Stori’r Tir Dyffryn Peris: EGINO!
Y Ganolfan Llanberis, 2.3.24
Beth oedd Egino? What was Egino?
Yn dilyn cyfnod o ymchwilio, cynhaliwyd digwyddiad EGINO ar yr 2il o Fawrth yn Y Ganolfan, Llanberis. Caswom glywed am y syniadau cychwynnol i’r gwaith yma, a gwahodd syniadau creadigol gan y rhai a oedd wedi ymgynull.
Dyma (yn isod) rai lluniau o ddydd Sadwrn yr 2il o Fawrth, yn dangos amrywiaeth o eitemau a ddaeth pobl gyda nhw, pob un gyda chysylltiad â’r tir lleol. Cawsom hefyd daith gerdded a pherfformiad dan arweiniad Emily Meilleur gyda’r nod o ddod â phobl i ymdeimlad dyfnach o gysylltiad hefo’r tir.
We were delighted to welcome around 30 people to Egino, our ‘germination’ event for Stori’r tir. As people arrived, they mingled over panad and cake while Teg played music.
We then heard an introduction to the Stori’r Tir project by Angharad Owen
and Lindsey Colbourne led us in conversations around tables to introduce ourselves and share stories stimulated by objects and our interests.
Lowri Hedd then talked of how we could take part in Stori’r Tir, how we can make connections, create a community and how to generate projects.
To end, Emily Meilleur shared her project - Priodedbau Pridd Story of Soil, took us on a ‘performative walk’ with turf hats!
Camau nesaf: Next steps
1. Ymuno â chymuned Stori’r Tir a rannu syniadau/straeon/adnoddau:
Join the Stori’r Tir community and share ideas/stories/resources:
2. Datblygu straeon : Develop stories
Bydd cyfnod creu y straeon yn rhedeg tan ddiwedd Gorffennaf 2024.
Mae rhywfaint o gyllid ar gael i gefnogi cyd-weithio neu os yw costau yn rwystr i greu gweithiau, a’r symiau hynny yn ddibynol ar nifer y ceisiadau ddaw i law. Mwy o wybodaeth yma
The creation period for the stories will run until the end of July 2024.
There is some funding available to support collaboration or if costs are an obstacle to creating works, and those amounts depend on the number of applications received. Deadline for applying for this is 28.3.24/ More information here
3. Yr Helfa – Cyfarfodydd: Meetings
Fydd ‘na gyfle cyfarfod eto yn ystod Mis Ebrill a Mis Mehefin!
There will be an opportunity to meet again in April and June!
4. Mis Medi 2024 - Digwyddiad rhannu: Sharing Event – September 2024
Bydd ‘digwyddiad rhannu’ yn ystod Mis Medi. A fydd eich gwaith chi yn eu plith?
There will be a ‘sharing event’ of the results during September. Will your work be among them?
Lluniau Egino in pictures
Lluniau gan Lindsey Colbourne
Geiriau EGINO in words
Amdan straeon - about stories
I want to learn the stories – ymuno â cymuned newydd!
Stori dwr
Ailddweud y storiau er mwyn y dyfodol
Hen straeon
Straeon newydd
Creu ystyr o ein bwyd
All types of stories – not just literal or written. Ella bod coeden sy’n tyfu a cynhyrchu bwyd i’r cymuned ydy stori
Gardening projects! Community! Togetherness! Fires! Songs! Playing! Dancing! Being!
Goat horn - tells stories, nature, music
Random story generator- using random objects from the area to generate a story.
My stori comes from Cwm y Glo its about horses. I’m interested in the Mabinogi
We shared stories of life in Nant – things that have come and gone, things that have exploded in the night
Mae stori yma yn datblygu a byddwn yn siapio pethau gyda’n gilydd
The stories I’ve heard in the last hour are more numerous and diverse than I’ve heard in the last 17 years! Where are the community spaces for storytelling? Where people who aren’t just part of our friendship group can come and share stories. This could be a way of facilitating stories without being extractive – they are there, they’re gone, they change over time. There aren’t many places where you can do that.
How can we collect stories without being extractive, how do they make us connect?
At the end of this process it would be great if we could put something together where people can come and listen to the storytelling, poetry, music, artwork and everything involved in this collective
Places of belonging – where do we fit in all of this?
My story comes from a deep ancestral line of the celtic stories and I want to re-awaken the ‘old ways’ of being by organizing a festival to share stories of what ‘was’
Hiraeth – liminal
There’s all this richness and magic in the land, but where do we fit? How do we resonate with this? Are we just taking, or are we part of the land. We say we are part of the land, but are we, are we just imposters?
Exploring belonging through sound. Vibration. Movement. Keeening. Basing. DNA resonance
Denial, sadness, anger, acceptance
Yr ochr arall
Stories relating to houses where we live – Ty’n Ffynnon: A well, a stone in the middle of their house, a tree growing out of their house
House geneology – belonging to the family of those that have lived in your house. How has their (and your) connection to land changed over time?
Dyffryn y cewri
Cewri sy’n cysgu
Place of giants
Olwen the giants daughter
Pwy oedd Igyn Gawr??? O stori garnedd hugain
Marged Ferch Ifans
Cadi Cwm Glas
Canthrig Bwt – retelling the story, 100 different versions, walk etc
Rhita Gawr – Ysgol Brynrefail
Yr Wyddfa. The big one. Body of the giant.
The Carnedd on top of Yr Wyddfa, if the stones were cleared to make the café where is his body now?
Yr Wyddfa – THE sacred mountain of these isles since antiquity. People would have come here on pilgrimage.
The great valley
Footprints spring from places
The four branches of the mabinogi – masks here today that were made to represent the gods and goddesses of Eryri, arianrod, lle, blodeuwydd, branwen, ceridwen, olwen after visiting the places
Recreating scenes/characters from stories- utilising natural objects from the area.
Bwyd: Food
Food production in Dyffryn Peris now and historically
Be’ ydy hanes bwyd yn Nyffryn Peris. Be oedd hi’n tyfu. Y dolydd. Y defaid.
Which food, and how much, was produced in the valley in the past?! Bwyd? Llysiau? Cnau? Defaid? Ffrwyth? Geifr? Gwartheg? Ceirch? Pysgodyn? Auron?
20 dôl hanesyddol yn Nant Peris yn ôl enwau caeau
Dwi’n licio’r map ‘ma yn fawr iawn – y map hen enwau caeau Nant Peris – achos mae gen i ddiddordeb mawr yn yr enwau caeau y mynyddoedd achos mae’n nhw agor y drws ar hanes dan ni wedi colli. Mae’n nhw diddorol sut roedden nhw tyfu, eitha diddorol
Research the names of fields and monuments in the area with the local schools
Dwi wedi bod yn edrych lot ar yr hen fforch wellt a darganfod lot o awen ynddi!
Afalau perllan
Apple trees and oak spoon
Gafr ddrwg bwyta pob dim!
Ffynhonnau + ffynhonnellau: Wells and sources
Botel: Thomas Snowden Valley Hotel LLANBERIS
Fynnon Artur, Arthur’s well. Holywell, Nant Peris (Sliwen – eel)
Gwe. Hyddu. Weaving
Guess where is the Holywell in Nant Peris! Let’s see if we can find it: Treasure hunt. A map to engage people more in the landscape
Ty’n Fynnon, Nant Peris. Well keepers cottage. Larch. Goats. Lavender. Rosemary
I am going to write a story about Fynnon Nant Peris
There’s a well we can all visit in Nant, so long as you knock on the door first
Rhwyun wedi dewis botel oedd deud Llanberis arnofo, so roedden ni’n trafod … atgoffa ni o stori Artur King Arthur’s Company.
One day all guns will be like this (but this one may only be a cigarette lighter)
Pridd: Soil
Mwsog yw cychwyn bywyd y pridd
Tywarchen ar eu pen a chwydro fffiniau’r plwyf
Dw i’n ymchwilio’r storiau pridd. Dw i’n bwriadu gwneud cyber es o deithiau trwy Dyffryn Peris efo tywarchen ar fy mhen, hoffwn i pobol ymuno efo fi. I am looking into soil. I will be doing a series of walks in the valley from coast to summit with a turf of soil on my head and I would like people to join me.
Lleisiau mwy-na-dynol: More than human voices
Beth ydy’r straeon y mae’r coed yn dweud?
Interview an outdoor feature such as a tree. How does the tree feel? Why is one of its branches damaged? What has the tree witnessed? How does the tree feel about the changes it has seen? The interview could be performed as a role play. (ysgol Brynrefail)
Camau nesaf: Next steps
Ymuno â / join Cymuned Stori’r Tir Community
Dewiswch sut fasech chi’n licio cadewch mewn cysylltiad - choose how you want to keep in touch!
Register here to go on the mailing list for updates
Ymuno â grwp facebook/join the facebook group
Share a bit about you / your interests / ideas and make connections with others
2. Datblygu eich stori - develop your story (mis Mawrth - Mis Gorffenaf 2024 March - July)
Bydd cyfnod creu y straeon yn rhedeg tan ddiwedd Gorffennaf a bydd arddangosfa yn ystod Mis Medi. A fydd eich gwaith chi yn eu plith?
The creation period of the stories will run until the end of July and there will be sharing of the results during September. Will your work be among them?
Mae rhywfaint o gyllid ar gael i gefnogi cyd-weithio neu os yw costau yn rwystr i greu gweithiau, a’r symiau hynny yn ddibynol ar nifer y ceisiadau ddaw i law (agor tan yr 28ain o Fawrth)
There is some funding available to support collaboration or if costs are an obstacle to creating works, and those amounts depend on the number of applications received (deadline 28th of March)
3. Yr Helfa - Gathering
We are planning at least two opportunities to gather and share works in progress, hear and share stories (eg late April, late june)
4. Digwyddiad Rhannu - Sharing event mis Hydref - September 2024
Digwyddiad cyhoeddus - public event. Straeon, cerddoriaeth, performiadau, arddangosfa, mynd am dro? Stories, music, performance, exhibition, walks?
Mae Stori’r Tir wedi cael ei greu gan / Stori’r Tir has been created by Angharad Owen, Emily Meilleur, Lowri Vaughan (GwyrddNi) & Lindsey Colbourne
ebost/email: storirtir@gmail.com
Fy milltir sgwâr gan Lindsey Colbourne