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Utopias Bach @ Gofod Glas, Llanrwst

Utopias Bach @ Gofod Glas - 18.3.25

Bydd Lindsey yn cynnal cyfarfod bach o Utopias Bach yn Gofod Glas, Llanrwst ar ddydd Mawrth 18fed Mawrth 11 - 12.30 Rydym eisiau archwilio barn Utopias Bach ar ein perthynas â dŵr croyw ac ar brosiect Gofod Glas. Os hoffech ymuno â ni, anfonwch e-bost at Lindsey

Lindsey will be hosting a little Utopias Bach gathering at Gofod Glas, Llanrwst on Tuesday 18th March 11 - 12.30. We want to explore a Utopias Bach take on our relationship with freshwater and on the Gofod Glas project.

If you’d like to join us, please send Lindsey an email

15 March

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25 March

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