Ymateb / Dofennaeth - Documentation / Response

  • Documentating or responding to a meeting or event (or a non-event!) that you’ve attended (or missed)

  • Exploring a particular insight or experience you’ve had personally

  • Documenting or responding to one of our experiments

  • Relationships, power structures, changes


Lisa’s reflections on Geocache Bach

With so much going on, Utopias Bach would like to:

a) encourage people to reflect in different ways, personally and/or collectively

b) build a sense of what we’ve done together, collecting insights

c) make what we have tried or learned accessible to others

d) make (more) art out of it

e) try out and learn about ways of documenting and responding

f) make things that could go in our ‘methodologies toolkit'


It could be any aspect of Utopias Bach!

- collaboratory meetings (we’ve got video and auditory recordings you could use)

Seran’s blog

Collaborative ‘miro board’ from Kar’s Collaboratory meetings

- personal journeys or insights

- events (and non-events)

- analyses (e.g. of relationships, power structures, changes)

It take the form of anything you’d like to try, for example:

- writing (of any form, from poetry to a report or essay or article)

- video

- making/3-D work

- 2-D visual (photos, drawings, paintings, etc)

- sound

- blog, vlog

- miro board

How to go about it?

You could let us know ‘I want to make something out of X’ (either retrospectively or proactively!)

or we/you could ‘commission’ someone to do something (e.g. a photo-journal of an event, or respond to something e.g. a meeting)