Gwahoddiadau Utopias Bach Invitations
- Galeri, Caernarfon
Utopias Bach is a creative collective based on North Wales, with connections around the world.
Since lockdown 2020, we have been trying to find out ‘What are the Utopias Bach, the little things that might in some way help create a better place for people of all kinds (human and more-than-human), especially those who are most badly affected by the state of the world?’. By rethinking ‘Utopia’ as rooted in place, we have been working creatively together to explore revolutions in miniature, creating positive change in our society and focused at a scale we feel we can influence.
Our Utopias Bach are:
creative experiments that explore
ideas for the future (that may already be present)
constructed/presented/framed in a small scale (physically, or as a microcosm)
that in some way might help us imagine the world a better place for humans and more-than-humans of all kinds
Over the last three years, we have grown into a diverse collective of several hundred people - from North Wales to Malawi, from individuals to schools to whole communities. We work with awareness, care and respect to the environment, each other and all humans and more-than-humans, paying attention to our process, methods and our own becoming.
This exhibition is structured around responses to our invitations and explorations. We have used art, photography, poetry, mapping, storytelling and collaborative enquiry to examine our milltir sgwar through community, heritage, landscape, personal stories and by forming relationships with the more-than-human occupants.
Utopias Bach is open to all, and we invite you to join in our explorations at home, online and with us at our events.
@ Galeri, Caernarfon until 5th July 2023
Cydweithfa greadigol o ogledd Cymru ydi Utopias Bach, gyda chysylltiadau ledled y byd.
Ers cyfnod clo 2020, rydyn ni wedi bod yn ceisio darganfod ‘Beth ydi Utopias Bach, y pethau bychain sydd mewn un ffordd neu’r llall yn helpu i greu lle gwell ar gyfer pobl o bob math (dynol a mwy-na-dynol), yn enwedig y rheini sydd wedi eu heffeithio’n wael gan gyflwr y byd sydd ohoni?’ Trwy ail-feddwl ‘Utopia’ fel rhywbeth wedi’i wreiddio mewn lle, rydyn ni wedi bod yn cydweithio’n greadigol i archwilio chwyldroadau ar raddfa fach, gan greu newid cadarnhaol yn ein cymdeithas ac wedi’i ffocysu ar raddfa lle mae’n bosib i ni gael dylanwad.
Mae ein Utopias Bach:
yn arbrofion creadigol sy’n archwilio
yn syniadau ar gyfer y dyfodol (sy’n bodoli’n barod o bosib)
wedi eu hadeiladu/cyflwyno/fframio ar raddfa fach (yn gorfforol, neu fel microcosm)
mewn un ffordd neu’r llall yn gwneud i ni ddychmygu’r byd yn lle gwell ar gyfer pobl a’r mwy-na-dynol, o bob math
Yn ystod y tair blynedd diwethaf, rydyn ni wedi tyfu i fod yn gydweithfa amrywiol o gannoedd o bobl – o ogledd Cymru i Malawi, o unigolion i ysgolion a chymunedau cyfan. Dan n’n gweithio efo ymwybyddiaeth, gofal a pharch at yr amgylchedd, ein gilydd ac phob bod dynol a mwy-na-dynol, gan dalu sylw at ein proses, dulliau a’n datblygiad ein hunain.
Mae’r arddangosfa hon wedi ei strwythuro ac yn cwmpasu ein gwahoddiadau ac archwiliadau. Rydyn ni wedi defnyddio celf, ffotograffiaeth, barddoniaeth, mapio, cyfarwyddo a ymholi cydweithredol i archwilio ein milltir sgwar trwy gymuned, treftadaeth, tirlun, straeon personol a thrwy ffurfio perthnasau gyda deiliaid mwy-na-dynol.
Mae Utopias Bach yn agored i bawb, ac rydyn ni’n eich gwahodd chi i ymuno â’n archwiliadau adref, ar-lein ac efo ni yn ein digwyddiadau.
Curated by Lisa Hudson and Lindsey Colbourne (Carreg Creative) with Llinos Griffin, Wanda Zyborska, and Steph Shipley.
Documentation: Lindsey Colbourne
Yn gynnwys gwaith gan - including works by:
angharad owen, anwen roberts, camilla brueton, catrin ellis, clive croft, debbie bradon, ed straw, elinor gwynn, elis jones, elliw llyr, emily meilleur, gaia redgrave, gruff ellis, iain biggs, joy smith, julie upmeyer, kar rowson, lara usherwood, liesbet williams, lindsey colbourne, lisa hudson, llinos griffin, mary thomas, michael jepson, nina othen, odette straw, peter highes, petra goetz, samina ali, sarah holyfield, seran dolma, sian cwper, sian shakespeare, steffan harri, steph shipley, tom jolley, wanda garner, wanda zyborska.
Dychmygu Radical Imaginings
15 munud/minutes
A collection of voices from four corners of the world by Llinos Griffin and Steffan Harri
In Autumn 2021, we made a call out to explore the idea of utopias bach: Which phrases spring to mind when you think of utopias bach? What are your utopic ideas? Are there sounds that are utopic to you? Can you record them…
Languages: Cornish, Welsh, English, Swahili, Malayalan, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, German, Danish. With a special contribution by Chubby Cree, a native American grandmother-grandson duo from Edmonton, Canada
Casgliad o leisiau o bedwar ban byd gan Llinos Griffin a Steffan Harri
Yn Hydref 2021, mi roddon ni alwad allan yn archwilio’r syniad o iwtopias bach: Pa frawddegau sy’n dod i’r meddwl wrth feddwl am iwtopias bach? Beth ydi’ch syniadau iwtopaidd chi? Oes ‘na synau sy’n iwtopaidd i chi? Allwch chi eu recordio nhw…
Ieithoedd. Cernyweg, Cymraeg, Saesneg, Swahili, Malayalam, Sbaeneg, Portiwgaleg, Iseldireg, Almaeneg, Daneg. Gyda chyfraniad arbennig gan Chubby Cree, deuawd Americanaidd brodorol rhwng nain a'i wyr o Edmonton, Canada
Follow the translation of the sound track on the cloth hanging behind the sofa.
Lleisiau: Voices:
Kyle Odgers, Seran Arianwen, Elis Madog Jones, Idris Madog Jones, Teleri Lea, Sara Louise Wheeler, Simon Chandler (Carped Hud), Catrin Ellis Jones, Nina Othen, Nuria, Judith Dijk, Rhonda Davis, Sian Owen, Sian Northey, Lis Rosen, Sian Cwper, Elfed Lewis, Anna Lewis, Rhiannon Lewis, Owain Lewis, Ioan Llywelyn, Jaise Kyriakos, Julie Upmeyer, Katy Serudo, Morwen Jones, Awel Irene (Newid y Drefn - Mererid Hopwood), Marian Brosschot,
Nia Jeffreys, Laura Karadog (darlleniadau o Rhuddin), Lindsey Colbourne, Stephanie Willing, Sian Llywelyn, Carol a Noah Green o Chubby Cree.