imagined proposed working title:
imagination of an
imaginary museum
of imagined
utopia bach
preposition I:
Cut up of our discussion of Sarah Pogoda’s idea at the Collabatory in April 2021
materialised museums have their limits. they are set in stone. in best case scenarios, they are architectural visions made real. once someone had a vision which isn´t a vision anymore.
materialised museums are stumbling blocks (Steine des Anstoßes) to imagination. they physically visualise imagination. their exhibitions show imagination. if lucky, their show sets the hare running for our imagination (den Stein ins Rollen bringen).
materialised museums are the hedgehogs, imagination is the hare. a lost case.
preposition 0:
imaginary museums have no limits. they are set nowhere and never. in worst case scenarios, they are bunnies crumbling the cookie’s way (wie der Hase läuft). imagination as a sugar rush. the hedgehog winning the race.
imaginary museums have their hand in the cookie jar of imagination. otherwise they starve and disappear.
imaginary museums only appear unsaturated. unsaturated fat is healthy.
Guided visualisation of an imaginary museum of Gwyl Metamorffosis Festival
imaginary museums are utopian.
preposition ∞
everyone and everything have utopia bach which never materialised.
everyone and everything might have a museum full of utopia bach never materialised.
everyone and everything can imagine an imaginary museum without limits.
everyone and everything imagine the imaginary museum without limits as a utopia bach never materialised.
everyone and everything.
proposal for:
a collective ephemeral imagination of an imaginary museum of imagined utopia bach
utopia bach are hares racing through the flux of time and non-time, their racing track is a smart cookie, their times are tough.
the jar is full and wants to be eaten. let’s open the lid for an imaginary museum of imagined utopia bach.
proposed processes:
organising an online participatory event of individual and collective imagination of imaginary museums of imagined utopia bach.
involving artists, non-artists and utopia bach.
creating a framework and loose script for the performance – allowing a variety of instructed imaginations.
proposed online event to happen mid-May.
contact Sarah: sarah.pogoda@gmail.com
Hedgehogs are yesterday’s news. Hares and bunnies are the yesterday, the today and the tomorrow.
5 Act Non-Drama 4 Online-Event 4 Utopia Bach
Zoom-Event open to all (Eventbrite?) to be held either prior to Metamorffosis or after Metamorffosis (or both)?
1. Welcome (by Sarah P., unless someone else volunteers): Where are we, who are we, why do we meet? (or not) But – to make people feel safe and comfortable a short outline of how the event will work (guided visualisations, breakout rooms with artists covering different ‘themes‘)
2. Warming up (convened by Sarah P. or other): guided visualisation of an Imagined Museum – inspired by current state of mind
3. Break-Out Rooms: Participants will be divided into groups for break-out rooms (allocation by chance) where they will be hosted by artist(s). – time per break-out room: ??? (open for discussion: A sunbeam from the sun to earth takes 8:31 minutes ... but maybe Utopia Bach has its own “time-measuring” system. Suggestions?
4. Break-Out Room Round two? Re-allocate audience to new break-out rooms?
5.Imagined Museum – a collective guided visualisation (initiated by Sarah P.)
A collective visualisation is a guided visualisation without a lead visualisor but everyone can describe a part of their imagination, but required to pick up the “red thread” of the previous shared imaginations by others, so that we all – as a group – walk or fly or dive or run or dream through the imagined museum together.