Mapio Ennydau / Mapping Moments - gwahoddiad /an invitation
Mapio Ennydau – sut dan ni’n cysylltu trwy Utopias Bach?
Mae Frances Williams, ein Arsylwr Cyfranogol/Cyfranwr Arsylwgar yn eich gwahodd chi i’n helpu ni fynd ‘Tu Hwnt i Werthuso’ trwy greu map o’ch cysylltiadau ac ennydau arwyddocaol ac mewnwelediadau gydag Utopias Bach.
Dan ni wedi postio rhai enghreifftiau isod, ac yn eich gwahodd chi i’w wneud yn eich ffordd chi’ch hun: Mor fanwl, haniaethol neu greadigol a hoffech chi. Mae gennym gymaint o ddiddordeb yn yr ennydau anodd, heriol neu siomedig â’r positif!
Dan ni’n gobeithio casglu enghreifftiau o wythnos i wythnos fel rhan o’n proses archwilio parhaol i fynd ‘tu hwnt i werthuso’, a deall Utopias Bach o amryw o safbwyntiau. Dan ni’n gobeithio dod a’r rhain i gyd at ei gilydd yn ein penwythnos Utopias Bach ym Mangor/Llangoed 11-12 Mehefin
Os gwelwch yn dda, ebostiwch lun o’ch map at Frances a/neu Lindsey
Gan edrych ymlaen at eu dehongli nhw gyda’n gilydd ac i ddeall yn well sut dan ni’n cysylltu, pryd a sut!
Mapping Moments - how do we connect through Utopias Bach?
Frances Williams, our Participant Observer/Observant Participant invites you to help us go to go ‘Beyond Evaluation’ by creating a map of your connections and significant moments with Utopias Bach.
We have posted some examples below, and invite you to do it your way: Get as detailed, abstract, creative as you like. We are as interested in difficult or challenging or disappointing moments as the positive!
We hope to gather examples from week to week as part of our ongoing search to go ‘beyond evaluation’, understanding Utopias Bach from multiple perspectives. We are planning to bring these together at our Utopias Bach weekend in Bangor/Llangoed 11-12 June.
Please email a picture of your map to Frances and/or Lindsey
Looking forward to interpreting them together to better understand how we connect, when and how!
Irene Gonzalez
Seran Dolma
Lindsey Colbourne
Frances Williams
Wanda Garner
Llinos Griffin