English below
Cwestiynu trwy Gwiltio?
Daeth y syniad o Cwilt Utopias Bach Quilt o’n Cydweithredfa ym mis Medi 2023, lle’r oeddem, mewn partneriaeth â Rewilding the Artist, yn trafod sut y gallem ymgorffori ein Utopias Bach yn esblygu ‘teimlad, profiad, gwahoddiad, system, polisïau, moesau, diwylliannau’ yn hytrach na chael set sych o bolisïau a disgrifiadau papur ‘sefydlog’.
Ers hynny rydym wedi bod yn gweithio ar y Cwilt mewn gwahanol ffyrdd (ee mewn sain a gweithiau 3-D yn ogystal â phwytho), gan archwilio sut gallwn ni greu polisi sy'n broses fyw, anadlu, atblygol?
Bydd y Collaboratory hon yn gyfle i ailymweld â’r cwilt, i fyfyrio ar ble’r ydym, ac i ofyn rhai cwestiynau ynglŷn â sut yr ydym yn symud ymlaen o’r fan hon.
Yn benodol, byddwn yn ystyried sut y gallai ‘sgoriau’ neu awgrymiadau ein helpu i symud y cwilt i fod yn bolisi effeithiol, gan ddefnyddio ‘sgôr cynhwysiant’ Lisa fel enghraifft.
Questioning by Quilting?
The idea of Cwilt Utopias Bach Quilt came from our Collaboratory in September 2023, where, in partnership with Rewilding the Artist, we were discussing how we might embody our Utopias Bach evolving ‘feel, experience, invitation, system, policies, etiquette, cultures’ rather than having a dry set of ‘fixed’ paper-based policies and descriptions.
Since then we have been working on the Quilt in various ways (eg in sound and 3-D works as well as with stitching), exploring how can we create a policy that is a living, breathing, reflexive process?
This Collaboratory will be a chance to revisit the quilt, to reflect on where we are, and to ask some questions about how we move on from here.
In particular will consider how ’scores’ or prompts could help us move the quilt into becoming effective policy, using Lisa’s ‘inclusion score’ as an example.
Warm welcome to all, whether or not you have been contributing to the quilt. This will be an interesting opportunity to explore different approaches to ‘policy’.
Zoom link will be the same as always: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85409719450?pwd=d1VaRktoY1QveTZWSDdaUDVKQWRkQT09
Meeting ID: 854 0971 9450
Passcode: 398362
If this is your first Collaboratory meeting, we invite you to join at 10.30am to find out more about how our meetings work and to ask any questions/tell us of any access (or other) needs.