Ysgol Arbrofol At Ein Coed - Treesense Experimental School @ Pontio
Croeso i Gylch 2: Welcome to Cylch 2
Yn ystod yr ail pythefnos Ysgol Arbrofol Dod At Ein Coed, byddwn yn archwilio ffyrdd o gyfathrebu gyda’n goeden gyfaill a gofyn y cwestiwn: “Sut allwn ni ddechrau datblygu perthynas gyfartal a chariadus gyda choed?”
During this second fortnight of the Experimental Treesense School, we will be exploring ways of communication with our tree-kin and asking the question “How can we begin to develop equal and loving relationships with trees?”
Activities and Resources
Llun: Mel Roberts
How do trees communicate with humans?
“What if you were a great teacher, a holder of knowledge and vessel of stories, but had no audible voice with which to speak? What if your listeners presumed you to be mute, save for the passive whispering of your needles? How would you bring your truth into the world? Wouldn’t you dance your story in branch and root? Wouldn’t you write it in the eloquence of cellulose? In the lasting archive of wood? Plants tell their stories not by what they say but by what they do. They tell their story in their bodies, in an alphabet once as familiar as the song of every bird, which we have also forgotten, as we became afflicted not only with plant blindness but plant deafness as well.”
Robin Wall Kimmerer, 2021
Some ways to deepen your connection from Treesisters
Drawing with trees with artist Stuart Smith https://www.instagram.com/stuart._smith/
Gan Rhys Trimble
Pobl sy’n creu Cylch 2: People creating Cylch 2
This Cylch is being created by:
Lisa Hudson (coordinator)