Tân a Llif:
[sut i fynd] i mewn ac allan o’r cabinet: [how to get] into and out of the cabinet?
Tân a Llif - sgwrs chwilgar, a curious conversation - is hosted by Carreg Creative - in partnership with Utopias Bach - as part of a commission by Oriel Celf Gyfoes Genedlaethol i Gymru/Wales National Contemporary Art Gallery and Storiel, Bangor.
Sgwrs chwilgar - gwahoddiad i gymryd rhan
Ar gyfer ein comisiwn, mae Carreg Creative (Lisa Hudson a Lindsey Colbourne gyda Wanda Zyborska) yn gwahodd pobl greadigol lle mae eu hymarfer yn canolbwyntio ar gydweithio, proses ac ymgysylltu, i gymryd rhan mewn ‘sgwrs chwilgar’ (ar-lein/yn Storiel).
Bydd y ‘sgwrs chwilgar’ yn archwilio [sut i fynd] i mewn ac allan o'r cabinet. Sut gallai ein harfer ymgysylltiol fod yn berthnasol i oriel gelf gyfoes genedlaethol Cymru (gwefan Celf ar y Cyd) a chasgliad Storiel?
Bydd y ‘sgwrs chwilgar’ hon ynddo’i hun yn rhan o, ac yn arwain at greu gwaith ar gyfer y cabinet a thu hwnt. Bydd rhan o'n gweithgarwch ar y cyd yn cynnwys gwahanol fathau o ddogfennaeth i [casglu? Cynrychioli? Gwneud yn weledol?] ac adlewyrchu ar natur a lleoliad y gelfyddyd ymgysylltiedig - sut mae'n amlygu neu gwireddu ei hun?
Mappa Mundi by Paul Davies on Celf ar y Cyd website; Tân a Llif: Poster BECA Casgliad Storiel; Michael Iwanowski’s ‘Map according to You’
A curious conversation - an invitation to take part
For our commission, Carreg Creative (Lisa Hudson and Lindsey Colbourne with Wanda Zyborska) are inviting creative people whose practice focuses on collaboration and engaged practice to take part in a ‘curious conversation’ (online/at Storiel)
Our ‘Curious Conversation’ will explore how creative practice that focuses on collaboration, process and engagement* can get into and out of the cabinet: How could our engaged practice relate to the new distributed national contemporary art gallery for Wales (Celf ar y Cyd website) and Storiel’s collection?
This ‘curious conversation’ will of itself be part of, and will lead into the creation of work for and beyond the cabinet in Storiel. Part of our collective activity will involve various forms of documentation to [collect? Represent? Make visual?] and reflect on the nature and location of the engaged art – how is it manifest?
Our starting point for our ‘curious conversation’ will be:
Tan â Llif (poster BECA) by Paul Davies in Storiel’s collection
Mappa Mundi by Paul Davies on Celf ar y Cyd website and Michael Iwanowski’s ‘Map according to You’ on Celf ar y Cyd
[*The ‘outside the gallery’ nature of engaged contemporary practice often results in artefacts/art works as a parallel strand of collaborative, embodied activity which encompasses conversation, performance, film, sound and installation. These are difficult to ‘contain’ or represent within a ‘cabinet’, whether the cabinet of a website (Celf ar y Cyd) or a physical cabinet (at Storiel) and even within the ‘cabinet’ of the art world as a whole.]
If you would like to add your mapping or any thoughts or ideas to the conversation, please email them to utopiasbach@gmail.com or (even better!) add them to our Tân a Llif Padlet (electronic noticeboard) here
Amdan y comisiwn - about the commission
In this 9 minute video we introduce the commission
Gwahoddiad 1 - creu eich map eich hun! Invitation - creating your own map!
The 6 minute video below invites you to create your own map of [how to get] into and out of the cabinet, including a ‘grounding exercise’ in flow…
If you would like to add your mapping or any thoughts or ideas to the conversation, please email them to utopiasbach@gmail.com or (even better!) add them to our Tân a Llif Padlet (electronic noticeboard) here
Gwahoddiad 2 - Collaboratory Utopias Bach 21.3.24
Here’s a recording (52 minutes) of the main ‘Sgwrs Chwilgar - Curious Conversation’ at our collaboratory. Our conversation followed on from the invitation set out in the videos above. In it, you can hear how our (exciting!) ideas for how to approach the commission evolve…
Gwahoddiad 3 - Collaboratory Utopias Bach 18.4.24
Here’s a recording (59 minutes) of the main ‘Sgwrs Chwilgar - Curious Conversation’ following on from the March Collaboratory conversation.
Scroll down for a summary poem…
Summary poem! Creative documentation of the meeting by Gaia Redgrave - the framing of liminal space
Hand and body exquisite corps (another interpretation of the meeting)
Gwahoddiad 4 - Sgwrs Chwilgar @ Storiel, Bangor & Zoom
Dydd Sadwrn 27.4.24 Saturday 11.00 - 16.00
Gynhelir gan/Hosted by Lindsey Colbourne, Lisa Hudson, Wanda Zyborska & Siân Barlow
Y Cwestiwn - The Question:
Sut gallai ein harfer ymgysylltiol fod yn berthnasol i Oriel Gelf Gyfoes Genedlaethol Cymru (gwefan Celf ar y Cyd) a chasgliad Storiel?
How could our engaged practice relate to the National Contemporary Art Gallery for Wales (Celf ar y Cyd website) and Storiel’s collection?
1100 Panad croeso, cwestiynau a chyflwyniad. Welcome, questions and introductions
1200 Llif –sut dan ni’n llifo i mewn/tu hwnt i gabinet. Flow – how do we flow into / out of the cabinet now?
1300 Cinio/Lunch
1400 Tân – Fire – beth ydym ni ei eisiau gan ‘y cabinet’. What do we want from ‘the cabinet’, what would we like the relationship to be?
1515 Panad/Break
1530 Felly.. beth i neud o fewn y cabinet, a tu allan a thu hwnt i'r Cabinet yn Storiel? So…what to do in, out of and beyond the Cabinet at Storiel?
1600 Cau/Close
… mewn ysbryd o ymholi cydweithredol trwy sgwrsio ac ymarfer creadigol.
…in a spirit of collaborative enquiry through conversation and creative practice.
If you would like to see or to add thoughts or ideas to the conversation, please email them to utopiasbach@gmail.com or (even better!) add them to our Tân a Llif Padlet (electronic noticeboard) here
Canlyniadau - Results
Llif –sut dan ni’n llifo i mewn/tu hwnt i gabinet. Flow – how do we flow into / out of the cabinet now?
Pethau a wnaed - things that were made
Perfformiadau - performances
Tân – Fire – beth ydym ni ei eisiau gan ‘y cabinet’. What do we want from ‘the cabinet’, what would we like the relationship to be?
Please note this video (above) contains quite a lot of movement and unexpected sounds
Nawr - Now
( mewn/in <———— —————> allan/out)
Yn y dyfodol - in the future
( mewn/in <———— —————> allan/out)