Cwrs Utopias Bach Course
Cwrs Utopias Bach Course is an experiment in how aspects of Utopias Bach can fit into more traditional educational settings. Lisa Hudson is running an 8 week course for Adult Learning Wales, based on Utopias Bach methodologies. One course is online and the other is at the Institute Building, Pavillion Hill, Caernarfon LL55 1AS.
Utopias Bach course is a series of creative invitations to explore a personal and communal relationship to your own square mile. Using art, photography, poetry, mapping, storytelling and collaborative enquiry, we are examining our local areas through community, heritage, landscape, personal stories and by forming relationships with the more-than-human occupants. This course is being delivered a partnership with Gwynedd and Anglesey Community Learning Network’s provision.
This page is for celebrating our journey together. You’ll see the prompts and the work created in response, week by week.
If you would like to take part in future courses, please email Lisa
Week 2: Finding Utopias Bach in your Milltir Sgwar

Response… (you can click on images to see them larger!)
Week 3: Can we imagine a radically different future?


Week 4: Mapping