Ysgol Arbrofol At Ein Coed - Treesense Experimental School @ Pontio
Cylch 1: EGINO
Croeso i Gylch 1: Welcome to Cylch 1
Yn ystod y ddwy wythnos gyntaf Ysgol Arbrofol Dod At Ein Coed, byddwn yn darganfod “Sut allen ni ddechrau asio a chysylltu gyda’n cymuned dynol a choedol mewn ffyrdd fydd yn newid ein synnwyr o’n hunain a’n perthnasau?”
During these first two weeks of the Experimental Treesense School, we will be finding out “How can we begin to merge and connect with our human and tree community in ways that change our sense of self and kin?”
Activities and resources
Listen to the invitations below:
or scroll down for text version and extra resources
During the two weeks of this Cylch, you are invited to:
Find a tree, group of trees or wood you see everyday, who[1] wants to come to the Ysgol with you, to be a collaborator, contributor and receiver.
The attempt is to hold in your imagination the possibility that you can experience them inviting you, rather than you seeking them. Go outside (or go into your imagination) and ask the question ‘who would like to come to the Tree School with me’? You might be surprised by the tree you end up with. Be patient, try to enter tree time.
This tree(s) will be your friend, your lodestar, your awen [divine wind of inspiration], and your collaborator for the course. You will be invited to develop your relationship with them over the course of the Tree Sense Experimental School and to invite them to be part of the School itself, as a contributor and receiver.
2. Make yourselves a Tree Sense Experimental ‘bardic’ school name, which merges you and your awen tree(s). Merge your given name and your tree/copse/wood, making belong to each other as one being, and setting your intention for your collaboration. You might even make yourself a name label. See pages below for ideas, or examples above
3. Begin initial collaborations with your awen tree/copse/wood, by working regularly with them for 3 days.
You could start with by taking time to meditate on you and your tree, and how you can relate to each other, though thought, feelings, body, ears, eyes, taste, touch, in slow time. You may like to do some research, perhaps using your bardic name as a starting point or ecological or traditional or mythological understandings.
Take your research with you on a walk then:
Writing: In the presence of (or connected to) your tree/trees write continuously for 5 minutes without punctuation or stopping, just put down what comes to you. Perhaps it will be a language you don’t even understand.
Alternative: Draw in the presence of (or connected with) your tree(s) continuously for 5 minutes on a large sheet of paper. Perhaps you could attach a pencil to a branch so you can work together? Or perhaps you might use photography or video.
Continue this practice for 3 days.
[1] Note: we will refer to trees as they/them, recognizing their person-hood, rather than object-hood!
Yn ystod y ddwy wythnos Cylch yma, gwahoddwn chi i:
1. Ddod o hyd i goeden, grwp o goed neu goedwig rydych yn eu gweld bob dydd, sydd eisiau dod i’r ysgol gyda chi, i fod yn gydweithiwr, yn gyfranogwr ac yn dderbynnydd.
Ymgais fydd hyn i gipio’ch dychymyg fel eu bod nhw yn eich hudo chi, yn hytrach na’ch bod chi yn chwilio amdanyn nhw. Ewch allan (neu ewch i mewn i’ch dychymyg) a gofyn y cwestiwn ‘hoffet ti ddod i’r Ysgol Goed efo fi?’ Efallai cewch eich synnu gan pa fath o goeden fydd hi. Byddwch yn amyneddgar, ewch â’ch hun i mewn i amser y coed.
Bydd y goeden hon/coed hyn yn ffrind i chi, yn seren fydd yn eich harwain, yn awen, ac yn gydweithiwr trwy gydol y cwrs. Byddwch yn cael eich gwahodd i ddatblygu eich perthynas gyda nhw trwy gydol yr Ysgol Arbrofol At Eich Coed ac yn eu gwahodd i ddod yn rhan o’r Ysgol ei hun, fel cyfranogwr a derbynnydd.
2. Gwnewch enw barddol Ysgol Arbrofol At Eich Coed i chi’ch hun, un fydd yn eich uno chi â’r goeden awen/coed awen. Unwch eich enw gyda’ch coeden/coedlan/coedwig, er mwyn i chi berthyn i’ch gilydd fel un bod, ac yn gosod eich bwriad ar gyfer eich cydweithrediad. Gweler y tudalennau isod am syniadau.
3. Dechreuwch gydweithrediadau gyda’ch coeden/coedlan/coedwig awen trwy weithio gyda nhw’n gyson am 3 diwrnod.
Gallwch ddechrau trwy gysegru amser i fyfyrio amdanoch chi a’ch coeden a meddwl am sut gallwch uniaethu gyda’ch gilydd, trwy’r meddwl, y corff, clustiau, llygaid, cyffwrdd, yn ara’ deg. Efallai hoffech chi wneud gwaith ymchwil, yn defnyddio eich enw barddol fel man cychwyn neu thrwy dealltwriaethau ecolegol, traddodiadol neu chwedlonol.
Ewch â’ch ymchwil gyda chi am dro, yna:
Sgwennu: yng nghwmni, (neu gan ymgysylltu gyda)’ch coed/en, sgwennwch yn ddi-stop am 5 munud heb atalnodi na stopio, dim ond sgwennu beth bynnag ddaw i chi. Efallai bydd yn iaith dydych chi ddim hyd yn oed yn ei deall.
Fel arall: Darluniwch yng nghwmni (neu gan ymgysylltu gyda)’ch coed/en yn ddi-stop am 5 munud ar ddarn mawr o bapur. Efallai gallwch roi pensil yn sownd i gangen er mwyn i chi weithio gyda’ch gilydd? Neu efallai gallwch ddefnyddio ffotograffiaeth neu fideo.
Gwnewch hyn am 3 diwrnod.
Guided meditation
At our event on 11th March, Angharad Wilson led us in a guided meditation to to discover our inner potential individually, and as a commumnity, with help from the forest, the plants and the trees. You are invited to try this at home as a way to begin this Cylch.
Enwau barddol
Plymiwch i mewn i ecoleg synhwyrol eich coed. Efallai bydd nodweddion chwedlonol, er enghraifft Taliesin a’r Gad Goddeu, efallai parodi neu amrywiad o Aeneid gan Virgil ble mae’r coed yn cynrhychioli pobl, iaith. Ffordd arall o fynd ati ydi archwilio eich celli neu goeden unigol yn fotanegol er mwyn mesur eu cymeriad e.e. dail hir yr onnen, clefyd yr onnen, pren caled a meddal, bytholwyrdd/collddail a dwyranau eraill a all gynrhychioli nodweddion anthroposentrig: gwreiddiau a myseliwm ffwng.
Yn draddodiadol bydd enw barddol yn ysgogi cysyniad o le neu dreftadaeth, o liw, agwedd ac o bosib yn datgelu rhywbeth am eich hunan-ddelwedd neu natur fewnol. Am fwy o wybodaeth am enwau barddol gweler: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bardic_name
Efallai hoffech chi eiriau Cymraeg ar gyfer eich coeden awen a hefyd enw rhoddedig sydd hefyd yn Gymraeg. Dyma rai:
Bardic names
Take a deep dive into your trees psychic ecology. The characteristics might be mythological, for example Taliesin and the Battle of the Trees [Cad Goddeu, perhaps a parody or a celtic variant of Virgils Aeneid] in which the trees stand for people, language. Another approach may be to examine your spinney or individual tree botanically in order to measure their character e.g. the long leaves of the Ash, Ash die back, hardwood/softwood, evergreen /deciduous and other binaries which could stand for more anthropocentric traits: root and fungal mycelium.
Traditionally a bardic name will evoke certain place or heritage, colour, attitude and may reveal something about your self-image or inner nature. For more about bardic names see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bardic_name. You might like Welsh words for your awen tree plus a given name perhaps also Welsh. Here are some to start you off:
Enw wedi’i Dorri
Ffordd arall o fynd ati i greu enw Ysgol Arbrofol At Eich Coed ydi gwneud enw wedi’i dorri: mae’r peiriant torri yn cymysgu’r geiriau rydych yn ei roi mewn. Mae hyn weithiau yn creu cyfosodiadau difyr a newydd o eiriau sy’n gallu eich ysbrydoli’n greadigol. Gallwch ddefnyddio hyn gyda llythrennau unigol yn hytrach nag eiriau cyfan. Rhowch destun i mewn i https://www.languageisavirus.com/cutupmachine.php gyda geiriau coed arlein ac edrychwch beth gewch chi!
Gwneud label enw neu fathodyn i chi’ch hun
Os gwnewch enw Ysgol Arbrofol At Eich Coed i chi’ch hun, efallai hoffech chi wneud label neu fathodyn gyda brigyn neu ddeilen gyda’ch enw. Gallwch wisgo hwn os ydych chi’n mynychu digwyddiadau Ysgol Arbrofol At Eich Coed.
Cut up name
An alternative approach to creating your Tree Sense Experimental School name is to make a Cut-up name: The Cut-Up Machine mixes up the words you enter in a form, ala William S. Burroughs, Brion Gysin and the Dadaists. This creates new and often surprising juxtapositions of words that can inspire creativity. You could use this with individual letters rather than whole words. Drop some text with tree words online into https://www.languageisavirus.com/cutupmachine.php and see what you get!
Making yourself a name label or badge
If you make yourself a Tree Sense Experimental School name, perhaps you could make yourself a twig or leaf- based name label or badge with your new name. You could wear this if you attend one of the Tree Sense Experimental School events.
An example of writing with trees - By Anna Powell
Pobl sy’n creu Cylch 1: People creating Cylch 1
This Cylch is created by:
Lindsey Colbourne (coordinator)
Angharad Wilson
Kar Rowson
Llun: Lindsey Colbourne