Gwahoddiad - Invitation
Llun gan Wanda Zyborska
Dan ni’n dathlu 1.5 blwyddyn o flaguro!
We are celebrating 1.5 years of becoming!
Ym Mehefin, dan ni’n gwahodd pawb sy’n cyfrannu (neu ddim yn cyfrannu eto!) i ddod at ei gilydd i gael profiadau, myfyrio a dathlu pobl elfen o’r planhigyn mefus esblygedig ag yr ydi Utopias Bach.
B’asen ni wrth ein boddau petaech chi’n bod yn rhan ohono fo!
Croeso cynnes i bawb
In June, we are inviting all involved - whether you have been with us from the beginning or have just come upon us now - to gather, experience, reflect and celebrate all aspects of the evolving Utopias Bach strawberry plant.
We’d love you to be part of it!
Warm welcome to all