Gwyl Metamorffosis Festival
21-27 Mehefin/June 2021
Metamorffosis: Y Rhaglen - The Programme
Ymuno â ni yn yr ŵyl fach gyffrous hon yng Ngwynedd a Môn. Mae artistiaid lleol a rhyngwladol yn cynnig digwyddiadau hudolus ac ar gyfer pob oedran gan ddefnyddio fformatau newydd sy'n addas ar gyfer yr amseroedd Covid hyn *.
Come and join us in this exciting mini-festival in Gwynedd and Anglesey. Local and international artists offer you magical events and happenings for all ages using new formats suited to these Covid times*.
Tyrd ar daith i'r dyfodol, cael mynd ar deithiau cerdded, gwylio ffilmiau, gwrando ar synau tŷ gwag, chwarae barddoniaeth ffridj enfawr, gwrando ar gerddoriaeth, gwylio sioe bypedau. Gweld y rhaglen llawn yma
Take a trip to the future, go on walks, watch films, listen to the sounds of an empty house, play giant fridge poetry, listen to music, watch a puppet show. See the full programme here
Edrych ymlaen at groesawu pawb!
Can’t wait to see you!
* Paid poeni! Mae ein holl sesiynau'n cael eu hasesu am risg - rydan yn dilyn rheolau Covid-19 llym iawn ac yn gwneud ein gorau i wneud pob sesiwn mor groesawgar a diogel â phosibl. Mae mwy o wybodaeth ar sut rydan yn amddiffyn ein hartistiaid, gwirfoddolwyr ac aelodau'r gynulleidfa yn yr adran gwybodaeth
*Please be assured that all our sessions are risk assessed - we are following very strict Covid-19 protocols and do our best to make each session as inclusive and safe as possible. You can find out more on how we protect our artists, volunteers and audience members in our website section information.
Utopias Bach @ Metamorffosis
Just a little selection of the most micro of Utopias Bach happenings!
Siarad efo'r artistiaid/Meet the Artists
Mon, 14 June 2021
19:00 – 20:00 BST
Dewch i'n digwyddiad ar-lein. Come to our online event to learn more about the "Metamorffosis" festival, the festival events and the people involved.
We will talk about the festival, give you more information about the different events - and you will be able to talk to the involved artists, ask questions about the festival theme, inquiry logistics, health and safety or parking.
FREE. Archebwch trwy/book via Eventbrite
Dro Byd-Micro / MicroWorldWalk
6pm Mercher 23 Mehefin/Wednesday 23 June
Taith gerdded ddwysedig dan arweiniad dilynwyr y pethau lleiaf i mewn i’r coed (Cyrnol Coed, Porthaethwy). Siawns i weld y bydoedd micro mwsoglau ac eitemau bach eraill (darnau o greigiau a chrisialau, pridd) ac i glywed straeon am anifeiliaid microsgopig (tardigrades ac eraill), gan ddefnyddio synhwyraidd sain (efo stethosgopau o bosibl). Bydd y digwyddiad yn cynnig cysylltiad ystyriol â phethau lleiaf y byd naturiol a chyfle i ymgolli mewn manylder mân.
Bydd y daith yn para hyd at awr. Darperir lensys llaw a chwyddseinyddion. Croeso i bawb.
Mae'r digwyddiad wedi'i gyfyngu i 30 o bobl sy'n 18 oed neu'n hŷn.
A guided walk led by the followers of minutiae into wood (Coed Cyrnol, Menai Bridge). You will be exploring the micro worlds of mosses and other minuscule items (particles of rocks and crystals, soil) and will hear stories of microscopic animals (tardigrades and others), drawing on the sensory perception of sound (possibly using stethoscopes). The event will offer a mindful engagement with the minutiae of the natural world and an opportunity to become lost in small detail.
The walk will last up to one hour. Hand lenses and magnifiers will be provided. All are welcome.
The event is limited to 30 people who are 18 years or older.
If you would like to take part, please book your FREE ticket on Event brite (press Register and all the event options will come up - scroll down until you find MicroWorldWalk)
Cyfarfod wrth giât Ynys Tysilio/meet by the gate at Church Island, Porthaethwy LL59 5EA
“Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing” - Arundhati Roy.
Geocache Bach. Installation/orienteering/Utopias Bach drop in
11-4pm Sadwrn 26 Mehefin/Saturday 26 June
11-4pm Sul 27 Mehefin/Sunday 27 June
Ffeindio ac adeiladu dy Utopia Bach dy hun - byd o bosibiliadau a dychymyg bach - mewn craciau a chorneli dystopaidd yn TOGYG a'r cyffiniau: ffeindio negeseuon o'r dyfodol ac ailfeddwl am dy gysylltiadau wrth lywio dy ffordd trwy eithafion heb eu gafael, graddfeydd a bodau: nid i goncro'r byd ond agor posibiliadau metamorffig eraill.
Find and build your own Utopias Bach - a world of tiny possibilities and imaginings - in dystopian cracks and corners in and around TOGYG: discover messages from the future and rethink your relations while navigating your way through unhinged polarities, scales and beings: not to conquer the world but open the metamorffic possibilities of others.
Includes The Box of Dreams Gallery by Wanda Garner, and meet others involved in Utopias Bach and our Collaboratory meeting at 1.30pm on Saturday and on Sunday.
2-6pm Friday 25 June (Osod/Set Up) - An opportunity to bring in your own Utopias Bach creations and install/co-curate them, and a bit of a social.
Old Goods Yard, Menai Bridge LL57 2RQ . AM DDIM/FREE. No need to book
Trawsffurfiad: A little more-than-human entanglement. Shape Shifting workshop
11.30-1:30pm Sadwrn 26 Mehefin/Saturday 26 June
11-1pm Sul 27 Mehefin/Sunday 27 June
Cael gwared â dy gyfyngiadau dynol trwy deithio i fyd cyfochrog, gan symud i fodolaeth fwy-na-dynol ar y ffordd (anifail, llysiau neu fwynau neu hybridau ohono) i geisio gweld i mewn a chael cyngor cydwybodol ar gyfer ein hunain. Byddwn yn dychwelyd efo anrhegion i greu cipolwg bach - Utopias Bach - sydd yn dod â byd arall ychydig yn agosach.
Gweithdy 'delweddu tywysedig' fydd hwn (un yn y Gymraeg, un yn Saesneg), gydag opsiwn i greu rhywbeth i'w ychwanegu at GEOCACHE BACH).
Rydym hefyd yn gobeithio gwneud rhai recordiadau, i ti fynd ar y daith fel ti eisiau.
Shake off your human limitations by travelling into a parallel world, shapeshifting into a more-than-human being on the way (animal, vegetable or mineral or hybrids thereof) to seek prescient insights and advice for our human selves. We will return with gifts to create tiny glimpses – Utopias Bach - that will bring another world just that little bit closer.
This will be a 'guided visualisation’ workshop (un yn y Gymraeg, one in English), with option to create something to add to GEOCACHE BACH).
We also hope to make some recordings, for you to take the journey as and when you wish.
If you would like to take part, please book your FREE ticket on Event brite (press Register and all the event options will come up - scroll down until you find Trawsffurfiad)
Old Goods Yard, Porthaethwy LL57 2RQ
Blackout Bach
- Gweithdy barddoniaeth a pherfformiad/Poetry workshop and performance
1.30-3pm Sul 27 Mehefin/Sunday 27 June
Bydd y gweithdy yn dy wahodd i wneud gwasanaethau bach ac ymyriadau ysgrifenedig ar lefel personol ac ar lefel llinell trwy natur drawsnewidiol barddoniaeth blacowt.
Rydan ni'n creu ymatebion barddonol positif i'n byd trafferthus wedi'u codi o destun gwreiddiol yr holl newyddion drwg dyddiol.
Bydd y pawb yn creu cerddi o'r newydd a chael cyfle i ddarllen eu gwaith i'r grŵp mewn perfformiad diwedd sesiwn.
Bydd y sesiwn yn cael ei ddilyn gan darlleniad o She May Be Radon gan Fiona Cameron, gan ganolbwyntio ar rhai o'r themau eco-farddonol sydd yn y casgliad.
This ‘blackout bach’ poetry workshop will invite you to make small differences and textual interventions at a local, personal and line level through the transformative nature of blackout poetry.
We will create tiny positive poetic responses to our troubled world lifted from the source text of the frequently bleak news cycle we face day to day.
Participants will create a poem and have the chance to read their work aloud to the group in an end of session performance.
The session will then segue into a reading by Fiona Cameron from her new book She May Be Radon. She will introduce this focusing on some of the ecopoetical concerns raised in the collection.
If you would like to take part, please book your FREE ticket on Event brite (press Register and all the event options will come up - scroll down until you find Blackout Bach)
Nantlle Room, Normal Campus, Bangor LL57 2HQ
“Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing” - Arundhati Roy
Geocache Bach trailer
Thought experiment:
Scrapyards of utopia bach, utopia bach as scrapyard or scrapyard as utopia bach – an expolation (sic!)
By Sarah Pogoda
Of Scrapyards and Ragpickers
For German-Jewish philosopher Walter Benjamin, the ragpicker was a hero.
True, it was the same Walter Benjamin who saw the dystopian storm blowing from paradise congenially visualised in Paul Klee’s painting Angelus Novus. Thus, it might be inappropriate to use Benjamin’s romanisation of the ragpicker as a backup to promote the scrapyard as utopia bach. Indeed, given that Benjamin involuntarily left this world by his own hands when failing to flee the accelerating utopian trajectory of the 20th century, it is almost macabre to start exploring the dialectics of scrapyards as allegory for utopia bach.
Though, again, it was Benjamin who uncovered the allegory as an epistemic tool, of all things it was the baroque allegory that Benjamin shell its historico-philosophical knowledge.
Of all things the baroque? Benjamin apart, Baroque art is an epoque emerging from the scrapyards of European warfare. Death, Vanitas, Melancholia was its poetic Triptych. But none of these three were expressing fatalism or apathy, but rather a Yoga-Yoda contemplation of the Lion Queer’s Roundabout of Life. When you live on a scrapyard, trash, waste, left-overs, obliviatedess, dysfunctionwr or failietig does not exist, but only metamorffosis.
This might actually be a misperception of Baroque art, but it suits our argument very well, thus we make the call and claim. Digging for diamonds, you need to call a claim first.
The Off of Scrapyards
The scrapyard – similar to the ragpicker – collects everything that is not useful in that particular moment in time. It is an uncurated museum of uselessness and therein utopia bach. Only when things fall out of use, they can charge utopian potentiality. Because, while in use, they only serve an existing reality which reproduces itself again and again. Nietzsche all over the place.
The scrapyard however is the left behindness and left beforeness at the same time and beyond all time. It is non-place, as for reality it ought not exist. Different to utopia/dystopia which owns a legitimate place in the real world (man wird doch wohl noch träumen dürfen) and makes a respectable living in film, literature and architecture, the scrapyard bears the unknown. Trash, waste, junk are names we call this unknown in disguise. Abandoned by what is reality, hidden from the radar of our rationality and ambitions, we claim it utopia bach.
Utopia bach
Utopia bach are particles of non-reality, dysfunctional, useless, wasted junk to reality, and therein, therefore, thereby, thereafter and therebeyond the nucleus of past, present and future potentiality. The artist, and – according to Josepha Girls – this term includes everyone consciously shaping and scrappaging our social sphere, finds the scrapyard her playground, her treasure island, her workbench.
Don´t get me wrong, as I am always right. Utopia bach as a scrapyard is not a visualisation but a concept. Do not mistake a rotten bonnet as utopian (nor dystopian, in case you watched to many Australian anti-semitic films). But it is the dialectic trajectory of the scrapyard, as it is that of the ragpicker, that made us consider the cwmpariad. But cofiwch! Scrapyard as playground, felly: Chwaraewch!
1. Utopia bach as scrapyard!
2. Scrapyard of utopia bach!
Mein rechter rechter Platz ist frei, ich wünsche mir Michel Foucault herbei, to quote my Kindergarten-me. Foucault once listed – among others – libraries as heterotopia which brings two further matters to the dinner table of fast forward mind rewinders that is this text.
1. Why not twin utopia bach with heterotopia bach?
2. What bears our library?
Next to Benjamin and Foucault himself we find Deleuze who wrote about the Baroque as well. For Deleuze, and woman did he study Benjamin, Baroque music triggered a new form of roundabout. Engaging with composer and musician Johann Sebastian Bach (!), Deleuze elaborates on the fugue as the Baroque mindset. Deleuze is a smart girl, as he backs his claims with another white male German: the mathematician Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz whose idea of Monad (German: Monade) encoded the music to maths. Indeed, this all may sound Lemonade to you as it did to me. However, it shades beautifully our sparkling Chwarae Tag (sic!) “Scrapyard of utopia bach”.
“Scrapyard of utopia bach”
My utopia bach is a scrapyard of utopia bach. Similar but not equal to Matryoshka, sister but not twin to Escher, refrain but not redundant to the fugue and lime but not lemon to lemonade, a scrapyard of utopia bach is the exponential potentiality of art. It is the Off of the Off of reality, a fleeing continuity loaded with useless futility ready for us to trip over while fleeing into the annwfneydd, dreams or name me not maybes. It is the potentiality of the idea for metamorffosis.