Cyfranwyr - Contributors
Utopias Bach: Wanda Zyborska, Lisa Hudson, Lindsey Colbourne, Sarah Pogoda, Siân Barlow, Iain Biggs, Steph Shipley, Gaia Redgrave, Kar Rowson, Irene Gonzalez, Elinor Gwynn, Angharad Owen, Audrey West, Ellen Davies, Catherine, Sarah Holyfield, Trine Moore, Katie Trent, Elinor Gwynn, Gruff Ellis-Jolley, Anna Powell, Catrin Ellis Jones, Crone Cast.
Cyfranwyr Ychwanegol: Crissi Mills, Iwan Williams, Manon Prysor, Rachel Evans, Rebecca Gould, Nêst Thomas, Jessica Wilson.
Sgwrs Chwilgar – yn cael ei chynnal gan Carreg Creative – mewn partneriaeth ag Utopias Bach – fel rhan o gomisiwn gan Oriel Celf Gyfoes Genedlaethol i Gymru a Storiel, Bangor.
Ar gyfer ein comisiwn penderfynodd Carreg Creative (Lisa Hudson a Lindsey Colbourne, gyda Wanda Zyborska) greu ‘sgwrs chwilgar’ a fyddai’n trafod [sut i fynd] i mewn ac allan o’r cabinet. Estynnwyd gwahoddiad i unigolion creadigol, ynghyd â chynulliad creadigol Utopias Bach (sy’n canolbwyntio ar gydweithio, ar broses ac ar ymgysylltu), i fod yn rhan o’r ‘sgwrs chwilgar’ – arlein, yn Storiel ,dros swper, ar y bws, ac wrth fynd am dro.
Y man cychwyn ar gyfer ein sgwrs chwilgar oedd egwyddorion a phrosesau unigryw Utopias Bach mewn perthynas â chelf sy’n ymgysylltu’n gymdeithasol, a hefyd y cwestiynau a godir yn Mappa Mundi gan Paul Davies /World Map According to You gan Michal Iwanowski (gwefan Celf ar y Cyd) ac ym mhoster Tân a Llif BECA (casgliad Storiel).
Mae gweithgaredd celf cyfoes ymgysylltiol yn aml yn cynnwys cydweithio gyda pobl a chymunedau y tu hwnt i furiau orielau. Gall hyn, yn aml, arwain at greu arteffactau/gweithiau celfyddydol – megis sgwrs, perfformiad, ffilm, gwaith sain neu osodiad arall o rhyw fath. Gall hyn fod yn anodd i’w cynnwys neu eu cynrychioli o fewn ‘cabinet’ – boed hwnnw yn gabinet rhithiol (fel gwefan Celf ar y Cyd) neu gabinet go iawn (fel yr un yn Storiel), neu yn wir yn ‘gabinet’ y byd celf yn ei gyfanrwydd.
Mae ein ‘sgwrs chwilgar’, sy’n cynnwys ein mis yn Storiel, yn parhau. Ein nod yw archwilio [sut i fynd] i mewn ac allan o’r cabinet. Sut gallai gweithgaredd celfyddydol cydweithredol ac ymgysylltiol fod yn berthnasol i oriel gelf genedlaethol gyfoes ar gyfer Cymru (gwefan Celf ar y Cyd) a chasgliad Storiel?
Mae'r tudalen yma ac ein gosodiad, ein perfformiadau a’n cardiau post yn Storiel, Bangor (mis Medi - mis Hydref 2024) yn eich gwahodd chi i fod yn rhan o’n sgwrs chwilgar sy’n adlewyrchu ar natur a lleoliad celf ymgysylltiol – [sut i fynd] i mewn ac allan o’r cabinet?
Cydnabyddiaeth am y gydnabyddiaeth: Deilliodd y fformat hwn ar gyfer rhoi cydnabyddiaeth (gan ystyried natur gydweithredol y gweithiau a’r cyd-destun ar gyfer eu creu) o sgwrs rhwng Lisa Hudson, Wanda Zyborska, Lindsey Colbourne, Elinor Gwynn a Siân Barlow (12.8.24).
Paratowyd y cydnabyddiaethau gan Lindsey Colbourne.
Ni fyddai’r gwaith hwn wedi bod yn bosib heb y gymuned a’r awyrgylch ofalgar a grëwyd gan Utopias Bach & Carreg Creative wrth ddatblygu a chynnal y Sgyrsiau Chwilgar.
Tudalen we wedi'i chreu gan Lindsey Colbourne
A curious conversation - is hosted by Carreg Creative - in partnership with Utopias Bach - as part of a commission by Wales National Contemporary Art Gallery and Storiel, Bangor.
For our commission, Carreg Creative (Lisa Hudson and Lindsey Colbourne with Wanda Zyborska) invited creatives and the creative collective Utopias Bach, whose practice focuses on collaboration, process and engagement, to take part in a ‘curious conversation – [how to get] into and out of the cabinet’ online, at Storiel, over dinner, on walks, on the bus.
The starting point for our curious conversation was Utopias Bach’s unique principles and processes in socially engaged art, and questions raised by Paul Davies’ Mappa Mundi /World Map According to You by Michal Iwanowski (both on Celf ar y Cyd website) and Tân a Llif Poster BECA (in Storiel’s Collection).
The ‘outside the gallery’ nature of engaged contemporary art practice
often results in artefacts/art works as a parallel strand of collaborative, embodied activity which encompasses conversation, performance, film, sound and installation. These are difficult to ‘contain’ or represent within a ‘cabinet’, whether a virtual cabinet (Celf ar y Cyd website) or a physical cabinet (like the one at Storiel) or even within the ‘cabinet’ of the art world as a whole. -
Our ongoing ‘curious conversation’, which includes our month at Storiel explores [how to get] into and out of the cabinet: How could engaged practice relate to the national contemporary art gallery for Wales (Celf ar y Cyd website) and Storiel’s collection?
This page, and our installation, performance and postcards at Storiel, Bangor (Sept- Oct 2024) invite you to be part of our curious conversation, reflecting on the nature and location of engaged art – [how to get] into and out of the cabinet?
Credit for the credit: This format for the credit, recognizing the contextual and collaborative nature of the works came from a conversation involving Lisa Hudson, Wanda Zyborska, Lindsey Colbourne, Elinor Gwynn and Siân Barlow (12.8.24).
Credits compiled by Lindsey Colbourne.
This work would not have been possible without the care and community created by Utopias Bach, & Carreg Creative’s convening of the Curious Conversations.
Webpage created by Lindsey Colbourne

Digwyddiadau - Events
Agoriad - Opening
Storiel, Bangor
Dydd Sadwrn 14.9.24 Saturday
13.00 - 14.00Ymunwch gyda ni i ddeffro'r cabinet, gyda pherfformiad, helfa drysor, cardiau post a sgwrs!
Join us in activating the cabinet, with performance, treasure hunt, postcards and conversation!
Llun: Sara Erddig: Yr Awen o sach Modryb Venodotia
- The ‘Awen’ from the sack of Aunty Venodotia -
Cabinet Storiel
Storiel, Bangor
14.9.24 - 19.10. 24Sgwrs, perfformiad, ffilm, gwaith sain, gosodiad, cardiau post
Conversation, performance, film, sound, installation, postcards
Llun gan Lisa Hudson
Siop y Cabinet Chwilfrydig Cabinet Curiosity Shop
(Yours), Canolfan Deiniol Centre, Bangor
21.9.24 - 19.10.24
Ymunwch â ni ar gyfer arbrofion artistig rhwng 1-2pm ar y diwrnodau canlynol
(mewn polaredd creadigol gyda Cabinet Storiel)Join us for artistic experimentation each day below from 1-2pm
(in creative polarity with Storiel's Cabinet)RHAGLEN/PROGAMME
21 Agoriad/Opening. Darlleniad barddoniaeth gydag Anna Powell am 1305. Anna Powell poetry reading at 1305
25 Kar Rowson, Lisa Hudson, Steph Shipley: Darlunio Llif a Sblash. Drawing Flow and Splash.
28 Wanda Zyborska, Anna Powell: Siarad gyda’r byd Mwy na Dynol. Speaking with the More than Human
2 Steph Shipley, Kar Rowson, Wanda Zyborska: Darganfod ein hadenydd. Finding We Have Wings
5 Kar Rowson, Lisa Hudson: Darlunio Cyrff Coeth. Drawing Exquisite Corpses
9 Kar Rowson, Lisa Hudson: Darlunio Llif a Dolennu. Drawing Flow and Meander
12 Sian Barlow, Wanda, Sarah Pogoda yn Perfformio/performing ¿La Boîte-en-Valise? Manylion/Details
16 Wanda Zyborska, Lindsey Colbourne: Darlunio a chreu synau byd natur. Drawing and making sounds of nature
19 Lisa Hudson, Lindsey Colbourne: Adlewyrchiad Mynd Allan O’r Cabinet : Reflection - Getting out of the Cabinet 11yb/am - 2yh/pm
Llun + Curation: Wanda Zyborska
Iacháu y Clwyf - Healing the Wound
Storiel, Bangor
15.00-15.30Perfformiad gan/performance by Irene Gonzalez
Llun: Irene Gonzalez
Map o Gymru: Drudwy Not \\ Starling Not // Mynediad Not \\ Access Not : Mappening Happening - Llyn Alaw
Map o Gymru Paul Davies Map of Wales
Llyn Alaw, Ynys Môn
Dydd Sul 13.10.24 Sunday
Efo Sarah Pogoda / Crone Cast
14.00 - 15.00
This event is hard to find. Please email us and we'll send directions
What3Words: generally.interests.steadily
Llun: Sarah Pogoda
Taith i Draeth yr Ora - A Trip to Traeth yr Ora
Efo Elinor Gwynn
Mwy o fanylon yn fuan
More details soon
Sgyrsiau Chwilgar - Curious Conversations
Sgyrsiau Chwilgar:
Curious Conversations:
1: Utopias Bach Collaboratory 1 (Zoom): 21.3.24 Lisa Hudson, Iain Biggs, Wanda Zyborska, Catherine, Gaia Redgrave, Sarah Pogoda, Lindsey Colbourne, Angharad Owen. Dyfeisiwyd a hwyluswyd gan/devised and facilitated by Lindsey Colbourne, Lisa Hudson and Wanda Zyborska.
2: Utopias Bach Collaboratory 2 (Zoom): 18.4.24 Lisa Hudson, Lindsey Colbourne, Gaia Redgrave, Sarah Pogoda, Kar Rowson, Wanda Zyborska, Siân Barlow. Dyfeisiwyd a hwyluswyd gan/devised and facilitated by Lindsey Colbourne, Lisa Hudson and Wanda Zyborska.
3: Padlet (ongoing)Crëwyd gan/created by Lisa Hudson (Carreg Creative). Cyfraniadau gan/contributions from: Siân Barlow, Iain Biggs, Wanda Zyborska Lisa Hudson, Lindsey Colbourne, Gaia Redgrave, Sarah Pogoda, Kar Rowson
4: Storiel (Hybrid – Zoom/Storiel)27.4.24: Wanda Zyborska, Lisa Hudson, Lindsey Colbourne, Sarah Pogoda, Siân Barlow, Steph Shipley, Kar Rowson, Audrey West, Sarah Holyfield, Trine Moore, Katie Trent, Crissi Mills, Iwan Williams, Manon Prysor, Rachel Evans, Rebecca Gould, Nêst Thomas. Dyfeisiwyd a hwyluswyd gan/devised and facilitated by Lindsey Colbourne, Lisa Hudson, Wanda Zyborska (at Storiel) and Siân Barlow (zoom host)
5: Cyfarfod Cabinet Meeting (cynllunio/ planning)13.5.24 Sarah Pogoda’s kitchen, Bangor. Sarah Pogoda, Wanda Zyborska, Lindsey Colbourne. Convened/dinner prepared by Sarah Pogoda
6: Cyfarfod Cabinet Meeting (cynllunio/ planning)15.7.24 Zoom Lisa Hudson, Lindsey Colbourne, Sarah Pogoda, Iain Biggs, Siân Barlow, Steph Shipley, Wanda Zyborska, Kar Rowson, Elinor Gwynn. Convened by Lindsey Colbourne
7: Cyfarfod Cabinet Meeting (cynllunio/ planning)12.8.24 Zoom Lisa Hudson, Lindsey Colbourne, Sarah Pogoda, Iain Biggs, Siân Barlow, Steph Shipley, Wanda Zyborska, Elinor Gwynn, Irene Gonzalez, Kar Rowson. Convened by Lindsey Colbourne
8: Utopias Bach Collaboratory 3. 24.8.24 (Zoom/Prifysgol Bangor). Audrey West, Sarah Pogoda, Wanda Zyborska, Lisa Hudson, Jessica Wilson, Kar Rowson, Elinor Gwynn, Siân Barlow, Steph Shipley, Gaia Redgrave. Convened by Lindsey Colbourne, hosted and presentation by Sarah Pogoda
Gweithiau gweledol a chlywedol a grëwyd o’r sgyrsiau hyn
Visual and auditory works made from these conversations
Sgyrsiau Chwilgar - Visual - Curious Conversation, compiled by Lindsey Colbourne
Deffro’r Cabinet: Activating the Cabinet
Storiel 14.9.24
Wanda Zyborska, Sarah Pogoda
Iacháu’r Clwyf - Healing the Wound 26.9.24
Irene Gonzalez, Steph Shipley, Lucy Finchett-Maddock
Siop Cabinet Chwilfrydig - Cabinet Curiosity Shop
Canolfan Deiniol Centre, Bangor
Mewn polaredd creadigol gyda Cabinet Storiel - In creative polarity with Storiel’s Cabinet
Through the Gate: Ash Encounter. Anna Powell. 21.9.24
Map o Gymru: Drudwy Not \\ Starling Not // Mynediad Not \\ Access Not : Mappening Happening
Crone Cast + Sarah Pogoda
Llyn Alaw
Gwahoddiadau : Invitations
[Sut i fynd] i mewn ac allan o’r Cabinet? [How to get] in and out of the Cabinet?
Dychmygu dan arweiniad - sut ydych chi'n llifo i mewn, o gwmpas ac allan o'r cabinet?
Guided visualisation - how do you flow inside and outside the cabinet?
Wanda Zyborska
‘Sgorau’ Cardiau Post a Gwahoddiadau: Postcard ‘Scores’ and Invitations
Mae'r cardiau hyn ar gael i chwarae gyda nhw yn y Cabinet Ffeilio drws nesaf i'r Cabinet yn Storiel
These cards are available to play with in the Filing Cabinet next to the Cabinet at Storiel

![13. Visite a, un, ein Musee [neu Oriel]. Sarah Pogoda.jpg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/602e71aa8efecc669cef4621/1725808377056-DP0NRVWB4H8PBADRDRYO/13.+Visite+a%2C+un%2C+ein+Musee+%5Bneu+Oriel%5D.+Sarah+Pogoda.jpg)

Cafodd y syniad am y Cabinet Ffeilio ei greu a’i roi ar waith yn Storiel gan Lindsey Colbourne, a gafodd ei hysbrydoli gan Sarah Pogoda a’i gwaith gyda sgorau FLUXUS.
Dyluniwyd y system rheoli cardiau gan Gruff Ellis Jolley.
Filing cabinet idea/realisation in Storiel by Lindsey Colbourne, inspired by Sarah Pogoda and her work with FLUXUS scores. Card management system designed by Gruff Ellis Jolley.
1. Sgrifennu ‘score’: Write a Score. Postcard by Sarah Pogoda emerging from conversations with/as/on Utopias Bach since 2020. Image: found image
2. ? I mewn – in/Out – tu allan? Postcard by Sarah Pogoda emerging from conversations with/as/on Utopias Bach since 2020. Image: found image
3. IMAGINE/DYCHMYGU. Postcard by Sarah Pogoda emerging from conversations with/as/on Utopias Bach since 2020 and Head of Noticing Kar Rowson. Image: found image
4. Collect Productivkraft. Postcard by Sarah Pogoda. title and concept emerging from conversation between Christoph Schlingensief and Alexander Kluge; collecting practice as result to invitation to start own art collection by Peter Davies (Beca). Image: archive Paul Davies
5. Mynd i amgueddfa. Postcard by Sarah Pogoda. concept borrowed from Christoph Schlingensief’s call for a theatre without opening times; realisation emerging from Utopias Bach Collaboratory 24.8.2024; typewriter thanks to Lisa Hudson
6– 10. “Curating your cabinet” variations. Postcard by Sarah Pogoda. idea emerging from conversations in Utopias Bach and Metamorffosis about possibilities to found own museum in backyard shed and conversations ongoing in Sgwrs Chwilgar Utopias Bach Collaboratories about the personal value of things we put into a cabinet; questioning ideas of national collections and issues of who we show what.
11. Re-Scoring das Museum. Postcard by Sarah Pogoda emerging from visit to Jewish Museum in Frankfurt am Main and resulting conversations with SGYRSIAU CHWILGAR, particularly Siân Barlow
12. Sgwrs Chwilfrydig. Postcard by Sarah Pogoda emerging from ongoing conversations within/as/at/by/through Utopias Bach about agencies of human and the more than human, regimes of visibilities mixed with experiments on framed chance in NWK-AO (Neue Walisische Kunst Abbauorganisation).
13. VisiTE a, un, ein Müsee [neu OriEl). Postcard by Sarah Pogoda resonating with the living minute sculptures by Austrian artist Erwin Wurm and ongoing conversations with members of Utopias Bach about what and where is art? Backcover: copy of sketch for an ideal artist studio by Beca-artist Paul Davies
14. NWK. Postcard by Sarah Pogoda emerging from artistic processes and conceptualisation within NWK-Ao and decision to change name from Aufbauorganisation to Abbauorganisation; linguistic concept requires research in dictionaries
15 – 16. Look through art. Postcard by Sarah Pogoda emerging from conversation about visibility throughout SGYRSIAU CHWILGAR; design borrowed by noticing-tools designed by Kar Rowson for Utopias Bach collaboratory in 2020 (or 2021), material: map used for live sculpt at Sgwrs Chwilgar 4: Storiel (Hybrid – Zoom/Storiel) 27.4.24: Wanda Zyborska, Lisa Hudson, Lindsey Colbourne, Sarah Pogoda, Siân Barlow, Steph Shipley, Kar Rowson, Audrey West, Sarah Holyfield, Trine Moore, Katie Trent, Crissi Mills, Iwan Williams, Manon Prysor, Rachel Evans, Rebecca Gould, Nêst Thomas. also referring to the selected collection art work by Paul Davies “Map of the World”.
17. Mynd allan o’r tu mewn. Postcard by Sarah Pogoda emerging from Wanda Zyborska’s critical thinking in polarities, Deleuze and Guattari-informed; material design thanks to equipment provided by Lindsey Colbourne for Sgwrs Chwilgar 24th Aug 2024
18-19. Radical playgrounds. Postcard by Sarah Pogoda emerging from conversations about how to change the institution in a playful and kind way, how to open up thinking about how things are done and why they are done in the way they are done. Material design made used of information material for the exhibition “Playground” at Martin Gropius Bau, Berlin from … design tries to cut with the given square format by simply making use of the material found on that given square. Backside also used image found in German information magazine “Das Parlament”, For those who want to learn more: double check the word “fortlaufend”/”fortlaufen” which means both, to continue and to run away.
20 + 21. I chi’ch hun: Dir selbst gegenüber. Postcard by Sarah Pogoda taking further scores #7-11: idea emerging from conversations in Utopias Bach and Metamorffosis about possibilities to found own museum in backyard shed, but linking it with responsibility of doing something or not doing something – a responsibility of which I got more aware in the course of conversations and more within/as part of/via/with/beyond Utopias Bach; material: copy of sketch for the ideal artist studio by Beca artist Paul Davies
22. Air Swap. Postcard by Lisa Hudson inspired by Curious Conversation 22/08/24 involving Lindsey Colbourne, Sarah Pogoda, Kar Rowson, Lisa Hudson, Elinor Gwynn, Wanda Zyborska, Audrey West, Jessica, Siân Barlow, Gaia Redgrave, Steph Shipley and concept from Chris Drury’s ‘Turf Swap’ (1990s).
23. Arddangosiaeth/Exhibitionism: Words and postcard by Lindsey Colbourne Image: Iain Biggs, created following Sgwrs Chwilgar 1 (zoom) 21.3.24 involving Lisa Hudson, Iain Biggs, Wanda Zyborska, Catherine, Gaia Redgrave, Sarah Pogoda, Lindsey Colbourne.
24. Sylwi ar y Cabinet Noticing Practice #1: Postcard by Lindsey Colbourne. Inspired by the experience of this commission and the work of Crone Cast.
25. Sylwi ar y Cabinet Noticing Practice #2: Image: Wanda Zyborska, posted on the Sgwrs Chwilgar Padlet following Sgwrs Chwilgar 1 (zoom) 21.3.24 involving Lisa Hudson, Iain Biggs, Wanda Zyborska, Catherine, Gaia Redgrave, Sarah Pogoda, Lindsey Colbourne. Words and Postcard by Lindsey Colbourne inspired by Wanda’s image and accompanying words “from the outside looking in”
26. Sylwi ar y Cabinet Noticing Practice #3: Image: Lisa Hudson, created during Sgwrs Chwilgar 1 (zoom) 21.3.24 involving Lisa Hudson, Iain Biggs, Wanda Zyborska, Catherine, Gaia Redgrave, Sarah Pogoda, Lindsey Colbourne. Words by anonymous comment posted in response Lisa’s image on the Sgwrs Chwilgar Padlet. Postcard created by Lindsey Colbourne inspired by these works.
27. Sylwi ar y Cabinet Noticing Practice #4: Postcard by Lindsey Colbourne Image and words: Wanda Zyborska, based on her guided visualization for Sgwrs Chwilgar 1 21.3.24, an event co-created with Lisa Hudson and Lindsey Colbourne.
28. Sylwi ar y Cabinet Noticing Practice #5: Image: Wanda Zyborska. Words: Steph Shipley inspired by listening to the recording of Sgwrs Chwilgar 1(zoom) 21.3.24 involving Lisa Hudson, Iain Biggs, Wanda Zyborska, Catherine, Gaia Redgrave, Sarah Pogoda, Lindsey Colbourne. Postcard by Lindsey Colbourne
29. Chwilfrydedd ? Curiosity: Image: Wanda Zyborska. Words ????. Postcard by Lindsey Colbourne
30. Cyfyngiad / Constraint #1. Image by Lindsey Colbourne taken of Aunty Venodita performance by Sarah Pogoda and Wanda Zyborska at Sgwrs Chwilgar 4, Storiel/Zoom: 27.4.24. Words and postcard by Lindsey Colbourne inspired by this performance and a conversation with Wanda Zyborska
31. Cyfyngiad / Constraint #2. Image: Screenshot of zoom recording by Lindsey Colbourne of exquisite corps created by Wanda Zyborska, Lisa Hudson and Lindsey Colbourne during Sgwrs Chwilgar 2: Utopias Bach Collaboratory 18.4.24. Words by Lindsey Colbourne adapted from a blog sent by Iain Biggs, ‘Bog Cabinet of Curiosities’ developed as part of a collaborative arts project, Gnáthóga Nádúrtha / Natural Habitats, and contribution by Elinor Gwynn about Anglesey-born 18thC antiquarian/hydrographer/collector Lewis Morris. Postcard inspired by these works created by Lindsey Colbourne.
32. Cyfyngiad / Constraint #3. Image: Sian Barlow, created during Sgwrs Chwilgar 4 at Storiel/Zoom: 27.4.24 involving Wanda Zyborska, Lisa Hudson, Lindsey Colbourne, Sarah Pogoda, Siân Barlow, Steph Shipley, Kar Rowson, Audrey West, Sarah Holyfield, Trine Moore, Katie Trent, Crissi Mills, Iwan Williams, Manon Prysor, Rachel Evans, Rebecca Gould, Nêst Thomas. Words and postcard by Lindsey Colbourne inspired by that same Sgwrs Chwilgar 4.
33. Cyfyngiad / Constraint #4. Image: Wanda Zyborska, created in response to Sgwrs Chwilgar 4 at Storiel/Zoom: 27.4.24 involving Wanda Zyborska, Lisa Hudson, Lindsey Colbourne, Sarah Pogoda, Siân Barlow, Steph Shipley, Kar Rowson, Audrey West, Sarah Holyfield, Trine Moore, Katie Trent, Crissi Mills, Iwan Williams, Manon Prysor, Rachel Evans, Rebecca Gould, Nêst Thomas. Words by Steph Shipley. Postcard, inspired by these works created by Lindsey Colbourne
34. Cyfyngiad / Constraint #5. Words and postcard: Lindsey Colbourne. Inspired by the experience of this commission and discussion at Sgwrs Chwilgar 4 at Storiel/Zoom: 27.4.24 involving Wanda Zyborska, Lisa Hudson, Lindsey Colbourne, Sarah Pogoda, Siân Barlow, Steph Shipley, Kar Rowson, Audrey West, Sarah Holyfield, Trine Moore, Katie Trent, Crissi Mills, Iwan Williams, Manon Prysor, Rachel Evans, Rebecca Gould, Nêst Thomas. Image: photo by Lindsey Colbourne of work by Crissi Mills and Manon Prysor at that same conversation
35. Gofal/Iechyd? #1 Care/Cure?: Postcard by Lindsey Colbourne inspired by comment posted on the Sgwrs Chwilgar Padlet by Siân Barlow after watching recording of Sgwrs Chwilgar 1 (zoom) 21.3.24 involving Lisa Hudson, Iain Biggs, Wanda Zyborska, Catherine, Gaia Redgrave, Sarah Pogoda, Lindsey Colbourne
36. Gofal/Iechyd? #2 Care/Cure?: Image: Lisa Hudson. Words: Siân Barlow posted on the Sgwrs Chwilgar Padlet by Siân Barlow after watching recording of Sgwrs Chwilgar 1 (zoom) 21.3.24 involving Lisa Hudson, Iain Biggs, Wanda Zyborska, Catherine, Gaia Redgrave, Sarah Pogoda, Lindsey Colbourne. Postcard by Lindsey Colbourne
37. Myfyrdod Cabinet Meditation. Image: Sian Barlow, created during Sgwrs Chwilgar 4 at Storiel/Zoom: 27.4.24 involving Wanda Zyborska, Lisa Hudson, Lindsey Colbourne, Sarah Pogoda, Siân Barlow, Steph Shipley, Kar Rowson, Audrey West, Sarah Holyfield, Trine Moore, Katie Trent, Crissi Mills, Iwan Williams, Manon Prysor, Rachel Evans, Rebecca Gould, Nêst Thomas. Words based on Iwan William’s invitation to look at the Cabinet as an object during that same Sgwrs Chwilgar 4. Postcard inspired by these works created by Lindsey Colbourne.
38. Polaredd Ffug: CallLling all artists: Image (“internal cabinet”): Wanda Zyborska. Words and postcard by Lindsey Colbourne inspired by Wanda’s work with polarities and Sgyrsiau Chwilgar.
39. Rhestr Wirio Polaredd Cabinet Polarities Check List. Postcard created by Lindsey Colbourne based on polarities noted during all Sgyrsiau Chwilgar, following Wanda Zyborska’s introduction of the concept of Polarities based on Deleuze and Guattari.
40. Saib // Pause: Words by Siân Barlow. Posted on the Sgwrs Chwilgar Padlet after watching a recording of Sgwrs Chwilgar 1 (zoom) 21.3.24 involving Lisa Hudson, Iain Biggs, Wanda Zyborska, Catherine, Gaia Redgrave, Sarah Pogoda, Lindsey Colbourne. Postcard by Lindsey Colbourne
41. Sgor Curadu /|\ Curation Score: Image: Kar Rowson created during Sgwrs Chwilgar 4 at Storiel/Zoom: 27.4.24 involving Wanda Zyborska, Lisa Hudson, Lindsey Colbourne, Sarah Pogoda, Siân Barlow, Steph Shipley, Kar Rowson, Audrey West, Sarah Holyfield, Trine Moore, Katie Trent, Crissi Mills, Iwan Williams, Manon Prysor, Rachel Evans, Rebecca Gould, Nêst Thomas. Words: Steph Shipley and Rachel Evans. Postcard by Lindsey Colbourne.
42. Sut mae’r Cabinet fel dryslwyn? How is the Cabinet like a thicket? Image and text: Wanda Zyborska, following Sgwrs Chwilgar 4 at Storiel/Zoom: 27.4.24 involving Wanda Zyborska, Lisa Hudson, Lindsey Colbourne, Sarah Pogoda, Siân Barlow, Steph Shipley, Kar Rowson, Audrey West, Sarah Holyfield, Trine Moore, Katie Trent, Crissi Mills, Iwan Williams, Manon Prysor, Rachel Evans, Rebecca Gould, Nêst Thomas. Title: Siân Barlow, inspired in part by suggestion by Iain Biggs at Sgwrs Chwilgar 1, 21.3.24, to fill the Cabinet at Storiel with brambles, and a conversation with Steph Shipley at Sgwrs Chwilgar 4. Postcard by Lindsey Colbourne
43. Cyfres Taro(t)Cabinet Series. Postcard by Lindsey Colbourne Card layouts advisor Jessica Wilson at Curious Conversation 24.8.24
Images: Robin Wood Tarot
44. Mae gennym ni adenydd. We have wings. Jigsaw. By Steph Shipley inspired by Sgwrs Chwilgar 4 at Storiel/Zoom: 27.4.24, Lindsey Colbourne, Lisa Hudson, Wanda Zyborska, Sian Barlow, Sarah Holyfield, Audrey West, Steph Shipley, and all participating
45. Mae gennym ni adenydd. We have wings. Soundscape. By Steph Shipley Sgwrs Chwilgar 4 at Storiel/Zoom: 27.4.24, Lindsey Colbourne, Lisa Hudson, Wanda Zyborska, Sian Barlow, Sarah Holyfield, Audrey West, Steph Shipley, and all participating
46. Dychmygwch eich bod yn fieri. Today you are Brambles. Postcard by Siân Barlow inspired by watching recording of Sgwrs Chwilgar 1 (zoom) 21.3.24 involving Lisa Hudson, Iain Biggs, Wanda Zyborska, Catherine, Gaia Redgrave, Sarah Pogoda, Lindsey Colbourne; and sound recording of Cabinet meeting (planning)13.5.24 Sarah Pogoda’s kitchen, Bangor. Sarah Pogoda, Wanda Zyborska, Lindsey Colbourne; and Sgwrs Chwilgar 4 at Storiel/Zoom: 27.4.24 involving Wanda Zyborska, Lisa Hudson, Lindsey Colbourne, Sarah Pogoda, Siân Barlow, Steph Shipley, Kar Rowson, Audrey West, Sarah Holyfield, Trine Moore, Katie Trent, Crissi Mills, Iwan Williams, Manon Prysor, Rachel Evans, Rebecca Gould, Nêst Thomas. Translation: Elinor Gwynn. Thanks to Sarah Pogoda for the presentation about scores at Utopias Bach Collaboratory 3. 24.8.24
47. Llyfr-cerdd bach crac. Angry poem-book. Postcard by Siân Barlow. I think I had the idea of how to adapt one of my angry poems into postcard /angry poem-book form at a conversation we had quite recently, probably the one where Kar & Wanda originally put forward their ideas about adding an off-site exhibition (Cabinet Meeting 15.7.24). Also, it is credited to Oriel Myrddin, for generously explaining in an email to many people that I and some others had been unprofessional and inconsiderate, which unfortunately may damage our careers. Since they were being paid good money to do that important work by Arts Council Wales, its also credited to ACW. Translation: Elinor Gwynn. Thanks to Sarah Pogoda for the presentation about scores at Utopias Bach Collaboratory 3. 24.8.24
48. How to get your work into a museum. Sut i gael eich gwaith i mewn i gasgliad parhaol. Postcard by Wanda Zyborska. Idea inspired by Kaprov scores and how Lee Krasner and Elaine de Kooning got into an exhibition that rejected them by having small pieces put into a construction painting by Franz Kline. Original concept piloted in Centre Pompidou, Paris in August 2004. Developed in conversation with Lisa Hudson, Lindsey Colbourne, Kar Rowson, Lisa Hudson, Lindsey Colbourne, Sarah Pogoda, Siân Barlow, Iain Biggs, Steph Shipley, Audrey West, Sarah Holyfield, Trine Moore and Katie Trent in Utopias Bach collaboratories in August 2022 and May 2024. Additional conceptual adornments arose out of three meetings with Sarah Zyborska, Malgola Gulsczynska and members of Crone Cast in 2024.
49. Sut i gael eich gwaith i mewn amgueddfa. How to get your work into a museum. Postcard by Wanda Zyborska. Proof of efficacy out of an experiment in Constantin Brancusi’s studio in 2004. Further discussion with Anna Powell, Lindsey Colbourne, Lisa Hudson and Sarah Pogoda took place from 2021 – 2024. Photographic evidence is available on request from the shed in a garden in Nant Peris, and a defunct computer in Porthaethwy.
50. [How to get] into and out of inaccessible places? Score by Kar Rowson. Inspired by Sarah Pogoda for introducing me to the work of Ben Patterson and in particular, ‘Instruction No. 2 (Please wash your face) (1964). At Creating Curious Conversation ‘Scores’/ postcards 24/08/24. With Sarah Pogoda, Lindsey Colbourne, Lisa Hudson, Wanda Zyborska, Steph Shipley, Gaia Redgrave, Siân Barlow, Audrey West, Jessica Wilson.