Digwyddiadau - Events
Cabinet Curious Conversation Reflection Collaboratory Adlewyrchiad Sgwrs Chwilgar: ZOOM
Mynd allan o'r Cabinet: Getting out of the Cabinet
[English below]
Ein prosiect Sgwrs Chwilgar - Curious Conversation wedi para 8 mis, yn ymestyn o’r cabinet a’r amgueddfa ar draws y byd trwy ‘zoom’, i Lyn Alaw a Chanolfan Deiniol ym Mangor.
Mae Collaboratory ‘ma yn cyfle i adlewyrchu ar bopeth yr ydym wedi’i wneud, ei ddysgu a’i ddod. Croeso i bawb! Hyd yn oed os mai dyma'ch ymgysylltiad cyntaf â'r prosiect.
Our Sgwrs Chwilgar - Curious Conversation has lasted 8 months, extending from the cabinet and museum across the world via zoom, to Llyn Alaw and the Deiniol Centre in Bangor.
This Collaboratory is an opportunity a day to reflect on all that we have done and learned and become.
All welcome! Even if this is your first engagement with the project.
The Zoom link will be the same as usual:
Meeting ID: 854 0971 9450
Passcode: 398362
Grwp Barddoniaeth Utopias Bach Poetry Group (zoom)
An online reading group (at 4pm on the last friday of each month) that focuses on poems we feel relate to Utopias Bach's concerns in some way. We will take it in turn to circulate a poem (nothing too long!) and then meet online to discuss it.
This month, you are invited to share poems relating to old women and mythology - Not just the "grand" stuff - classical myths and Jungian archetypes, etc. - but also all the old women of folk stories and fairy tales.
Please send your poems for this month to Iain: iain19biggs@gmail.com
The group will meet over zoom. The zoom link is the same as always: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85409719450?pwd=d1VaRktoY1QveTZWSDdaUDVKQWRkQT09
Meeting ID: 854 0971 9450
Passcode: 398362
Grwp Barddoniaeth Utopias Bach Poetry Group (zoom)
An online reading group (at 4pm on the last friday of each month) that focuses on poems we feel relate to Utopias Bach's concerns in some way. We will take it in turn to circulate a poem (nothing too long!) and then meet online to discuss it.
This month, you are invited to share poems relating to old women and mythology - Not just the "grand" stuff - classical myths and Jungian archetypes, etc. - but also all the old women of folk stories and fairy tales.
Please send your poems for this month to Iain: iain19biggs@gmail.com
The group will meet over zoom. The zoom link is the same as always: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85409719450?pwd=d1VaRktoY1QveTZWSDdaUDVKQWRkQT09
Meeting ID: 854 0971 9450
Passcode: 398362
Adlewyrchiad Sgwrs Chwilgar Cabinet Curious Conversation Reflection
Mynd allan o'r Cabinet: Getting out of the Cabinet
Canolfan Deiniol Centre, Bangor (Yours)
11 yb/am - 2pm yh/pm
[English below]
Dyma ddiwrnod olaf prosiect sydd wedi para 8 mis, yn ymestyn o’r cabinet a’r amgueddfa ar draws y byd trwy ‘zoom’, i Lyn Alaw a Chanolfan Deiniol ym Mangor. Gallwch weld ein taith yma: Sgwrs Chwilgar - Curious Conversation
Mae hwn yn ddiwrnod i gasglu, dathlu a myfyrio’n greadigol ar bopeth yr ydym wedi’i wneud, ei ddysgu a’i ddod. Croeso i bawb! Hyd yn oed os mai dyma'ch ymgysylltiad cyntaf â'r prosiect. Yn ogystal â threulio amser yn ein Siop Chwilfrydedd Cabinet, mae cyfle i ymweld â'n Cabinet yn Storiel hefyd.
Galwch heibio neu arhoswch y sesiwn gyfan!
This is the last day of a project that has lasted 8 months, extending from the cabinet and museum across the world via zoom, to Llyn Alaw and the Deiniol Centre in Bangor. You can see our journey here: Sgwrs Chwilgar - Curious Conversation
This is a day to gather, celebrate and creatively reflect on all that we have done and learned and become.
All welcome! Even if this is your first engagement with the project. As well as spending time in our Cabinet Curiosity Shop, there is the opportunity to visit our Cabinet at Storiel, as well.
Drop in or stay the whole session!
Siop y Cabinet Chwilfrydig / Cabinet Curiosity Shop:
Mewn polaredd creadigol gyda/in creative polarity with Storiel, Bangor
Rhan o /Part of Sgwrs Chwilgar - Curious Conversation
Darlunio a chreu synau byd natur - Drawing and creating sounds of nature
Canolfan Deiniol Centre, Bangor (Yours)
Ymunwch â ni ar gyfer arbrofion artistig efo/
Join us for artistic experimentation with
Wanda Zyborska, Lindsey Colbourne
Siop y Cabinet Chwilfrydig / Cabinet Curiosity Shop:
Mewn polaredd creadigol gyda/in creative polarity with Storiel, Bangor
Rhan o /Part of Sgwrs Chwilgar - Curious Conversation
Map o Gymru: Drudwy Not \\ Starling Not // Mynediad Not \\ Access Not : Mappening Happening - Llyn Alaw
Efo Sarah Pogoda + Crone Cast
Llyn Alaw LL65 4TW
What3Words: generally.interests.steadily
This performance at Llyn Alaw, around the site of Paul Davies’ Map o Gymru, is accessible but there are no toilets.
If you would like to attend please email us and we will send you directions as it is HARD TO FIND!
Rhan o’r Sgwrs Chwilgar: [sut i fynd] i mewn ac allan o’r cabinet
Part of the Curious Conversation: [How to get] into and out of the cabinet
¿La Boîte-en-Valise?
¿La Boîte-en-Valise?
Dydd Sadwrn/Saturday
YOURS, Deiniol Centre, Bangor
Siân Barlow
Wanda Zyborska
Sarah Pogoda
Mae celf wedi ymwneud erioed â phrosesu, diogelu ac ailwampio profiadau. Ai storfa brofiadau yw celf?
Ond mae ymarfer celf sy'n canolbwyntio ar brosesau yn cynnwys llif yn hytrach na stasis. Sut mae archifo ymarfer celf sy'n canolbwyntio ar brosesau? Sut mae cynnal y llif?
Bu i Marcel Duchamp, artist Ffrengig-Americanaidd, greu amgueddfeydd cludadwy oedd yn cynnwys atgynyrchiadau o’i weithiau celf ei hun: “La Boîte-en-valise” (y blwch mewn cês). Dyma oedd ffordd Duchamp o fynd i'r afael â'r cwestiwn o sut i archifo ei waith celf. A yw hwn yn llif ymlaen i ni?
Ym 1999, aeth Christoph Schlingensief, artist Fluxus o’r Almaen, ar daith ar draws yr Almaen, gan gasglu 99 o eitemau mewn cês. Yna taflodd y cês i’r Afon Hudson. A yw hwn yn llif ymlaen i ni?
Ymunwch â ni am ymchwiliad perfformiadol i dactegau artistig i greu amgueddfa a dadwneud amgueddfa, i greu archif a dadwneud archif.
Mae croeso i chi ddod â chopïau bach o'ch gweithiau celf eich hun neu weithiau celf eraill i gael eu cynnwys yn yr ymchwiliad hwn.
Gall y perfformiad fod mewn dwy ran. Rhan un yn YOURS. Bydd rhan dau ar ffurf gorymdaith i faes parcio Glanrafon.
Art has always been about the processing, preservation and reworking of what has been experienced. Art works as repository for experiences?
However, process-oriented art practice consists in flux rather than stasis. How to archive process-oriented art practice? How to preserve this flux?
Franco-American artist Marcel Duchamp made portable museums containing reproductions of his own artworks: he called them his “La Boîte-en-valise” (The Box-in-a-suitcase). This was Duchamp’s way of addressing the question of how to archive his art. Is this a flux forward for us?
In 1999, German Fluxus artist Christoph Schlingensief went on a journey across Germany, collecting 99 items in a suitcase. He then jettisoned the suitcase into the Hudson River. Is this a flow forward for us?
Join us for a performative investigation into artistic tactics to become museum and undo museum, to become archive and undo archive.
You are welcome to bring miniature replicas of your own or other artworks to be part of this investigation.
The performance might be in two parts. Part one in YOURS. Part two will take form as a procession to Glanarfon Car Park.
Rhan o /Part of Sgwrs Chwilgar - Curious Conversation
Siop y Cabinet Chwilfrydig / Cabinet Curiosity Shop:
Mewn polaredd creadigol gyda/in creative polarity with Storiel, Bangor
Gweithdy Cysylltu: Connecting Workshop
Merched Cymru, gadewch i’ch lleisuau seiniol!
Women of Wales Sound your voice!
Bangor, Gwynedd
But please reserve your place by emailing Ellen Davies on the button below.
Darlunio Llif a Dolennu - Drawing/stitching Flow and Meander
Canolfan Deiniol Centre, Bangor (Yours)
Ymunwch â ni ar gyfer arbrofion artistig efo/
Join us for artistic experimentation with
Lisa Hudson, Kar Rowson
Siop y Cabinet Chwilfrydig / Cabinet Curiosity Shop:
Mewn polaredd creadigol gyda/in creative polarity with Storiel, Bangor
Rhan o /Part of Sgwrs Chwilgar - Curious Conversation
Taith Stori'r Tir Journey
Digwyddiad Rhannu Stori’r Tir Sharing Event
5.00 - 7yh/pm
Ty’n Llan: Vaynol Arms, Nant Peris
Cerddoriaeth fyw - Live Music
Storïau - stories
Sgwrs - conversation
Mae'r misoedd diwethaf o arbrofion creadigol Stori'r Tir Dyffryn Peris wedi bod yn daith arbennig trwy goedwig, afon, dros fynydd, i mewn i'r pridd, i'r gorffenol, presenol, dyfodol ac i'n chwedloniaeth a'n hanesion.
Mae croeso cynnes i bawb ddod i ddathlu gyda ni yn nhafarn Y Vaynol, Nant Peris, am noswaith o rannu, cerddoriaeth, straeon ac adlewyrchiadau o brosiect Stori’r Tir Dyffryn Peris. Efallai bydd cyfle i feddwl beth hoffwn ni ei wneud nesaf, os o gwbl?
Jest trowch i fyny! Croeso i bawb - i adrodd stori, canu cân, chwarae ychydig o gerddoriaeth, darllen cerdd, rhannu eich darganfyddiadau ar daith “Stori’r Tir Dyffryn Peris” .... neu dewch dim ond i wrando a mwynhau.
Digwyddiad am ddim, trwy fudiad GwyrddNi a nawdd Cronfa Gymunedol y Loteri Cenedlaethol.
The last few months of Stori'r Tir Dyffryn Peris creative experiments has been a wonderful journey through woodland, river, over mountains, into the soil, to the past, present, future and our myths and lore.
You are warmly invited to come and celebrate with us at the Vaynol Arms, Nant Peris for an evening of sharing music, story and reflections from the journey of “Stori’r Tir Dyffryn Peris” and chat with Stori’r Tir. There may be an opportunity for us to consider what we'd like to do next, if anything?
Just turn up! All welcome to tell a story, sing a song, play a tune, read a poem – or just to listen and enjoy.
Free event, funded by the GwyrddNi movement and National Lottery Community Fund.
Perfformiad Mudiad Tywyrch: Turf Movement Performance
Tyddyn Teg, Bethel
Rhan o Wyl Cynheaf Stori’r Tir Dyffryn Peris Harvest Festival
Emily Meilleur, Irene Gonzalez, Lisa Hudson
Mae symudiad y tyweirch yn ceisio rhyng-gysylltu tyweirch o wahanol leoliadau trwy ddod â phobl ynghyd trwy dechnegau gan ddefnyddio symudiad dilys a dull systemig. Mae gan bob tir rinweddau, priodewddau a chyfansoddion penodol sy'n eu diffinio o safbwynt ecolegol. Maent yn cyfathrebu'n fewnol ac yn allanol rhyngddynt a bodau eraill mewn ffordd symbiotig.
The turf movement seeks to interconnect turves from different locations by bringing together with people through techniques using authentic movement and a systemic approach. Each land has specific qualities, properties and constituents which defines them from an ecological perspective. They communicate internally and externally between them and other beings in a symbiotic way.
Darlunio Cyrff Coeth: Drawing Exquisite Corpses
Canolfan Deiniol Centre, Bangor (Yours)
Ymunwch â ni ar gyfer arbrofion artistig efo/
Join us for artistic experimentation with
Lisa Hudson, Kar Rowson
Siop y Cabinet Chwilfrydig / Cabinet Curiosity Shop:
Mewn polaredd creadigol gyda/in creative polarity with Storiel, Bangor
Rhan o /Part of Sgwrs Chwilgar - Curious Conversation
Taith Tywyrch : Turf Walk
Efo Emily Meilleur
11.30yb/am Dydd Sadwrn 5.10.24 Saturday, Tyddyn Teg, Bethel
Taith cerdded dan arweiniad Emily Meilleur gan gario tywyrchen. Gwahoddir i chi gloddio darn o dyweirch, a cherdded gyda fo trwy diroedd Tyddyn Teg at y coed derw lle bydd myfyrdod pridd.
Bydd y tyweirch yn cael eu cario ar y pen yn ddelfrydol, ond gellir eu dal yn y dwylo, bag, basged neu boced.
Trwy osod y tyweirch ar ein pennau rydym yn ennill profiad gwahanol o bridd, gallwch chi deimlo ei bwysau, pa mor llonydd y mae'n rhaid i chi gadw'ch pen i gadw safle'r tywyrch arno, gallwch chi deimlo yr oerni y pridd llaith ac yn lle ein traed yn gwasgu yn erbyn y pridd, y mae yn pwyso ar goron ein penau.
A walk led by Emily Meilleur carrying turves. You will be invited to dig up a piece of turf, and walk with it through the lands of Tyddyn Teg to the oak trees where there will be a soil meditation
The turves will be carried ideally on the head, but can be held in the hands, bag, basket or pocket.
By placing the turf on our heads we are gaining a different experince of soil, you can feel the weight of it, how still you must keep your head to retain the turfs postion on it, you can feel the coolness of the damp soil and instead of our feet pressing against the soil, it is pressing on the crown of our heads.
Rhan o Ddiwrnod Agored Tyddyn Teg 10.30yb - 6yh
Part of Tyddyn Teg’s Open Day 10.30am - 6pm
Gig! Gwyl Cynheaf Stori’r Tir Dyffryn Peris Harvest Festival
Eve Goodman - Tacla
Annwyl gyfeillion Dyffryn Peris,
Dewch i wrando ar leisiau hudolus ac unigryw ein cymdogion o'r Felinheli a Brynrefail! Rhan o Wyl Gynhaeaf fechan gyda mwy o fanylion i ddilyn.
Digwyddiad gwrando gyda mynediad olaf am 7:30yh.
Digwyddiad am ddim ac angen tocyn. Manylion artistiaid ar y dudalen digwyddiad.
Plis peidiwch archebu os nad ydych yn sicr o ddod.
Dear friends of Dyffryn Peris,
Come and enjoy the mesmerising and unique voices of our neighbours from Felinheli and Brynrefail! Part of a mini Harvest Festival, more details to follow.
Listening event with last entry at 7:30pm.
Free, ticketed event. Artist details on event page.
Please don't order if you're not certain of attending.
Darganfod ein hadenydd - Finding We Have Wings!
Canolfan Deiniol Centre, Bangor (Yours)
Ymunwch â ni ar gyfer arbrofion artistig efo/
Join us for artistic experimentation with
Steph Shipley, Kar Rowson, Wanda Zyborska
Siop y Cabinet Chwilfrydig / Cabinet Curiosity Shop:
Mewn polaredd creadigol gyda/in creative polarity with Storiel, Bangor
Rhan o /Part of Sgwrs Chwilgar - Curious Conversation
Collaboratory: Reimagining evaluation. Zoom.
At this Collaboratory, Gaia and Zen Redgrave invite you to join them in exploring:
Reimagining Evaluation
What if evaluation was a creative process that galvanised excitement and went beyond funders needs, statistics and allowed for true creative learning?
We are thinking about evaluation in a different way, what it could be and how it can add more value to you.
We would like to understand what you need from an evaluator. Often, although good, evaluation of projects can be wordy, report based and a funding necessity, but we believe it can be much more than that. We would like to offer something more creative that suits you as artists delivering projects that don’t fit into or desire to fit into the standard tick boxes, alongside providing for the needs of your funders.
Using the prompt…
‘If we reimagined evaluation as a creative process, what would you want from it and what could it look like?’
We would like to discuss, imagine and collect thoughts & desires to build into a new evaluation framework suited to your needs.
We could bring in on our experiences in Utopias Bach, and the work of Francis Williams and Lisa Hudson in particular (see our evaluation frameworks on the Collaboratory page)
The Zoom link will be the same as usual:
Meeting ID: 854 0971 9450
Passcode: 398362
Gweithdy Paentio Golau/Light Painting Workshop
Efo/With Zen Redgrave
Capel Jerusalem Stryd Fawr Bethesda LL57 3AY
Yn y gweithdy 2 awr cyfeillgar a hamddenol hwn, cewch eich cyflwyno i dechnegau peintio gyda golau gan ddefnyddio datguddiadau hir ar gamera neu ffôn clyfar. Byddwch yn gweithio gyda chriw bach yn Festri Fach, Capel Jerwsalem.
Mae Zen Redgrave yn artist sydd wedi ei leoli yn Sir Benfro.
In this friendly and relaxed 2 hour workshop you will be introduced to photographic techniques of painting with light using long exposures on a camera or smartphone. You will work with a small group in Festri Fach, Capel Jerusalem.
Zen Redgrave is an artist based in Pembrokeshire.
Siarad gyda’r byd Mwy na Dynol - Speaking with the More than Human
Canolfan Deiniol Centre, Bangor (Yours)
Ymunwch â ni ar gyfer arbrofion artistig efo/
Join us for artistic experimentation with
Wanda Zyborska, Anna Powell.
In the Cabinet Curiosity Shop in Deiniol Centre this Saturday at 1-2pm, Anna Powell, Poet and exponent of TreeSense and BeComing Tree will share her extraordinary methods for communicating with trees.
Using some sensory techniques in tree-language poetry as a springboard to begin, we will use intensive focus on plant, stone, feathers and other objects to explore practical ways of connecting with more-than-human elements in nature. We will share our creative responses to help us think further about how human interaction with the natural world might develop.
Siop y Cabinet Chwilfrydig / Cabinet Curiosity Shop:
Mewn polaredd creadigol gyda/in creative polarity with Storiel, Bangor
Rhan o /Part of Sgwrs Chwilgar - Curious Conversation
Grwp Barddoniaeth Utopias Bach Poetry Group (zoom)
An online reading group (at 4pm on the last friday of each month) that focuses on poems we feel relate to Utopias Bach's concerns in some way. We will take it in turn to circulate a poem (nothing too long!) and then meet online to discuss it.
This month, you are invited to share poems relating to old women and mythology - Not just the "grand" stuff - classical myths and Jungian archetypes, etc. - but also all the old women of folk stories and fairy tales.
Please send your poems for this month to Iain: iain19biggs@gmail.com
The group will meet over zoom. The zoom link is the same as always: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85409719450?pwd=d1VaRktoY1QveTZWSDdaUDVKQWRkQT09
Meeting ID: 854 0971 9450
Passcode: 398362
Iacháu y clwyf - Healing the wound
Perfformiad Cabinet Performance gan Irene Gonzalez, efo Lucy Finchett-Maddock a Steph Shipley
Storiel Bangor, 15.00 - 15.30
“Falls are common, hiding behind the wound.
Twisted emotions and unsaid truths
All could be collected in an instant of VISIBILITY....
... Showing the wound. A soft touch, a kind breeze...
Coming together with purpose: bone, flesh and dust.
Healing together our wounds. "
Rhan o’r Sgwrs Chwilgar: [sut i fynd] i mewn ac allan o’r cabinet
Part of the Curious Conversation: [How to get] into and out of the cabinet
Croeso cynnes i bawb! Warm welcome to all!
Darlunio Llif a Sblash - Drawing Flow and Splash, Bangor
Canolfan Deiniol Centre, Bangor (Yours)
Ymunwch â ni ar gyfer arbrofion artistig efo/
Join us for artistic experimentation with
Steph Shipley, Kar Rowson, Lisa Hudson!
Siop y Cabinet Chwilfrydig / Cabinet Curiosity Shop: Mewn polaredd creadigol gyda/in creative polarity with Storiel, Bangor
Rhan o /Part of Sgwrs Chwilgar - Curious Conversation
Siop Cabinet Chwilfrydig - Cabinet Curiosity Shop, Bangor
Canolfan Deiniol Centre, Bangor (Siop “Yours” Shop)
Rhaglen ar gyfer Siop Cabinet Chwilfrydig
Mewn polaredd creadigol gyda Arddangosfa Storiel Bangor
Ymunwch â ni ar gyfer arbrofion artistig rhwng 1-2pm ar y diwrnodau canlynol
21 Agoriad. Darlleniad barddoniaeth gydag Anna Powell am 1305.
25 Kar Rowson, Lisa Hudson, Steph Shipley: Darlunio Llif a Sblash.
28 Wanda Zyborska, Anna Powell: Siarad gyda’r byd Mwy na Dynol.
2 Steph Shipley, Kar Rowson, Wanda Zyborska: Darganfod ein hadenydd.
5 Kar Rowson, Lisa Hudson: Darlunio Cyrff Coeth.
9 Kar Rowson, Lisa Hudson: Darlunio Llif a Dolennu
12 Sian Barlow, Wanda, Sarah: Pogoda yn Perfformio Boise en Valise
16 Wanda Zyborska, Lindsey Colbourne: Darlunio a chreu synau byd natur
19 Lisa Hudson, Lindsey Colbourne: Adlewyrchiad 11yb - 2yh
Rhan o’r Sgwrs Chwilgar: [sut i fynd] i mewn ac allan o’r cabinet
Programme for Cabinet Curiosity Shop
In creative polarity with Storiel Bangor
Join us for artistic experimentation each day below from 1-2pm
21 Opening Day. Anna Powell poetry reading at 1305
25 Kar Rowson, Lisa Hudson, Steph Shipley: Drawing Flow and Splash.
28 Wanda Zyborska, Anna Powell: Speaking with the More than Human
2 Steph Shipley, Kar Rowson, Wanda Zyborska: Finding We Have Wings
5 Kar Rowson, Lisa Hudson: Drawing Exquisite Corpses
9 Kar Rowson Lisa Hudson: Drawing Flow and Meander
12 Sian Barlow, Wanda, Sarah: Pogoda Performing Boise en Valise
16 Wanda Zyborska, Lindsey Colbourne: Drawing and making sounds of nature
19 Lisa Hudson, Lindsey Colbourne: Reflection. 11am - 2pm
Part of the Curious Conversation: [How to get] into and out of the cabinet
Dehongli'r Dyffryn: Llwybrau'r Merched. Llanberis
Efo Elin Tomos
Mae dylanwad y diwydiant llechi yn drwm ar ddyffryn Peris ond wrth bori trwy lyfrau hanes a lluniau o’r cyfnod buan iawn y gwelwch mai nodi cyfraniad y dynion i’r diwydiant a wneir gan amlaf.
Rwy’n grediniol mai dim ond trwy chwilio a gwrando ar leisiau gwragedd, gweddwon, merched a chwiorydd y chwarelwyr y mae modd gwneud cyfiawnder â hanes y bröydd llechi.
Mi fydd ‘Dehongli’r Dyffryn: Llwybrau’r Merched’ yn daith gerdded ryngweithiol fydd yn edrych ar y profiad benywaidd o fyw yn Nyffryn Peris yn ystod oes aur y diwydiant llechi. Y bwriad ydy canolbwyntio ar hanes pum person, a hynny mewn pum lleoliad a fu’n arwyddocaol yn ystod eu bywydau. Unigolion digon cyffredin oedden nhw i gyd yn y bôn - ond mae cofnod hanesyddol ohonynt wedi goroesi am eu bod wedi ymddwyn yn ‘anghyffredin’ neu’n groes i ddisgwyliadau eu hoes ar ryw bwynt yn eu bywydau. Dw i eisiau annog y rheiny sy’n ymuno â’r daith i roi eu hunain yn esgidiau’r rhai sy’n cael eu trafod- ac i ddilyn yn ôl eu traed yn llythrennol.
This event is through the medium of Welsh
Gweithdy Adrodd Stori’r Tir : Telling the Story of the Land Workshop
Efo Claire Mace (Stori’r Tir)
2yh/pm-5yh/pm, Neuadd Goffa Bethel, 2 Rhos, Bethel, LL55 1YE
[scroll down for English]
Mae adrodd straeon yn gelfyddyd hynafol a hudolus, ac yn ddirgelwch i ni’r bodau dynol modern sydd mor gaeth i sgrin ein ffonau symudol.
Ond mae modd dysgu’r sgiliau i strwythuro stori fel ei bod yn bleserus i’w rhannu a gwrando arni.
Yn y gweithdy hwn, byddwch chi’n dysgu sgiliau syml a fydd yn eich helpu i deimlo’n fwy hyderus wrth rannu eich stori, trwy gyfres o gemau ac ymarferion syml.
Does dim angen i chi fod yn llenor, yn ddarllenwr neu’n berfformiwr. Dyma bethau syml y gall unrhyw un eu dysgu!!
Dewch ag unrhyw stori yr hoffech chi ei hadrodd gyda chi, neu ddeunydd ymchwil neu brofiad yr hoffech chi eu troi’n stori.
Mae croeso i bawb, p’un a ydych chi wedi bod i ddigwyddiad “Stori’r Tir Dyffryn Peris” o’r blaen, neu’n newydd i’r prosiect.
Gallwch weithio ar eich stori yn Gymraeg, Saesneg – neu hyd yn oed heb eiriau, drwy gyfrwng cerddoriaeth neu ddawns neu sgiliau crefft.
Digwyddiad am rhad ac yn ddim fel rhan o brosiect “Stori’r Tir Dyffryn Peris”.
Storytelling is an ancient and magical art, a mystery to us modern humans glued to our mobile phones.
But the skills to structure a story so that it is enjoyable to share and listen to are learnable!
In this workshop you'll learn straightforward tools that will help you feel more confident in sharing your story, through a series of simple games and exercises.
You don't need to be a writer, a reader or a performer. This is simple stuff anyone can learn!!
Bring along any story you'd like to tell, or some research or experiential material you'd like to synthesise into a story.
All welcome, whether you've been to a "Stori'r Tir Dyffryn Peris" event before, or are new to the project.
You can work on your story in Welsh, English - or even without words, through music or dance or craft skills.
This is a free event as part of the “Stori’r Tir Dyffryn Peris” project.
Agoriad Sgwrs Chwilgar Cabinet Storiel Curious Conversation
Storiel, Bangor
Dydd Sadwrn 14.9.24 Saturday
1yh/pm - 2yh/pm
[Sut i fynd] i mewn ac allan o’r cabinet?
[How to get] inside and outside the cabinet?
Ymunwch gyda ni i ddeffro’r cabinet, gyda pherfformiad (Wanda Zyborska + Sarah Pogoda), helfa drysor, cardiau post a sgwrs!
Join us in activating the cabinet, with performance (Wanda Zyborska + Sarah Pogoda), treasure hunt, postcards and conversation!
Sgwrs Chwilgar Storiel Curious Conversation
Arddangosfa, perfformiadau, helfa trysor, sgyrsiau - [sut i fynd] i mewn ac allan o’r cabinet: Exhibition, performances, treasure hunt, conversations - [how to get] into and out of the cabinet?
Storiel, Bangor
In partnership with Carreg Creative.
Gweithdy Mudiad Tywyrch : Turf Movement Workshop
efo Emily Meilleur ac Irene Gonzalez
Y Ganolfan, Llanberis, LL55 4UR
[Scroll down for English]
Mudiad Tyweirch: gweithdy
Bydd hwn yn weithdy symudiad arbrofol dan arweiniad Emily & Irene i archwilio ffurfiant, strwythur ac prosesau pridd.
Bydd yna tyweirch gynhyrchir gan priddoedd efo dywyrch a gymerwyd o leoliadau gwahanol yn Nyffryn Peris er mwyn i ysbrydoli dawnswyr.
Mae gan bob tir rinweddau, priodweddau a chyfansoddion penodol sy'n eu adlewyrchu’r ecolegol. Maent yn cyfathrebu'n fewnol ac yn allanol rhyngddynt a bodau eraill mewn ffordd symbiotig.
Hoffem eich gwahodd i brofi'r rhyngweithiadau a'r cyfathrebiadau hyn yn greadigol trwy deimlad, gan ddefnyddio symudiad, cyffwrdd, a delweddu mewnol.
Man agored lle bydd y gwahanol dywarchen a ddyrennir yn ofodol yn caniatáu inni symud yn rhydd rhyngddynt a bodau dynol eraill.
Daw systemau a dealltwriaeth newydd yn fyw yn yr union adegau hynny lle rydym yn agored i brofiad unigryw.
Bydd y cyfranogwyr yn cael eu gwahodd i wisgo brown a gwyrdd, i adlewyrchu prif liwiau tyweirch, pridd a glaswellt.
Dewch 15min cyn cychwyn y gweithdy. Bydd te ar gael.
Cysywllt emily1one@yahoo.co.uk 07791951233 i archebu lle
Turf Movement- a workshop
This an experimental movement workshop led by Emily & Irene to explore the formation, structure and processes of soil.
For inspiration there will be turves of soil taken from differnt locations in Dyffryn Peris.
Each part of the land has specific qualities, properties and constituents which is reflected in their ecology and use. They communicate internally and externally between them and other beings in a symbiotic way.
We would like to invite you to creatively experience these interactions and communications through sensation, using movement, touch, and internal visualization.New systems and understanding come alive in those very moments where we are open to a unique experience.
Participants are invited to wear brown and green, to reflect the main colours of turf, the soil and grass.
Please arrive 15mins before the starting time. Tea will be provided.
Contact emily1one@yahoo.co.uk 07791951233 to book a place
Arddangosfa Cynrychioli'r Gyfraith - Representing Law Exhibition
Fydd Siarter y Coed Utopias Bach a ffilm Cysylltu yng Nghanolfan Celfyddydau ac Arloesi Pontio Bangor, o 3-29 Medi, fel rhan o Gynhadledd Pwyllgor Ymchwil ‘Cynrychioli’r Gyfraith’ ar Gymdeithaseg y Gyfraith (RCSL) ym Mhrifysgol Bangor 3-6 Medi, rydym yn cynnal arddangosfa ar y thema Cynrychioli’r Gyfraith
Utopias Bach’s Charter of the Trees and Cysylltu film will be shown in Bangor Pontio Arts and Innovation Centre, from 3-29 September as part of the 'Representing Law' Research Committee on the Sociology of Law (RCSL) Conference at Bangor University 3-6 September.
Agoriad - opening 17.30 - 1900 3.9.24
Grwp Barddoniaeth Utopias Bach Poetry Group (zoom)
An online reading group (at 4pm on the last friday of each month) that focuses on poems we feel relate to Utopias Bach's concerns in some way. We will take it in turn to circulate a poem (nothing too long!) and then meet online to discuss it.
This month, you are invited to share one of your own poems, or if you are not a poet, find a poem about place you relate to.
Please send your poems for this month to Iain: iain19biggs@gmail.com
The group will meet over zoom. The zoom link is the same as always: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85409719450?pwd=d1VaRktoY1QveTZWSDdaUDVKQWRkQT09
Meeting ID: 854 0971 9450
Passcode: 398362
Gweithdy Tywyrch a'n Hawliau i wreiddio a thir: Turf and our Rights to root and land workshop
(prosiect Stori’r Tir project)
Lucy Finchett-Maddock & Emily Meilleur
Tyddyn Teg, Bethel, LL55 3PS
Dydd Gwener 30.8.24 [dyddiad newydd!]
Bydd hwn yn weithdy a gynhelir gyda Lucy Finhchett-Maddock, Darlithydd yn y Gyfraith i archwilio ein dealltwriaeth o berchnogaeth tir. Tarddiad gweithredoedd eiddo cymunedol oedd tywarchen o bridd fel mynediad at fwyd a thanwydd trwy hawl hynafol Turbary, gan ganiatáu i bobl dorri tyweirch neu fawn o gors.
Bydd y gweithdy yn dechrau am 2y.h., bydd yna te a theisen yn y egwyl.
Friday 30.8.24 [new date!]
This will be a workshop held with Lucy Finhchett-Maddock, Lecturer in Law to explore our undertanding of land ownership. A clod of earth is the orgin of title deeds of communal property such as access to food and fuel through the ancient right of Turbary, allowing people to cut turf or peat from a bog.
This workshop beings at 2pm, there will be tea and cakes.