Geocache Bach: 25/26.6.21
“Ffeindio ac adeiladu dy Utopia Bach dy hun - byd o bosibiliadau a dychymyg bach - mewn craciau a chorneli dystopaidd yn TOGYG a'r cyffiniau: ffeindio negeseuon o'r dyfodol ac ailfeddwl am dy gysylltiadau wrth lywio dy ffordd trwy eithafion heb eu gafael, graddfeydd a bodau: nid i goncro'r byd ond agor posibiliadau metamorffig eraill.”
Our Geocache Bach weekend, 26 - 27 June, 2021, was part of Gwyl Metamorffosis Festival, an invitation to find and build your own Utopias Bach - a world of tiny possibilities and imaginings - in dystopian cracks and corners in and around TOGYG (The Old Goods Yard, where two of the Utopias Bach partners have their studios): to discover messages from the future and rethink your relations while navigating your way through unhinged polarities, scales and beings: not to conquer the world but open the metamorffic possibilities of others.
Dyma blog gan Seran Dolma “Metamorffosis”
Darllen profiad Catrin Ellis Jones yma “Sut le ac amser oedd fy Utopia bach i?”
Cerdyn Post Collaboratory Postcards
An exhibition of cards received in our Collaboratory Postcard Exchange, capturing insights and ideas from zoom meetings over the last 5 months. An experiment in documentation.
We also held our first ‘real world’ Collaboratory meeting with Wanda Zyborska, Lisa Hudson, Samina Ali, Lindsey Colbourne, Audrey West, Catrin Ellis, Gruff Ellis Jolley, Kar Rowson, Seran Dolma and Steph Shipley

“Hanner diwrnod oedd y gweithdy, ond mi estynodd y teimlad dros y penwythnos. Rhyw fath o hydeimledd o fod yn fam, yn ferch, yn chwilen, yn enbyd, yn fychan bach, yn ffrind, yn fy nychymug ac yn y foment. Penwythnos o wrando a dawnsio mewn ac allan hefo syniadau pobl eraill. O wrando a sylwi, o deimlo a synhwyro, creu a chwarae.”
— Catrin Ellis

Trawsffurfiad - a little more-than-human entanglement
Seran Dolma and Lindsey Colbourne ran guided visualisation ‘shape shifting’ workshops yn Gymraeg and in English.
See and hear the results here
“Rhwng y trawsffurfiad, y creu a’r trafod, cawsom lawer o syniadau. I mi, y peth gorau oedd amser i gyfuno gwaith a chwarae a chelf a chariad. Roedd y digwyddiadau yn ffordd i deimlo fymryn yn fwy gwyllt. A dwi’n dal i deimlo y dylwn i “gwyllt-io” yn fwy aml.”
- Catrin Ellis
In Another World
In another world by Steph Shipley, an edition of 50 miniature books created as part of Utopias Bach during the pandemic lockdown of 2020-21. In another world contains ten Haiku poems composed in English and Welsh created from tiny words, small conversations, sounds of place or home; fragments, glimpses, snatches from a discursive space - microcosms of hope, of what might be, of utopias bach. What do they sound like, feel like, look like? Miniature time, brief encounters, small communions.

“The welcome was as warm as the sunshine on that first glorious day. Geocache Bach was such a bountiful space; the convening of life in miniature – intricate, intimate, utopian; sublime but modest, gentle but confident in the process of not knowing, of becoming, of belonging. I couldn’t have imagined ... but I’m so glad I did.”
— Steph Shipley