Dadadeiladu’r Gynhadledd
- dathlu 1.5 blwyddyn o flaguro
A deconstructed Conference
- celebrating 1.5 years of becoming
Plas Bodfa 12.6.22
Lluniau gan Huw Jones, Jonathan Lewis, Lindsey Colbourne, Ed Straw, Steph Shipley
Our deconstructed conference was an experiment in how to run a conference in a different way. All those involved in Utopias Bach were invited (and open to all), bringing together the various parts of the strawberry plant to exchange experiences, ideas, learnings, to see what we’ve done, where we are at and what next. More than 30 human people came, some with us from the start, some new on the day… along with about 30 toad tadpoles, 4 greylag geese and numerous other beings…
This page documents the conference, and you may also wish to view two individual documentation responses - by Sarah Holyfield and Ellen Davies.
11.00 Cychwyniad
derbyn eich anrhegion a chwestiynau,
ychwanegu pethau bach rydych chi wedi ddod gyda chi
12.00 Gweithdy gwneud cerdyn post gyda Steph Shipley
13.00 Picnic mwy-na-dynol
ymweld a 10 gorsaf bicnic o gwmpas tir y plas gyda gwestweiwyr mwy-na-dynol. Gyda Ffion a Julie Upmeyer
14.30 Mynd ar drywydd y Pegynnau gosodiad cydweithredol,
perfformiad ac archwiliad gyda Wanda Zyborska
Mapio cydweithredol gyda Lisa Hudson
17.00 Trafodaeth Collaboratory: Beth nesa’?
18.00 Cerddorfa Lastig Band Dathlu gan greu cerddoriaeth lastig band gyda’n gilydd
11.00 Initiation + grounding exercise (visit sound installation by Gaia Redgrave)
receive your gifts and choose your conference question badge, add things you’ve brought with you, look around the conference rooms
12.00 Postcard making workshop with Steph Shipley
13.00 More-than-human picnic
visit 10 picnic stations around the grounds with more-than-human hosts. With Ffion and Julie Upmeyer
14.30 Pursuing the Polarities collaborative installation,
performance and exploration with Wanda Zyborska
Collaborative Mapping with Lisa Hudson
17.00 Collaboratory discussion: What next?
18.00 Rubber Band Orchestra Celebrating by creating elastic band music together

Conference questions
Our ‘agenda’ was deconstructed into questions that were sewn into badges, some questions from our experiments, some from our Collaboratory discussions back in 2020. Each participant chose a question to wear and explore during the conference, and also received a notebook in which to write insights and responses to their chosen question, the various rooms and installations and discussion.
Questions from experiments
Questions from the collaboratory (these were written by the Collaboratory in November 2020)
Conference proceedings
Notebook notes
As an experiment, we deconstructed ‘minutes’ by each person being given a notebook. Some noted responses to their chosen question, others thoughts that arose. Here are some that follow their question through, or reflect on the journey of the conference. Others that relate to particular ‘areas’ of the conference are in the sections below. Click on the images to see them bigger!

Notes from the conference by Sarah Holyfield
See here for Sarah’s notes, images and videos reflecting on how she’s been thinking about things of late – and how coming to gatherings of Utopias Bach has been for her.
Mapping Room
Lisa installed the various maps we’ve made over the last 1.5 years, exploring aspects of our connections to Utopias Bach, what makes the Utopias Bach welcome so powerful, results of experiments
The Greenhouse Toolkit
Julie installed Mad Lab Methodologies in the Utopias Bach Greenhouse toolkit, a space for reflection…
Collaborative mapping
What aspects/experience of Utopias Bach do you particularly connect with?
Our responses to Lisa’s collaborative mapping invitation:
Postcard Exchange
Steph installed the postcards from our Collaboratory postcard exchange, and invited us to make postcards in response to reflective prompts…
Y Llais Bach
casgliad o leisiau o bedwar ban byd
a collection of voices from four corners of the world
gan - by - Llinos Griffin a Steffan Harri
Pa frawddegau sy’n dod i’r meddwl wrth feddwl am iwtopias? Beth ydi’ch syniadau iwtopaidd chi? Oes ‘na synau sy’n iwtopaidd i chi?
Which phrases spring to mind when you think of utopia? What are your utopic ideas? Are there sounds that are utopic to you?
Polarities Room
In response to a suggestion by Frances Williams, Wanda installed our polarities room, and after an introduction to the power of polarities (a lecture performance), and its role in Utopias Bach thinking, Wanda encouraged us to pursue our polarities and add more..
Aurora Room and Octopus of Omnipotence
Inspired by her Aurora Utopias Bach experiment, Samina installed the Aurora Room, asking us to express what is in your heart in this moment? What is dawning in your realisation about your lived experience and life path?
The Octopus of Omnipotence, created by Gaia Redgrave, Samina Ali and Lindsey Colbourne explores the culture of Utopias Bach, and how we create a welcoming space for everyone.
Picnic Mwy-na-dynol : More-than-human picnic
Ffion (7 years old) chose 10 locations around the grounds at Plas Bodfa, at which we were invited to have a ‘more-than-human picnic’, with a different host at each location - from clouds to tadpoles and apple trees…
Reflections on home turf
Succession, ponding and other installations
Cinema Room
Films shown in our cinema room at our "Deonstructed Conference':
Part 1 :
Promo film for the conference
Noticing by Kar Rowson
Collaboratory (14.4.21) mash up film by Lindsey Colbourne
Trawsffurfiad - shape shifting by Lindsey Colbourne
Reflections on Geocache Bach by Lisa Hudson
Fluxus performance calendar by Lindsey Colbourne
Gwalchmai experiment by Lindsey Colbourne
Part 2:
Utopias Bach - Ynys Faelog by Steph Shipley
Aurora - reflections on an experiment in a heart sharing space by Samina Ali and Lisa Hudson
A Council of All Beings by Lindsey Colbourne
Crone Cast Hagira
Utopias Bach Ysgol Sion Cwilt by Seran Dolma and Lindsey Colbourne
Utopias Bach Limbe, Malawi by Wanda Zyborska
Yn oed oesoedd by Steph Shipley
Utopias Bach: Cerddorfa 'Lastig Band
Collaboratory Discussion
At the end of the conference we held a Collaboratory discussion. We talked of how things have been over the last 18 months in Utopias Bach, and ideas for what next…