Stad o Feddwl – Ynys Faelog – Neue Walisische Kunst - State of Mind
Llun gan Lisa Hudson
Story by our Resident Author, Seran Dolma
Stori gan ein Awdur Preswyl, Seran Dolma
Un dydd Sadwrn di-nod yn mis Tachwedd, meddiannwyd Ynys Faelog, Porthaethwy gan griw o artistiaid o dan faner ‘Neue Walisische Kunst’. Ymddengys bod y grŵp yma yn gysylltiedig â ‘Utopias Bach’ – corff niwlog arall na ellir ei disgrifio’n foddhaol ond trwy ddweud ei fod yn ‘rhywbeth celfyddydol’.
Mae amcangyfrif y niferoedd o drefedigaethwyr yn amrywio o saith i dros gant, ond mae llygaid dystion yn cytuno bod yr artistiaid wedi bod yn cario baner, uchelseinydd a chadair swyddfa, a bod rhai ohonynt o dan deg oed. Maent hefyd yn cytuno bod y plant rheiny wedi bod yn defnyddio’r uchelseinydd i ‘gadw reiat ofnadwy’, ac y dylai eu rhieni ‘wybod yn well’.
Y peth gyntaf i sylfaenwyr y wladwriaeth newydd ei wneud ar ôl eistedd ar y gwair y tu allan i’r hen gwt sinc drylliedig a fu unwaith yn weithdy trwsio cychod oedd datgan stad o argyfwng. Yna fe aethant ati i lapio’u hunain mewn tâp coch a gwyn plastig, gan greu rhyw fath o we pryf copyn argyfyngus. Rhoddwyd basport i bawb, heb ofyn am unrhyw brawf o’u genedigaeth (yn amlwg, fe’u ganed, neu fydden nhw ddim wedi bodoli o gwbl) na’u tarddiad (doedd dim ots gan y gwladwriaethwyr o ble daethai eu dinasyddion. Roedd rhai yn Gymru Pybyr, eraill yn Bybyriaid Cymreig, amryw yn Almaenwyr, neu’n Almaenyddesau, oherwydd yn wir, pobl benywaidd oedd y rhan fwyaf ohonynt. Daethai rhai yn wreiddiol o Loegr, ac eraill wedi chwythu i mewn ar y gwynt o nunlla’n benodol.
One unpromising Saturday in November, Ynys Faelog, Menai Bridge was occupied by a group of artists under the banner of 'Neue Walisische Kunst'. This group seems to be associated with 'Utopias Bach' - another nebulous group that can only be described as 'something arty'.
Estimates of numbers range from seven to over a hundred, but eyewitnesses agree that the artists were carrying a flag, a loudspeaker and an office chair, and that some were under ten years old. They also agree that those children were using the loudspeaker to 'make a bloody racket', and that their parents ‘ought to have known better'.
The first thing the founders of the new state did after sitting on the grass outside the old wrecked corrugated iron shed that had once been a boat repair workshop was to declare a state of emergency. They then wrapped themselves in red and white plastic tape, creating a kind of disastrous spider web. Everyone was given a passport, without being required to provide any documentation regarding their birth (obviously, they had been born, or they wouldn't have existed at all) or their origin (the founders didn't care where their citizens came from. some were Vibrant Welshies, others Welsh Bulbs, some Germans, or Germanesses, because, in fact, most of them were female. Some came originally from England, others were blown in by the wind from nowhere in particular.
Image by Huw Jones/Sarah Pogoda