Ymgymryd a phrosiect creadigol cymunedol
Os ydych gyda diddordeb gweithio gydag o leiaf un person arall yn y Dyffryn, i ddatblygu prosiect creadigol cymunedol, gallwch wneud cais am ‘arian had’ o hyd at £500.
Cewch hefyd fentor a all gefnogi siapio eich prosiect.
Undertake a creative community project
If you are interested in working with at least one other person in Dyffryn Peris, to work on a creative community project, you can apply for ‘seed funding’ of up to £500.
We will also give you a mentor who will support you shape your project.
We will also organise informal gatherings of those taking part in Stori’r Tir during the duration of the project.
We will receive ideas up to 28th March 2024. Amounts available will depend on how many apply.
This is now closed! See all our 14 projects here!
Byddwn yn derbyn syniadau tan 28 Mawrth 2024 a bydd y swm a gynigir yn ddibynnol ar faint fydd yn ymgeisio.
Ar gau! Gweler ein 14 o brosiectau yma!
Criteria for seed funded projects:
1. You will work with at least one other person or group [in particular those that do not usually work together or have the same point of view]
2. You have a connection of some kind to Dyffryn Peris
3. You will be exploring at least one of the following questions:
how have our relationships with land in Dyffryn Peris changed over time
what are our shared myths and collective narratives?
what stories do the fields, mountains, rivers, birds, rocks, insects, animals tell?
how can we imagine new stories for our shared future?
4. You will work with the bilingual context and culture of Dyffryn Peris
5. You can undertake the work between April - August 2024
Criteria i ariannu prosiectau:
Byddwch yn gweithio gydag oleiaf un person arall [yn enwedig y rhai hynny nad ydynt yn arfer gweithio gyda’i gilydd]
Mae gennych gysylltiad clir i Ddyffryn Peris
Byddwch yn archwilio o leiaf un o’r cwestiynau canlynol:
Sut mae ein perthynas gyda’r tir wedi newid dros amser?
Beth yw y straeon a’r chwedloniaeth cyffredin?
Pa straeon mae’r caeau, mynyddoedd, afonydd, adar, pryfaid ac anifeiliaid yn eu dweud?
Sut allwn ni ddychmygu straeon newydd i’r dyfodol y bydwn yn ei rannu?
Byddwch yn gweithio gyda chyd-destun a diwylliant dwyieithog yr ardal
Byddwch yn ymgymryd a’r gwaith rhwng Ebrill ac Awst 2024
Cysylltu â phobl eraill - Connect with others
Grwp Facebook Stori’r Tir group
Padlet Stori’r Tir - Hysbysfwrdd electronig: gofod i gyflwyno eich hunan, rhannu syniadau, prosiectau. Electronic noticeboard: A space to introduce yourself, share ideas, projects
Sut i anfon eich syniad i ni
Plîs anfonwch eich syniadau mewn ysgrifen, darlun neu ffeil sain neu fideo erbyn Mawrth yr 28ain. Rhannwch mewn ffordd y basa chi'n sôn amdano wrth ffrind, gan adael i ni wybod sut bydd yn cyfarch y gofynion uchod a sut a basai 'arian hâd' yn eich galluogi i wneud be' 'da chi isio ei wneud.
Gobeithiwn y bydd rhai o'r prosiectau hâd yma yn ddechreuad i brosiectau mwy a/neu hir-dymor.
Os hoffech gyfarfod i siarad trwy'r syniad o flaen llaw, plîs e-bostiwch storirtir@gmail.com
neu ffonio/neges i Lindsey ar 07850945511
How to send us your idea
Please send us your idea in writing, as sketch, sound or video file by 28th March 2024. Just write, say or draw it in a way that you’d describe it to a friend, letting us know how your idea meets the criteria above and how the ‘seed funding’/mentoring would enable you to do what you want to do.
We are hoping that some of these seed funded projects might just be the beginning and might lead to longer term or bigger projets.
If you want to meet or talk through the idea before hand, please email storirtir@gmail.com or phone/message Lindsey on 07850 945511.