Gwahoddiadau - invitations
Noticeboard of new invitations to be part of Experiments and other Utopias Bach related activities, as well as invitations to members of Utopias Bach from others
(if you would like to add a Utopias Bach invitation please email us)
See also:
Take my hand: Art as a form of prayer; liminal spaces in sacred landscapes
The ‘betysai’ or houses of prayer in the Ministry Area of Bro Padrig on the north coast of Ynys Môn are situated in remote locations by the sea sometimes felt as ‘thin places’. The embodied experience of spirituality during Utopias Bach gatherings has prompted the desire to consider how sacred sites and landscapes offer a liminal space in which a sense of ‘otherness’ might lead to new knowledge. It will start with a creative deliberation of such spaces and, treading lightly, explore art as a form of prayer.
Sacred spaces … are not doctrinal, but experiential. They draw us into deeper community with each other and the whole circle of creation. Margaret Silf, 2001
If you would like to take a gentle walk with Steph email Steph Shipley
Utopias Bach online poetry group
Iain Biggs is offering an online reading group that focuses on poems we feel relate to Utopias Bach's concerns in some way. We could take it in turn to circulate a poem (nothing too long!) and then meet online to discuss it. If you are interested in taking part contact Iain
Rewilding the artist
Rewilding the Artist: Breaking New Ground, is an experiment by Gaia Redgrave in “making the arts more accessible to disabled & neurodivergent artists & visitors through a Culture of Care & the Rewilding process”, and is partnered by Utopias Bach.
If you’d like to join the mailing list for ‘The Journey’, the Rewilding the Artist newsletter , including links and resources. please email Gaia.
Oriel Brondanw Agored 2024
Galwad am Waith: Call for Work
Dyddiad cau/Closing date: 24/01/24
Thema arddangosfa Agored Plas Brondanw blwyddyn yma yw ‘Trawsffurfiad’. Mae croeso i chi ddehongli’r thema mewn unrhyw ffordd sy’n sbarduno eich dychymyg.
Rydym yn chwilio am waith gan artistiaid newydd a rhai mwy profiadol, ac rydym yn awyddus i arddangos amrywiaeth eang o wahanol ddulliau a syniadau. Mae’r arddangosfa agored yn un o uchafbwyntiau’r flwyddyn i Plas Brondanw. Am wybodaeth sut i gyflwyno eich gwaith, a’r gwobrau sy’n cael eu cynnig, ewch i: https://www.plasbrondanw.org/Agored-2024
The theme and inspiration of this year's Open exhibition is 'Transformation'. You are welcome to interpret the theme in any way that sparks your imagination.
We are looking for work from new and more experienced artists, and we are keen to showcase a wide variety of different methods and ideas. The open exhibition is one of the highlights of the year for Plas Brondanw. For more information about submitting your work and the prizes that are on offer go to: https://www.plasbrondanw.org/Open-2024
Making Amidst Extinction - a call for creative practices 2.11.23
We are writing to share the call for creative practice for the hybrid symposium Making amidst extinction. The symposium will take place online and in-person at the University of Bristol on November 2, 2023. The deadline for proposals is August 31.
Please find the CFP attached and online [link]. The day itself will centre on creative practice, and we hope to also publish some of the work presented and discussed at a later point. Please share widely and if you have any questions send them to us at e.tabak@bristol.ac.uk or milo.newman@bristol.ac.uk.
With best wishes,
Milo and Eline
At Ein Coed - Treesense, Pontio
Mae popeth rydym yn ei wneud yn Utopias Bach yn arbrawf bach, a dydi Ysgol Dod At Ein Coed ddim yn wahanol yn hynny o beth. Rhwng 3ydd Mawrth a 27ain Mai 2023, rydym yn eich gwahodd chi – amrywiaeth hyfryd o bobl ddynol a phobl coed o bob oed, math a chefndir – i ddod yn gyfranogwyr sumbiotig mewn cyd-ymholiad gyda choed.
Byddwn yn archwilio “Sut allwn ni ddod yn ôl at ein coed trwy gydweithred coed-ddynol?” Yn defnyddio celf, ffotograffiaeth, barddoniaeth, mapio, gwneud gwisgoedd, perfformiadau, dweud straeon ac ymholiad cydweithredol, byddwn yn creu cymuned rhyng-gysylltiol fel coedwig o symudiad, synhwyrau, sain, tyfiant a chysylltiadau.
Everything we do in Utopias Bach is a bit of an experiment, and the Tree Sense Experimental School is no different. Between 3rd March and 27th May 2023, we will invite you – a wonderful diversity of human people and tree people of all ages, types and backgrounds - to become a symbiotic participants in a co-enquiry with trees.
We will be exploring “How can we come back to our senses through human-tree collaborations?” Using art, photography, poetry, mapping, costume making, performance, storytelling and collaborative enquiry, we will create a forest-like interconnected community of movement, senses, sound, growth and connection.
‘Mydiad (Hu)Mycelium Movement
Following the first performances at Gwyl Metaboliaeth and Gwyl Afon Ogwen, exploring the forms and functions of mycelium (microscopic fungal network), Emily Meilleur and Samina Ali would like to extend Hu-mycelium into the community and invite people to join us in future workshops and performances.
The movement is slow and mindful, seeking connections and creating symbiotic exchanges, in the space between people and other living things.
If you might like to be involved, please contact Emily Meilleur 07791951233
Entropi Exhibition 26.11.2023 5-8pm
5 - 8pm, 26.11.2023
Stiwdio Gelf / Art Studio, Cei Llechi, Caernarfon
Open daily 10am - 4pm 27 - 30.11.2023
Manon Awst, Lucy F-M, Anders Hultkvist, Distant Animals, Catrin Menai, Gwenllian Spink
a nifer o berfformwyr yn cynnwys / and many performers including:
Zoë Skoulding, Sarah Pogoda, Lee Duggan, Lowri Hedd, Charlie Blake, Esyllt Lewis,
Hedydd Ioan, Rhys Trimble, Steffan Phillips, Buddug Robert, Layla Hignell-Tully
Manon, Lucy et al.
This experiment, led by Ellen Davies is a community arts project weaving original conversations and poetry, music, movement, clay, paint and dance to create a new conversation, that goes beyond words: To feel a part of rather than apart from and thereby improving well being and mental health... We have run a series of workshops on the theme of SOUND YOUR VOICE - BE HEARD - RE-CONNECT - RECOVER and we are now working towards sharing the results as a public experience at Pontio 6pm 14th January 2024 (save the date!), together with a month-long exhibition. See more here
Gwyl Afon Ogwen Festival: Celf yn y Coed 23.9.23
An invitation to join Gaia Redgrave and Cathedral of the Trees: A Triad of Being
Cathedral of Trees: A Triad of Being is An experiment in reconnection and communication with the landscape, & more than human. You are invited to sign up to a series of five events, spending creative time with the natural world, experiencing three journey packages received through your letterbox.
Please sign up to receive the packages, prompts, emails etc from Gaia: https://forms.gle/3otrTZCwrfH3mr2N6
Join Gaia for The Gathering
Date: Wednesday May 3rd 11:00 a.m - 12.30pm
This zoom event is an introduction to Cathedral of the Trees, the Triad of Being & an invitation to start mapping your journey. Also an opportunity to sign up if you haven’t already done so.
This event is over zoom:
If you have any questions please email: cathedralofthetrees@gmail.com
Instagram: @cathedralofthetrees
Placing Experiment: Avant Garde Practices and the Nonhuman
Sarah Pogoda and Zoë Skoulding are inviting interest from members of Utopias Bach in this Bangor University project, which runs from now to July 2023. ‘Placing Experiment: Avant-garde practice and the nonhuman’ aims to create spaces that allow mutual learning and unlearning together across beings and disciplines, to uncover questions we’ve not seen before. Spaces will sometimes be wild, sometimes calm, sometimes non-places, sometimes academic, sometimes artistic, sometimes hybrid or just everything! There will be artistic installations, sound and poetry, performances and experiments, conferences and workshops. It has an academic objective but all are open to everyone interested.
Research questions:
What specific places and/or constellations have been conducive to the emergence of avant-garde practice, and why?
How can artistic critique of subjectivity help to inform intellectual, scholarly, scientific processes?
What role do experimental artistic practices play in contesting ideas of place?
How do forms of knowledge that are embedded in practice, such as writing and performing, suggest ways of understanding relationships between humans and the nonhuman world?
What forms of interdisciplinarity does avant-garde practice draw on, or enable?
What forms of creative translation might enable artistic and scientific knowledge to inform each other? What forms of transgression are involved in this encounter?
How does the re-use and re-appropriation of texts and materials suggest new forms of place and placing?
How can dialogues be developed between non-Western epistemologies and the ways in which Western writing and art practices question human subjectivity?
How can artistic practices help us to understand the wider distribution of agency and meaning beyond the human? Could this lead to better ecological understanding?
If you might like to hear more, to contribute or take part in this project/event , please do contact Sarah Pogoda
Quilt Utopias Bach Ecosystem
Utopias Bach is collaborating with Rewilding the Artist, considering how we maintain Utopias Bach as a healthy, balanced, functioning ecosystem for humans and more than humans. In exploring the possibilities of a creative approach to ‘policy’, the idea of creating some kind of Quilt emerged, working individually and collectively to embody our values and ways of working.
If you are interested in being involved the quilt, please email utopias bach
Our first quilt making session will be on 21.11.23 in Bangor/join by zoom see details here
Dysgu Cymraeg Utopias Bach
Mae grwp bach ohonon ni, sy isio ymarfer a dysgu Cymraeg are meeting dros zoom ar bore dydd gwener (third Friday each month). There is no tutor, we are just dysgu together, and supporting each other to teimlo mwy hyderus to siarad Cymraeg. We you would like to take part, email Utopias Bach
Stryd Celf Bangor Street Art
This is a call out for local artists, musicians, performers from Utopias Bach to be part of a street art festival in Bangor next year (from Lucy F-M)!
Street art can be contested if it is not done by and for the given community, and Nuart festival in Aberdeen, one of the biggest street art festivals in the world, is a real inspiration here. Nuart have an arrangement with the local council and Chamber of Commerce, who agree to cover the costs of the festival, and the works, which brings people, events, cheer and colour to the granite city. The artists are a mix of local and international. Bangor could be such a wonderful place for public art, given the number of boarded up buildings, and if the council and community might follow other festivals' lead. This is a call to see if anyone would be interested in collaborating on this.
An idea could be to depict local stories, myths, the Mabinogi, characters and folk lore, that communicate and support social justice, give access to law, and narrate peoples' rights in some way, through public art on the street. whatever people wish. And have events, performances, etc, culminating in the summer 2024.
It is also the 30 year anniversary of the Criminal Justice Act 1994 next year (very stringent anti-social behaviour legislation around land, housing rights) and it could be good to raise awareness of this too within the themes of the works and relating to local examples (perhaps through connection with land, nature, home, belonging, homelessness, etc.). But these are all just ideas, and legal themed (given Lucy's background) and would be up to those participating as to what they would like to focus on.
Something similar is happening in Caernarfon (Canfas) but not quite the same with three locations as canvases, but not necessarily with a social theme, but it just shows that councils and communities are taking public art commissioned by local artists seriously.
There are currently some funding calls with a possible street art opera theme, amongst others. There are already some street artists and storytellers on board that are from around the country, but it would only feel right to go ahead with the project if it is local North Welsh artist grassroots-based, and Welsh speaking too.
If anyone interested can get back to Lucy at info@theloreschool.org just with an expression of interest and if you know of any other local artists or street artists who might be, that be wonderful!
Diolch yn fawr iawn,
Lansiad Y Nendryau 22.7.23
The Utopias Bach Collaboratory is a space to come together each month (once on zoom, once in the ‘real world’) to share learning and ideas. If you have a subject (or a visit) you’d like to put to the ‘hive mind’, please contact Lindsey
Oriel Brondanw
Building on our Collaboratory event reimagining the gallery at Oriel Brondanw, Seran Dolma is offering the opportunity for Utopias Bach to continue our relationship with the gallery in some way. Contact Seran if you are interested
Utopias Bach Scripts/Scores
Lindsey Colbourne and Sarah Pogoda would like to see if we can collectively somehow collate the various invitations/scripts/scores that our various explorations have created into some kind of Utopias Bach publication (in the broadest sense). Inspired by the Serpentine’s Art & Nature publication.
If you are interested in creating something/helping us think it through please contact Lindsey
Galeri, Caernarfon 2023-4
Llinos Griffin and Lindsey Colbourne have had an initial conversation with Galeri, Caernarfon about the possibility of working with them in creative/socially engaged ways in 2023/4. Galeri have offered Utopias Bach a residency in 2024. And in the run up to that…
In June to August 2023 we will have a Utopias Bach exhibition of work we’ve made to date. We’ll be featuring the various ‘invitations’ we have been working with, and use these as a way of engaging people and finding out what they might want from our residency. Also opportunities for performance perhaps! We will also be working with Galeri/GISDA’s programme of Llwybrau Celf Uwch which will focus on high quality art experiences for young people age 14-17, specifically for young people from diverse and hard to reach backgrounds.We would start thinking about it in January 2023. If you are interested in being involved, please contact us