Cipolwg - Nano News
Mae'r mefus yn dod! The strawberries are coming!
Mae ein planhigion mefus wedi bod yn ymledu ac yn ffrwytho mewn pob math o ffyrdd dros y misoedd diwethaf. Gwelwch a oes rhywbeth yr hoffech chi gymryd rhan ynddo ar ein tudalen digwyddiadau
Our strawberry plantlets have been spreading and fruiting in all sorts of ways over the last few months. See if there is something you’d like to take part in on our events page
This strawberry plantlet is in full fruit!
Watch this beautiful summary of Ellen Davies’ year long co-collaboration with artists with lived experience of poor mental Health etc.. and community members, exploring the concept of isolation and connection.
Taith dywys gan Sel Williams, yn edrych allan dros Ddyffryn Peris o Ffordd Clegir, gan sylwi ar brif nodweddion y tirlun a meddyliwch am ffyrdd y mae prosesau daearegol, daearyddol, ecolegol, hanesyddol, economaidd, cymdeithasol, gwleidyddol, diwylliannol ac ieithyddol wedi rhyngweithio i lunio’r gymuned bresennol.
A guided journey with Sel Williams, looking out over Dyffryn Peris from Ffordd Clegir, noticing the main features of the landscape and thinking about ways in which geological, geographical, ecological, historical, economic, social, political, cultural and linguistic processes have interacted to shape the current community.
Stori’r Tir - Story of the Land
Rydym wrth ein bodd bod agwedd Utopias Bach at arbrofion wedi’i mabwysiadu yn Nyffryn Peris (Dyffryn Llanberis), gan alluogi 15 o brosiectau gwahanol i egino, yn archwilio: Sut mae ein perthynas gyda’r tir wedi newid dros amser? Beth yw y straeon a’r chwedloniaeth cyffredin? Pa straeon mae’r caeau, mynyddoedd, afonydd, adar, pryfaid ac anifeiliaid yn eu dweud? Sut allwn ni ddychmygu straeon newydd i’r dyfodol y bydwn yn ei rannu?
We are delighted that Utopias Bach’s approach to experiments has been adopted in Dyffryn Peris (Llanberis valley), enabling 15 different projects to sprout, exploring: how have our relationships with land in Dyffryn Peris changed over time? What are our shared myths and collective narratives? what stories do the fields, mountains, rivers, birds, rocks, insects, animals tell? how can we imagine new stories for our shared future?
Cwilt: Gaia Redgrave
Cwilt Utopias Bach Quilt: Collaboratory 11.7.24
Lisa Hudson and Gaia Redgrave will run this collaboratory, in which we will:
share our experiences of making the quilt pieces (bring yours along if you have been making pieces)
remind ourselves of the aims of the quilt (to find out how we might embody our Utopias Bach evolving ‘feel, experience, invitation, system, policies, etiquette, cultures’ rather than having a dry set of ‘fixed’ paper-based policies and descriptions.)
notice any interesting parallels
ask ‘what next?’
Warm welcome to all, whether or not you have been contributing to the quilt. This will be an interesting opportunity to explore different approaches to ‘policy’.
(NB Quilting doesn’t necessarily mean sewing See more here about Cwilt Utopias Bach Quilt, including why we are doing it, what has happened so far etc)
Sgwrs Chwilgar 4: Storiel/zoom Curious Conversation 27.4.24
Tân a Llif: Sgwrs Chwilgar Curious Conversation
Efo Carreg Creative Tân a Llif:
[sut i fynd] i mewn ac allan o’r cabinet:
With Carreg Creative, we have been involved in a Curious Conversation about “[how to get] into and out of the cabinet?”. this is a commission by Storiel and the new Wales National Contemporary Art Gallery.
The fifth iteration of this conversation will manifest itself in, out and beyond a cabinet at Storiel (14.9.24 - 19.10.24)
Turning off the Sat Nav! Moving towards relational/emergent in artistic practice
Lindsey Colbourne has written a blog about the benefits in approaches like those taken by Utopias Bach: investing in relationships around an enquiry, trusting something will emerge (how can it not?) and seeing where this leads.
Hwyl am y tro! Bye for now!
Bws S2 Bus: Prosiect Stori’r Tir gan Femke van Gent & Lucy Finchett-Maddock