Reflection session for the group exploring theory and post-dramatic theatre
Heiner Müller:
"Theater, denen es nicht mehr gelingt, die Frage WAS SOLL DAS zu provozieren, werden mit Recht geschlossen.“
(Rather frrely translated into English:
"Theatres that no longer succeed in provoking the question WHAT THE FUCK WHY AND WHAT IS THIS are rightly closed."
This group is exploring how can theoretical texts act as epiphytes for dramatic texts, how can we graft theoretical textbites and stage, what does theatricality (theatre = θέατρον (théatron = place for viewing) help us to see in a dramatic vs a theoretical text?
If you’d like to join in this exploration, send Sarah Pogoda an email.
Zoom link will be the same as always:
Meeting ID: 854 0971 9450
Passcode: 398362
Images from our first meeting (Pontio/zoom 1.2.25)