Caban, Brynrefail
Gwahoddiad i sesiynau 'Pwyth a Sgwrs' Gaeaf Utopias Bach.
Cyfle i ddod ynghyd dros fisoedd y gaeaf i bwytho, neu wneud, neu dim ond bod, wrth rannu cwmni da a sgwrs dda, croeso i bob iaith.
Bob pythefnos nes ei bod hi'n gynhesach, bydd y sesiwn gyntaf ar ddydd Mawrth 10 Rhagfyr 2024. 1-4pm yn ystafell gymunedol Angharad, Caban, Brynrefail LL55 3NR
Mae gan Caban le parcio hygyrch a toiled. Efallai y bydd un cam bach i mewn i'r ystafell ei hun. Mae yna gaffi gyda choffi a chacennau neis, yn ogystal â thegell yn yr ystafell.
Dewch â'ch hun a rhywbeth i weithio arno.
You are invited to Utopias Bach Winter 'Stitch a Sgwrs' sessions.
A chance to get together over the winter months to stitch, or make, or just be, while sharing good company and good conversation, all languages welcome.
Every 2 weeks until the days get longer, the first session will be on Tuesday 10th December 2024. 1-4pm in Angharad's community room at Caban, Brynrefail LL55 3NR
Caban has accessible parking and toilet. There may be one small step into the room itself. There is a cafe with nice coffee and cakes, as well as a kettle in the room.
Just bring yourselves and something to work on.

Grwp Barddoniaeth Utopias Bach Poetry Group (zoom)
An online reading group (at 4pm on the last friday of each month) that focuses on poems we feel relate to Utopias Bach's concerns in some way. We will take it in turn to circulate a poem (nothing too long!) and then meet online to discuss it.
This month, you are invited to share poems relating to old women and mythology - Not just the "grand" stuff - classical myths and Jungian archetypes, etc. - but also all the old women of folk stories and fairy tales.
Please send your poems for this month to Iain: iain19biggs@gmail.com
The group will meet over zoom. The zoom link is the same as always: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85409719450?pwd=d1VaRktoY1QveTZWSDdaUDVKQWRkQT09
Meeting ID: 854 0971 9450
Passcode: 398362

Stitch a Siarad, Caban, Brynrefail
Gwahoddiad i sesiynau 'Pwyth a Sgwrs' Gaeaf Utopias Bach.
Cyfle i ddod ynghyd dros fisoedd y gaeaf i bwytho, neu wneud, neu dim ond bod, wrth rannu cwmni da a sgwrs dda, croeso i bob iaith.
Bob pythefnos nes ei bod hi'n gynhesach, bydd y sesiwn gyntaf ar ddydd Mawrth 10 Rhagfyr 2024. 1-4pm yn ystafell gymunedol Angharad, Caban, Brynrefail LL55 3NR
Mae gan Caban le parcio hygyrch a toiled. Efallai y bydd un cam bach i mewn i'r ystafell ei hun. Mae yna gaffi gyda choffi a chacennau neis, yn ogystal â thegell yn yr ystafell.
Dewch â'ch hun a rhywbeth i weithio arno.
You are invited to Utopias Bach Winter 'Stitch a Sgwrs' sessions.
A chance to get together over the winter months to stitch, or make, or just be, while sharing good company and good conversation, all languages welcome.
Every 2 weeks until the days get longer, the first session will be on Tuesday 10th December 2024. 1-4pm in Angharad's community room at Caban, Brynrefail LL55 3NR
Caban has accessible parking and toilet. There may be one small step into the room itself. There is a cafe with nice coffee and cakes, as well as a kettle in the room.
Just bring yourselves and something to work on.

December Collaboratory Mis Rhagfyr: Archwilio ein perthynas â chwyn. Exploring our Relationship with Weeds (zoom)
Yn y Collaboratory hon, rydym yn eich gwahodd i ddod â chwyn gyda chi, i ddechrau archwilio'n greadigol gyda'n gilydd yr hyn y gallwn ei ddysgu oddi wrth a gyda chwyn?
Bydd y sesiwn hon yn adeiladu ar yr hyn a ddysgom yn Ysgol Arbrofol Dod yn Ein Coed yn 2023, a’n preswyliad yn Oriel Mostyn yn 2022. Ar ôl ychydig o archwilio chwyn creadigol, byddwn yn rhannu syniadau ynghylch a allwn adeiladu rhywbeth yn 2025, efallai ceisio cyllid i redeg rhyw fath o University of Weeds.
Byddai’n wych pe gallech chi a’ch chwyn ymuno â ni!
In this Collaboratory, we invite you to bring a weed along with you, to start to creatively explore together what can we learn from and with weeds?
This session will build on what we learned at Ysgol Arbrofol Dod at Ein Coed: Experimental TreeSense School in 2023, and our residency at Oriel Mostyn in 2022. After some creative weed explorations, we will share ideas on whether we might construct something in 2025, perhaps seeking funding to run some kind of University of Weeds.
It’d be great if you and your weed could join us!
“We need to begin to recognise how we could conspire with the plants – seeding plant-people conspiracies - connecting people and plants together to breathe together, justice for people, their plants, plants and their people” - Natasha Myers
Zoom link will be the same as always: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85409719450?pwd=d1VaRktoY1QveTZWSDdaUDVKQWRkQT09
Meeting ID: 854 0971 9450
Passcode: 398362
If this is your first Collaboratory meeting, we invite you to join at 10.30am to find out more about how our meetings work and to ask any questions/tell us of any access (or other) needs.

Stitch a Siarad, Caban, Brynrefail
Gwahoddiad i sesiynau 'Pwyth a Sgwrs' Gaeaf Utopias Bach.
Cyfle i ddod ynghyd dros fisoedd y gaeaf i bwytho, neu wneud, neu dim ond bod, wrth rannu cwmni da a sgwrs dda, croeso i bob iaith.
Bob pythefnos nes ei bod hi'n gynhesach, bydd y sesiwn gyntaf ar ddydd Mawrth 10 Rhagfyr 2024. 1-4pm yn ystafell gymunedol Angharad, Caban, Brynrefail LL55 3NR
Mae gan Caban le parcio hygyrch a toiled. Efallai y bydd un cam bach i mewn i'r ystafell ei hun. Mae yna gaffi gyda choffi a chacennau neis, yn ogystal â thegell yn yr ystafell.
Dewch â'ch hun a rhywbeth i weithio arno.
You are invited to Utopias Bach Winter 'Stitch a Sgwrs' sessions.
A chance to get together over the winter months to stitch, or make, or just be, while sharing good company and good conversation, all languages welcome.
Every 2 weeks until the days get longer, the first session will be on Tuesday 10th December 2024. 1-4pm in Angharad's community room at Caban, Brynrefail LL55 3NR
Caban has accessible parking and toilet. There may be one small step into the room itself. There is a cafe with nice coffee and cakes, as well as a kettle in the room.
Just bring yourselves and something to work on.

Grwp Barddoniaeth Utopias Bach Poetry Group (zoom)
An online reading group (at 4pm on the last friday of each month) that focuses on poems we feel relate to Utopias Bach's concerns in some way. We will take it in turn to circulate a poem (nothing too long!) and then meet online to discuss it.
This month, you are invited to share poems relating to old women and mythology - Not just the "grand" stuff - classical myths and Jungian archetypes, etc. - but also all the old women of folk stories and fairy tales.
Please send your poems for this month to Iain: iain19biggs@gmail.com
The group will meet over zoom. The zoom link is the same as always: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85409719450?pwd=d1VaRktoY1QveTZWSDdaUDVKQWRkQT09
Meeting ID: 854 0971 9450
Passcode: 398362

Jamaican in Wales, Abermaw/Barmouth
Iaith - Barddoniaeth - Perfformio
Languge - Poetry - Performance
Archebwch docynnau / Book Tickets:
(Discounted tickets - Adults £10; Student/children £6 - will be available on the day to those attending the 5pm event)

Siarter y Coed: Charter of the Trees, Pontio
Arddangosfa: Exhibition, Pontio, Bangor
Siarter y Coed | Charter of the Trees (2022) Utopias Bach, mewn cydweithrediad â GwyrddNi a LORE (Legal Origins Rights Education & Art)
Diddymwyd y Magna Carta, dogfen sy'n tanlinellu rhyddid a rhyddid personol, yn fuan iawn ar ôl ei chyhoeddi ym 1215. Ar ôl cael ei hailgyhoeddi ym 1217 roedd yn cynnwys ail ddogfen, Siarter y Goedwig, a barhaodd yn gyfraith hyd 1971. Siarter y Goedwig Gellir dadlau bod coedwig yn arwyddocaol i fwy o bobl na Magna Carta, a anelwyd at elitaidd y wlad. Roedd Siarter y Goedwig yn ffrwyno pŵer di-rwystr y frenhiniaeth dros goedwigoedd Lloegr ac yn ailddatgan hawliau'r bobl gyffredin. Nid oedd coedwigoedd yn cynnwys coed yn unig ond roeddent yn cynnwys ardaloedd mawr o diroedd comin megis rhostir, glaswelltir a gwlyptiroedd.
Cafodd Siarter y Coed ei greu dros bythefnos gan gydweithrediad o oddeutu 20 o bobl (dynol a mwy na dynol), yn ystod preswylfa tri mis Ysgol Arbrofol Dod at ein Coed Utopias Bach yn Pontio.
Trwy ddigwyddiadau hybrid yn yr ystaffell ac ar-zoom gwnaethom ail-ddigwyddiadau hawliau dynol, hawliau natur, deddfwriaeth/cyfraith achos, a llên gwerin a chyfraith arferol ('gwreiddiol' neu 'frodorol') i greu siarter y coed.
Roedd y sgrôl a ddeilliodd o hyn, heb ei ffurio wrth i'r canol y canol ein 'coedwig ddod i feddiant Pontio' Pontio ym mis Mai 2022. Mwy o wybodaeth/dogfennaeth gweler: www.utopiasbach.org/siarter-y-coed
Charter of the Trees (2022), Utopias Bach, in collaboration with GwyrddNi and LORE (Legal Origins Rights Education & Art)
The Magna Carta, a document that underscores personal liberties and freedoms, was repealed very soon after being issued in 1215. On being reissued in 1217 it included a second document, the Charter of the Forest, which remained law until 1971. The Charter of the Forest was arguably significant to more people than Magna Carta, which was aimed at the elite of the country. The Charter of the Forest curbed the unbridled power of the monarchy over England's forests and reasserted the rights of the common people. Forests did not consist only of trees but included large areas of commons such as heathland, grassland, and wetlands.
Charter of the Trees was created over two weeks by a collaboration of around 20 people (human and more than human), during Utopias Bach's three-month Ysgol Arbrofol Dod at Ein Coed / Tree Sense Experimental School residency at Pontio.
Through hybrid in-room and on-zoom events we re-imagined human rights, nature rights, legislation/case law, and folk-lore and customary ('original' or 'indigenous') law to create the Charter of the Trees.
The resulting scroll, was unfurled as the centre-piece our 'Forest comes to Pontio' takeover of Pontio in May 2022. More info/documentation see: www.utopiasbach.org/siarter-y-coed

Cabinet Curious Conversation Reflection Collaboratory Adlewyrchiad Sgwrs Chwilgar: ZOOM
Mynd allan o'r Cabinet: Getting out of the Cabinet
[English below]
Ein prosiect Sgwrs Chwilgar - Curious Conversation wedi para 8 mis, yn ymestyn o’r cabinet a’r amgueddfa ar draws y byd trwy ‘zoom’, i Lyn Alaw a Chanolfan Deiniol ym Mangor.
Mae Collaboratory ‘ma yn cyfle i adlewyrchu ar bopeth yr ydym wedi’i wneud, ei ddysgu a’i ddod. Croeso i bawb! Hyd yn oed os mai dyma'ch ymgysylltiad cyntaf â'r prosiect.
Our Sgwrs Chwilgar - Curious Conversation has lasted 8 months, extending from the cabinet and museum across the world via zoom, to Llyn Alaw and the Deiniol Centre in Bangor.
This Collaboratory is an opportunity a day to reflect on all that we have done and learned and become.
All welcome! Even if this is your first engagement with the project.
The Zoom link will be the same as usual:
Meeting ID: 854 0971 9450
Passcode: 398362

Grwp Barddoniaeth Utopias Bach Poetry Group (zoom)
An online reading group (at 4pm on the last friday of each month) that focuses on poems we feel relate to Utopias Bach's concerns in some way. We will take it in turn to circulate a poem (nothing too long!) and then meet online to discuss it.
This month, you are invited to share poems relating to old women and mythology - Not just the "grand" stuff - classical myths and Jungian archetypes, etc. - but also all the old women of folk stories and fairy tales.
Please send your poems for this month to Iain: iain19biggs@gmail.com
The group will meet over zoom. The zoom link is the same as always: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85409719450?pwd=d1VaRktoY1QveTZWSDdaUDVKQWRkQT09
Meeting ID: 854 0971 9450
Passcode: 398362

Adlewyrchiad Sgwrs Chwilgar Cabinet Curious Conversation Reflection
Mynd allan o'r Cabinet: Getting out of the Cabinet
Canolfan Deiniol Centre, Bangor (Yours)
11 yb/am - 2pm yh/pm
[English below]
Dyma ddiwrnod olaf prosiect sydd wedi para 8 mis, yn ymestyn o’r cabinet a’r amgueddfa ar draws y byd trwy ‘zoom’, i Lyn Alaw a Chanolfan Deiniol ym Mangor. Gallwch weld ein taith yma: Sgwrs Chwilgar - Curious Conversation
Mae hwn yn ddiwrnod i gasglu, dathlu a myfyrio’n greadigol ar bopeth yr ydym wedi’i wneud, ei ddysgu a’i ddod. Croeso i bawb! Hyd yn oed os mai dyma'ch ymgysylltiad cyntaf â'r prosiect. Yn ogystal â threulio amser yn ein Siop Chwilfrydedd Cabinet, mae cyfle i ymweld â'n Cabinet yn Storiel hefyd.
Galwch heibio neu arhoswch y sesiwn gyfan!
This is the last day of a project that has lasted 8 months, extending from the cabinet and museum across the world via zoom, to Llyn Alaw and the Deiniol Centre in Bangor. You can see our journey here: Sgwrs Chwilgar - Curious Conversation
This is a day to gather, celebrate and creatively reflect on all that we have done and learned and become.
All welcome! Even if this is your first engagement with the project. As well as spending time in our Cabinet Curiosity Shop, there is the opportunity to visit our Cabinet at Storiel, as well.
Drop in or stay the whole session!
Siop y Cabinet Chwilfrydig / Cabinet Curiosity Shop:
Mewn polaredd creadigol gyda/in creative polarity with Storiel, Bangor
Rhan o /Part of Sgwrs Chwilgar - Curious Conversation

Darlunio a chreu synau byd natur - Drawing and creating sounds of nature
Canolfan Deiniol Centre, Bangor (Yours)
Ymunwch â ni ar gyfer arbrofion artistig efo/
Join us for artistic experimentation with
Wanda Zyborska, Lindsey Colbourne
Siop y Cabinet Chwilfrydig / Cabinet Curiosity Shop:
Mewn polaredd creadigol gyda/in creative polarity with Storiel, Bangor
Rhan o /Part of Sgwrs Chwilgar - Curious Conversation

Map o Gymru: Drudwy Not \\ Starling Not // Mynediad Not \\ Access Not : Mappening Happening - Llyn Alaw
Efo Sarah Pogoda + Crone Cast
Llyn Alaw LL65 4TW
What3Words: generally.interests.steadily
This performance at Llyn Alaw, around the site of Paul Davies’ Map o Gymru, is accessible but there are no toilets.
If you would like to attend please email us and we will send you directions as it is HARD TO FIND!
Rhan o’r Sgwrs Chwilgar: [sut i fynd] i mewn ac allan o’r cabinet
Part of the Curious Conversation: [How to get] into and out of the cabinet

¿La Boîte-en-Valise?
¿La Boîte-en-Valise?
Dydd Sadwrn/Saturday
YOURS, Deiniol Centre, Bangor
Siân Barlow
Wanda Zyborska
Sarah Pogoda
Mae celf wedi ymwneud erioed â phrosesu, diogelu ac ailwampio profiadau. Ai storfa brofiadau yw celf?
Ond mae ymarfer celf sy'n canolbwyntio ar brosesau yn cynnwys llif yn hytrach na stasis. Sut mae archifo ymarfer celf sy'n canolbwyntio ar brosesau? Sut mae cynnal y llif?
Bu i Marcel Duchamp, artist Ffrengig-Americanaidd, greu amgueddfeydd cludadwy oedd yn cynnwys atgynyrchiadau o’i weithiau celf ei hun: “La Boîte-en-valise” (y blwch mewn cês). Dyma oedd ffordd Duchamp o fynd i'r afael â'r cwestiwn o sut i archifo ei waith celf. A yw hwn yn llif ymlaen i ni?
Ym 1999, aeth Christoph Schlingensief, artist Fluxus o’r Almaen, ar daith ar draws yr Almaen, gan gasglu 99 o eitemau mewn cês. Yna taflodd y cês i’r Afon Hudson. A yw hwn yn llif ymlaen i ni?
Ymunwch â ni am ymchwiliad perfformiadol i dactegau artistig i greu amgueddfa a dadwneud amgueddfa, i greu archif a dadwneud archif.
Mae croeso i chi ddod â chopïau bach o'ch gweithiau celf eich hun neu weithiau celf eraill i gael eu cynnwys yn yr ymchwiliad hwn.
Gall y perfformiad fod mewn dwy ran. Rhan un yn YOURS. Bydd rhan dau ar ffurf gorymdaith i faes parcio Glanrafon.
Art has always been about the processing, preservation and reworking of what has been experienced. Art works as repository for experiences?
However, process-oriented art practice consists in flux rather than stasis. How to archive process-oriented art practice? How to preserve this flux?
Franco-American artist Marcel Duchamp made portable museums containing reproductions of his own artworks: he called them his “La Boîte-en-valise” (The Box-in-a-suitcase). This was Duchamp’s way of addressing the question of how to archive his art. Is this a flux forward for us?
In 1999, German Fluxus artist Christoph Schlingensief went on a journey across Germany, collecting 99 items in a suitcase. He then jettisoned the suitcase into the Hudson River. Is this a flow forward for us?
Join us for a performative investigation into artistic tactics to become museum and undo museum, to become archive and undo archive.
You are welcome to bring miniature replicas of your own or other artworks to be part of this investigation.
The performance might be in two parts. Part one in YOURS. Part two will take form as a procession to Glanarfon Car Park.
Rhan o /Part of Sgwrs Chwilgar - Curious Conversation
Siop y Cabinet Chwilfrydig / Cabinet Curiosity Shop:
Mewn polaredd creadigol gyda/in creative polarity with Storiel, Bangor

Gweithdy Cysylltu: Connecting Workshop
Merched Cymru, gadewch i’ch lleisuau seiniol!
Women of Wales Sound your voice!
Bangor, Gwynedd
But please reserve your place by emailing Ellen Davies on the button below.

Darlunio Llif a Dolennu - Drawing/stitching Flow and Meander
Canolfan Deiniol Centre, Bangor (Yours)
Ymunwch â ni ar gyfer arbrofion artistig efo/
Join us for artistic experimentation with
Lisa Hudson, Kar Rowson
Siop y Cabinet Chwilfrydig / Cabinet Curiosity Shop:
Mewn polaredd creadigol gyda/in creative polarity with Storiel, Bangor
Rhan o /Part of Sgwrs Chwilgar - Curious Conversation

Taith Stori'r Tir Journey
Digwyddiad Rhannu Stori’r Tir Sharing Event
5.00 - 7yh/pm
Ty’n Llan: Vaynol Arms, Nant Peris
Cerddoriaeth fyw - Live Music
Storïau - stories
Sgwrs - conversation
Mae'r misoedd diwethaf o arbrofion creadigol Stori'r Tir Dyffryn Peris wedi bod yn daith arbennig trwy goedwig, afon, dros fynydd, i mewn i'r pridd, i'r gorffenol, presenol, dyfodol ac i'n chwedloniaeth a'n hanesion.
Mae croeso cynnes i bawb ddod i ddathlu gyda ni yn nhafarn Y Vaynol, Nant Peris, am noswaith o rannu, cerddoriaeth, straeon ac adlewyrchiadau o brosiect Stori’r Tir Dyffryn Peris. Efallai bydd cyfle i feddwl beth hoffwn ni ei wneud nesaf, os o gwbl?
Jest trowch i fyny! Croeso i bawb - i adrodd stori, canu cân, chwarae ychydig o gerddoriaeth, darllen cerdd, rhannu eich darganfyddiadau ar daith “Stori’r Tir Dyffryn Peris” .... neu dewch dim ond i wrando a mwynhau.
Digwyddiad am ddim, trwy fudiad GwyrddNi a nawdd Cronfa Gymunedol y Loteri Cenedlaethol.
The last few months of Stori'r Tir Dyffryn Peris creative experiments has been a wonderful journey through woodland, river, over mountains, into the soil, to the past, present, future and our myths and lore.
You are warmly invited to come and celebrate with us at the Vaynol Arms, Nant Peris for an evening of sharing music, story and reflections from the journey of “Stori’r Tir Dyffryn Peris” and chat with Stori’r Tir. There may be an opportunity for us to consider what we'd like to do next, if anything?
Just turn up! All welcome to tell a story, sing a song, play a tune, read a poem – or just to listen and enjoy.
Free event, funded by the GwyrddNi movement and National Lottery Community Fund.

Perfformiad Mudiad Tywyrch: Turf Movement Performance
Tyddyn Teg, Bethel
Rhan o Wyl Cynheaf Stori’r Tir Dyffryn Peris Harvest Festival
Emily Meilleur, Irene Gonzalez, Lisa Hudson
Mae symudiad y tyweirch yn ceisio rhyng-gysylltu tyweirch o wahanol leoliadau trwy ddod â phobl ynghyd trwy dechnegau gan ddefnyddio symudiad dilys a dull systemig. Mae gan bob tir rinweddau, priodewddau a chyfansoddion penodol sy'n eu diffinio o safbwynt ecolegol. Maent yn cyfathrebu'n fewnol ac yn allanol rhyngddynt a bodau eraill mewn ffordd symbiotig.
The turf movement seeks to interconnect turves from different locations by bringing together with people through techniques using authentic movement and a systemic approach. Each land has specific qualities, properties and constituents which defines them from an ecological perspective. They communicate internally and externally between them and other beings in a symbiotic way.