Holiadur Digwyddiadau Ar-lein - Online Events Questionnaire

Siarter y Coed digwyddiad hybrid - Charter of the Trees hybrid event, Pontio/online

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Mewn partneriaeth ag Utopias Bach, mae Rewilding the Artist yn ceisio dysgu sut i greu digwyddiadau ar-lein a hybrid sy’n hygyrch a llawen, er enghraifft gan ddefnyddio Zoom. 

Rydym wedi dysgu pa mor bwysig yw hi i ddod o hyd i gydbwysedd rhwng gofynion hygyrchedd cymhleth a gwahanol pobl o amgylch digwyddiadau ar-lein neu hybrid, ond hefyd pa mor anodd y gall fod i fynegi'r rhain.

Rydym am gael gwybod am eich anghenion, ac rydym yn eich gwahodd i ateb y pum cwestiwn byr, dienw hyn. Gallwch ymateb i'r arolwg yn uniongyrchol drwy'r Ffurflen Google, neu gallwch anfon recordiad sain neu fideo o'ch ymatebion os yw hynny'n gweithio'n well i chi.

I anfon recordiad, neu os oes angen yr holiadur hwn arnoch mewn fformat arall, megis dogfen Word, print bras, neu ffeil sain, anfonwch e-bost at rewildingtheartist@gmail.com gyda 'Digwyddiadau Ar-lein' yn y llinell bwnc.

Bydd yr holl ymatebion yn cael eu defnyddio at ddibenion ymchwil yn unig ac nid oes unrhyw ofyniad i roi eich enw na’ch manylion personol. Bydd canlyniadau ac unrhyw ddyfyniadau a ddefnyddir yn cael eu rhannu'n ddienw.

Anfonwch eich atebion erbyn diwedd Chwefror 2025 os qwelwch yn dda.



Utopias Bach Penrhyndeudraeth a’r cylch

In partnership with Utopias Bach, Rewilding the Artist is trying to learn how to create accessible, joyful online and hybrid events, for example using Zoom. 

We have learned how important it is to find a balance between people’s complex and different access requirements for online or hybrid events, but also how difficult it can be to express these.

We want to find out about your needs, and we are inviting you to answer these five short, anonymous questions. You can respond to the survey directly through the Google Form, or you can send an audio or video recording of your responses if that works better for you.

To send in a recording, or if you require this questionnaire in an alternative format, such as a word document, large print, or audio file please send an email to rewildingtheartist@gmail.com with ‘Rewilding Online Events’ in the subject line.

All responses will be used for research purposes only and there is no requirement to give your name or personal details. Results and any quotes used will be shared anonymously

Please return this form by the end of February.

Thank you!

Mae adnoddau rhad ac am ddim Rewilding the Artist ar gael. Ewch i wefan Rewilding the Artist am fwy o wybodaeth.


Free Rewilding the Artist resources are available. Please visit the  Rewilding the Artist website for more information. 


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